Look this is very very simple. This whole situation can be explained in 2 articles juxtaposed.
>can we please close the gates? The invaders are swarming in.
This is where the rubber meets the road. It really is. It could not be more obvious what the US democrats are doing.
They WANT any immigrant they possibly can to enter the USA, because they want to use this 'foreign army' as voting block. They have decidedly abandoned american citizens. In particular white americans. And are totally against them and for any immigrant that comes into the USA. Trump has to have this shutdown because of this. He has to. And they then try to sell it as if you should blame trump for it. Look these US democrats, they are not on your side! HAHA. They'll bring in hordes of immigrants, basically foreigners, to vote against the citizens. That's basically what they are doing and what they are saying too. And also immigrants, do you think if white americans which the US democrats are so desperate to destroy. You think you just take over and everything will be great. Explain to me how it went where you came from when it was just your people starting businesses etc. Nooo.. what´s obviously going to happen is you are going to work for next to fucking nothing, and you can forget about welfare and forget about all the things you are used to in united states. Because you are not going to be able to afford it. You'll be either banana republic of america if you go socialist/communist, or you'll be working as near slave labour for rich oligarchs. This is the future if you keep letting all these immigrants in.
If i was trump i´d be pretty pissed too
And i have seen that the US democrats have been shilling here about that there are some that are government workers or recieve some kind of welfare or benefits or other things that risk getting cut due the shutdown. And so they want you to blame trump for it and say. Argh meanie open the government. Well. Ask yourself this. If you are on government assistance already. How in the world do you think it will help to keep the borders open to have hundreds of thousands or millions of more people coming in. You think there will be more tax dollars for you then. No there will be less. AND. When you are in that situation in the first place. There's obviously something fucked up with your country with regards to the job market and other things. And the last thing that's going to fix that, are hordes of immigrants or illegal aliens! I can assure you hahahaha.
You need to take it to the US democrats who try to sell it as if trump is responsible for this. There'll be even fucking less for you in the future if these immigrants get in. Don't you understand that? It's supply and demand. They are the ones who both are total traitors to the USA, and then want to blame trump, when they are the ones fucking this shit up ON PURPOSE. They want to switch it on that you need to be angry with trump for it. It's them you should be angry with! However way you put it! It's them you need to pressure to stop it. It could not be more clear. Meanwhilst they are busy saying that everyone should get angry with trump. This is traitor. PURE AND CLEAR TRAITORS. VS patriots. Who is going to win? Do the traitors just keep letting massive amounts of illegals in whilst making very clear that they have no interest in stopping that. Or do you get border security. US democrats pretend they want 'reasonable border security'. NO. They don't want any border security at the southern border AT ALL. Meanwhile the border hoppers just KEEP INCREASING! And even the media admits it! Could not be more clear!
And what are their talking points? You'll barely believe it. There are no immigration problems. There is no problem with border security.
REALLY. So explain to me how in the hell there are nearly 40 million illegals in the USA. If it's not even more than that. And there are more coming, huge amount of border hoppers, almost daily there are pics of some ugly fat mestiza with baby on her back trying to climb over some small fence. If just a small amount of that is due to not having a proper border structure at the southern border. THAT'S REASON ENOUGH to build it. Then you can ofcourse focus on kicking out the illegal aliens and protecting against the other ways they get in on top of this. US democrats are not interested in ANY KIND Of security, not southern border security, not port security, not ending sanctuary cities. Not dealing with overstayed visas more harshly. Not NOTHING. Moreover when they are not saying there should be no border security, they're saying that THERE ARE NO IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS. WHAT THE FUCK. It's like you go to doc doc says you got 6 months to live. You come home tell your friends. They tell you you don't have a problem stop imagining things. THAT´S HOW THEY ARE ACTING. It's fucking insane to watch! It's because they don't want you to do anything about it. So when they can't by hook or by crook get you to believe it's good that it's happening. They pretend IT'S NOT HAPPENING. HAHAHAHAHA. And they want to pretend its not happening right till it's way too much and then they'll turn around and say.
>well ofcourse it's happening but now you just have to get used to the new situation.
You see.. THIS is how these charlatains operate. You can't fucking trust them as far as you can throw them.
The migrant caravan was a ploy to get Republican votes in November. Trump shut his mouth about it after the midterms and quietly started bringing troops away from the border. Ever wonder why?
I know you're probably too young to remember, but in 2014-2016, Obama had to deal with literally an order of magnitude more migrants and he processed and deported them without all this controversy.
Trump doesn't give a fuck about border security. He only cares about being re-elected and fattening his own corrupt pockets.
Gee its almost like the media is treating Trump differently.
its actually much more petulant than that. You see, anyone left of center isn't a fully developed adult. Any opposition to Trump is purely based on a temper tantrum. A border barrier is something pushed for by ALL of the last 6 administrations, but when Trump does it, its racist.
So, if you look at all the obstruction by the Dems and some cucked Republicans in this light, you can clearly see that its opposition for the sake of opposition, contrarianism for the sake of looking like a hero. They need to make it look like they are symbollically besting Trump on every front, even if it costs innocent lives, even if its wrong or negligent. Dems would prefer all of South America migrated across the border just to spite Trump, the low wage, low skilled labor votes and a suppressed white population are just icing on the cake for these crisis pimps.
These poor excuses for leaders would rather chop their own arm off than shake hands on a deal with Trump.
These people. if there is something wrong with you or there'´s something going on that is bad for you. But it benefits them, is good for them somehow. Watch as they won't tell you till it's too late. That's how these people are. Really evil minded and traitors.
In this case they really want to destroy white americans. Fairly obvious. So what do they say. If they get caught and you don't buy the line of bullshit?
They'll say
>'oh there's plenty of white americans, there's no demographic changes, there's no illegal aliens, there's no mass immigration it DOESN'T EXIST'
>I know you're probably too young to remember, but in 2014-2016, Obama had to deal with literally an order of magnitude more migrants and he processed and deported them without all this controversy.
Obama didn't deport enough he was extremely weak on immigration aswell. This is a massive issue for USA, stop lying you faggot. Probably like 50 million illegals in the USA, and not a single 1 should be there. NOT A SINGLE ONE.
Chain migration and all the rest of it. You are one of those charlatains that pretend the problem doesn't exist. Massive demographic changes due to this illegal immigration for decades. That caravan was just more of a symbol because the assholes tried to make illegal immigration LEGITIMATE by forming some caravan for pity points. And btw. there's an even bigger one forming now! But illegal aliens don't need a fucking caravan.
Just go away i don't care about liars in my thread. I am tired of you idiotic people who can't even be honest with yourselves.
The democrats are the enemy of American whites.
They don't even hide it anymore.
Meant to reply to you.
Exactly. The motivation is purely to use them for votes. The cat is totally out of the bag, and they think NOBODY is noticing. They are so fucking obvious with this that it blows my mind. Several weeks of shutdown trump comes in. he says ok should we make a negotiation are you for border security now that you thought about it?
>ok fuck you then, bye bye.
Because it hurts them tremendously to have it. This is not about 5.7b or 1.3b or the differential. That's fucking peanuts to what they already relegated in the budget to other countries several hundred billion. Yes. This is MUCH bigger than that. They don't want ANY border security whatsoever, and it's obvious why, because if they don't manage to literally let everybody in. Well the way they have demonized white americans, there won't be a single fucking one other than the brainwashed sjw's that will vote democrat anymore. So they are all in against white americans.