Not even going to talk about it?

Well? Your guy is full of shit. He makes me laugh though.
>literally stealing from the country you claim to love so much, letting you fall on the sword for him

Attached: dumbmotherfucker.png (1451x1133, 1.95M)

we spend 130 billion dollars a year on mexicans coming here
if we stop just a small percentage of that, mexico will be paying for the wall

Why do you think we elected him?

Attached: 1546223926910.jpg (623x700, 95K)

Do you honestly believe that we are doing that piss poor of a job keeping the south protected?

>we are not.

You are literally regurgitating the same excuses and nonsense..


Oh I know, the shitshow is funny af.
But at what point will you realize you are shooting yourself in the foot?
>The country is going down in flames.
>There has been no growth if there is so much loss
>The world hates the once, most loved country

He said they’d pay with tariffs and they have already paid more tariffs than the estimated cost of the wall. His “pay for the wall” page is still up, you can look it up.

The world has hated America for decades, now show your Star of Remphan, Israeli shill.

>all these shills defending american dollars paying for the wall

time to lay off Jow Forums bruh.
>not everyone is against you
>not a jew
>your racism is showing

Educated on the subject, aware of the page
>the money is funneled through HIS companies

Are ya'll really that dumb to have not have had some foresight in to WHY this motherfucker wanted to be our president?

>our money. he wants our money
>he doesn't give one fuck about you
>or this country.