I'm at a party with a lot of hot girls and i wanna kill myself

I'm at a party with a lot of hot girls and i wanna kill myself.

How to invert this? I have the courage talk but is impossibke for me to kiss them.

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frankly if you're in the midnset of 'impossible for me to kiss them' there isn't anything we can do to help you. you either know the dance, or you don't.

I don't know how to dance i feel like a retard.

I was feeling well all day and now i just want to shot my own face, why normies like these places?

>i don't know how to dance

not how to dance, THE dance, as in, how to get from saying hi, to kissing a girl.

Ah yeah, i feel like a boring guy.

To be honest i was having fun earlier but someone said to me "you're like a statue" this really got for some reason.

How do i talk with someone and get to kiss if the sound is so loud?

>this really got for some reason
Why? even if they meant it as an insult, that's their problem. Frankly, I'd play it as a strength.

>How do i talk with someone and get to kiss if the sound is so loud?
The same way all the other guys do.

He was just appoint something that is true
>Other guys
Wish i was a girl or just a corpse, everyone is having fun while i'm here posting this.

I talked woth some girls earlier they were interested in me but after 30 minutes they were dancing in front of me and ignoring.

>He was just appoint something that is true

>Wish i was a girl or just a corpse, everyone is having fun while i'm here posting this.
too bad. Either do something about it or go home. keep in mind that literally nothing that happens tonight matters, so why are you acting like its simultaneously the biggest deal ever AND already over simply because you don't feel like working up the courage to talk to a girl?

I have the courage the problem is that they always get alway after realizing that i'm a retard statue in middle of the club.

always? A lot of people have a problem where if it doesn't go well 100% of the time, then they assume it goes well 0% of the time. its not the case. Women are not supposed to all be in love with you. if you're attractive enough to get their attention in the beginning, then its simply a matter of repeating the process until you find a girl that you personally vibe with. just because 99% of women don't want you doesn't mean you are bad. its the state of women. they aren't just supposed to go with literally any guy who talks to them. stop making things out to be a bigger deal than they are, and stop making them out to be absolutes.

The biggest problem is that this always happens, yeah is not a big deal but all my life have been like this why i shouldnt care about this?
My life was easier if i had a gf who just want to wath boring 60s samurai movies.

My battery is dying thanksj for help but i'm too weird to anyone like me, maybe one in 10 billion but she already left me.

Dude you need to find a wingmna

Maybe, but a fucking shotgun is the best thing for me.

Just wake and realised that i'm a fucjing loser who can't pick-up girls

Then change.

I tried so hard in the last years and had a gf for 3 months the best days of my life.

Being criptic as fuck won't help him.

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So do it again but better.

I know the president openly said he just kiss girls on the mouth and he cant control himself.
But that is still rape. Maybe ask these girls, seeing you have the courage.