Reminder that if you haven't read this you're wrong.
If you don't own a copy to lend to a friend you're wrong.
If you can't articulate the basic history of central banking in the US including what the Fed actually does by issuing fiat currency and siphoning our wealth through inflation, you're wrong.
Feel free to post other 100% mandatory, non-negotiable, basic bitch Jow Forums books.
100% mandatory reading
Other urls found in this thread:
the fed is our friend, get out traitor.
>Citation needed
I have two extra copies at the moment, just in case I find somebody who might be interested. I keep one of them at work.
Books have a way of changing hands when you find somebody interested. I've lost a handful of books that I lent out and then
>hey user do you mind if I lend this to XYZ?
That's cool by me. If nobody seems to know what happened to it, then ideally that means it hit several people before coming to rest.
Well that read will certainly change the country. These people deserve to die, why doesn't anyone start the process?
The communitarian mindset results in a state of interdependence (you might remember an "Iterdependence Day" being talked about I think back under Bill Clinton). So once you get hooked in to it, you can't easily remove the parasite without taking damage.
Should be an interesting next few to fifteen years, maybe, to see if the whole thing comes apart under its own weight whether we like it or not.
I read this in 1998 its small brain shit dude.. I was stuck in the libertarian paradigm for 14 years because of stuff like this book
the fed is just a method of control.
instead of end the fed
it should be
end the JE*S
the fed is bad, but GTFO with this conspiracy theory John-Birch-Society-tier bullshit.
If you want good anti-fed books, check the titles repped by the Mises institute
Griffin was a absolute crank. just read his wiki page
>its small brain shit dude..
this dude knows
>The fed is our friend
Read the first paragraph, stopped at "wildcat banking and Andrew Jackson was bad"
The Creature From Jekyll Island literally addresses boom bust cycles and their REAL cause, which was government regulation binding those "wildcat (meaning so far west their only customers were wildcats) banks to powerful eastern banks who wanted to lend out more money than they should. Griffin never asserts that sans regulation banks will never fail, simply that when failures do occur (due to poor financial responsibility on part of the bank) such busts will be regional and the rest of the country would be easily able to absorb the shock. In addition people over time would begin to only patronize banks with a track record of financial responsibility.
In fact, the boom bust cycles were caused by the inflation and subsequent contraction of fiat currency, siphoning wealth from bank customers and landing it in the lap of bank owners.
The author of those articles is clearly attempting to dissuade people unfamiliar with the material from reading the book, and therefore actually learning about the history of central banking.
Don't learn something new, it might challenge your pre-concieved ideas.
The jew has spoken
>To end the central banking is to support Marxism
the video is crap and the introduction cringe but worth the main speaker Eustace Mullins.
I smell something funky!
Care to explain what exactly is wrong with the book? Just because a guy is wrong about one thing doesn't mean everything else is wrong. The section of the wiki on CfJI literally just has a quote from one guy that says "it's amateurish". Wow, scathing.
>redpill for babies
now this is a real redpill book
It's a critique of the Fed, not an AnCap manifesto. Don't know how you got "
stuck in the libertarian paradigm for 14 years because of stuff like this book"
Read the book and understand the Fed is a mechanism for extracting wealth from the citizenry, nothing more. Ending the Jew will free us from cultural bondage but we must end the Fed to free from economic bondage.
It is avaliable on audiobook at YouTube and at audible dot com as a downloadable file.
Here's a free PDF version as well.
www rosemanmanagement com/book/
For folks not in to reading, I've always thought the documentary Money as Debt made a good, easy introduction to a lot of the same basic story of why the Federal Reserve is an important topic.
currency competition is the cure
How would that be better over a fixed-price precious metal based currency?