I'm an American and I really need to get to South Africa before the land is expropriated. I've written Trump...

I'm an American and I really need to get to South Africa before the land is expropriated. I've written Trump, Ramaphosa and even Patrick Little to change his reparations idea to free repatriation passports.

I have no passport and no money. How can I get to SA as soon as possible. Preferably one way.

Attached: Null Set Collective Flag.png (1365x695, 75K)

Bumping this

Attached: 0cDWYcF.png (1200x600, 241K)

>inb4 Jow Forums
>inb4 questions about the flags
>inb4 questions about my intent

Don't worry about it, all you need to know is that I want to help South Africa before all out war breaks out and potentially exfiltrate Hybrids/inspire Hybrids to do something in defense of their nation because if the Boers are killed, they are next on the ANC/EFF's hit list.

If the land is seized, many Boers will flee/die and South Africa will be fucked. I need access to Lesotho and I need a landmass close to Antarctica. South Africa and South America are close to Antarctica. The use of South African ports will be essential to the establishment of an Antarctic base. This base in the summer of East Antarctica will be essential to operations involving South America.

>inb4 Antarctic scientists
Fuck the scientists and the Antarctic Treaty. This will happen. We need to carve a path to Brazil.

I don’t think Jow Forums can help, try a gofundme

Going to Brazil from America would make this plan D.O.A.

It is essential to the operation that we carve a path through Africa and establish a base in East Antarctica.

Later, a path must be carved to Brazil through the closest part of South America to West Antarctica to undermine BRICS and the various Socialist failed states.

Finally, a Strasserite Integralist pro-eugenics/techno-geneticist party will be established in Brazil.

Thanks for the suggestion. I've contacted multiple governments to intervene in South Africa and even the South African government about refugee status. I contacted Patrick Little because he wants to terminate Israel aid to pay slave descendants $1,000+, per person. He's running for President in 2020. I told him he shouldn't do it. It will clearly backfire. He should instead give free repatriation passports to my kind and to the Blacks in place of a financial payment so that we may leave freely. It would be cost effective and be roughly 1/10th of his original price as passports are $150. I also suggested that any extra money could go towards providing one-way trips.

try a psychiatrist you schizo loonie

Try a cock, you cum craving faggot.

If you are an American, then you know the reality of this nation and its ways. This is the most peaceful alternative the Amerimutts will get. Let us leave and we will be on our way.

I will help my kind leave and we will build a volkstaat. Then, we will transmogrify the others like us in the failed Spanish/Portuguese colonies.

Alternatively, do not let us leave and when this nation hits a civil war, Hybrid terrorism goes up 1000%. Dealer's choice. This nation has propagated Hypodescent and the One Drop theory against us, denying us our Hybrid identity. We will not take it anymore. No other nation does it, not even in Europe. We are sick of this 1800s USA bullshit persisting into the 21st century. You fucks will not strip our ethnic identity from us and lump us with monoracial dumbasses because we share some DNA with them.

Get fucked.
Your family got wealthy with slavery, tribal warfare and diamond smuggling, now you are going to pay.
Eye by eye.

>South Africa
Do we look like we give a crap about a country of niggers and white trash?

We are sick of the reality our kind had success in Liberia in 1848 and they were stabbed in the back by 11:59PM anti-Hybrid racists who later got stabbed in the back by African natives.

We are sick of War Of Knives situations and the Afrocentrics and the Black Hebrew Israelites and the White Supremacists, claiming to be nationalists, peacefully advocating for their people and wanting true equality, pushing bullshit on our kind we do not ask for.

There is a minority of us who will fight back and educate all of the profligates on the error of their ways.

A collective of high-IQ individuals constantly poked and prodded by everyone that has no belief in god, fear of afterlife accountability or respect for Geneva is the last group to fuck with. Since people wish to cross this line, we will meet the profligates halfway. I, however, would rather just leave. And it is because I prefer to leave that I wish to do this in a peaceful manner. We will go and repair the faults of Communist failed states and rebuild a state for our own. That was, in fact, Liberia's true purpose. Joseph Jenkins Roberts was a fool. A blind fucking fool. He was a fool to betray his people.

Attached: Joseph_Jenkins_Roberts_2.jpg (1992x2460, 1.75M)

Lear to read, untermensch.


Why would Amerimutts give a shit? That would make zero sense.

This sellout piece of shit let wolves in lamb's clothing into his political party and caused his ethnic group to be extinct by 1970. The backstabbers of the True Whig Party got what they deserved for what they did. Now Liberia is a shithole. I'm so fucking glad they fucked us and got fucked.

Liberia will always be aid dependant now that the Liberia is a failure as all of Africa is. They killed Liberia, they killed Rhodesia and they're killing South Africa.

Fuck America, Fuck the ACS and fuck Lincoln for ignoring the genetic and cultural difference of Hybrids and monoracials. We should have had our own nation for our own kind.

Fuck Roberts for letting those fuckers join his political party and tear it down. This will never happen again. I won't let this happen again.

Attached: jane.jpg (412x500, 27K)

Marxist Leninists and the De Beers are killing South Africa and I must get there to stop it. My kind will die if a war breaks out there.

earn some money
acquire passport
book travel arrangements

Thanks, user.

I want to do that but I need a faster way.

need a faster way or want a faster way? don't mix these two up, your plans will suffer for it

I want a faster way and this needs to occur before 2024.

passport and flight should run you about a grand, give or take. you've five years to set aside a thousand bucks. harness your passionate enthusiasm. funnel it into dedication. make it useful.
you seem eager to get started. so start.

Thanks user.

anytime m8. good luck to you.

Good luck to you as well