Whats the point anymore? How does this even happen? No way this is natural right??
Instagram account
More pics. Wow I don't know what to say
lmao he's disgusting even for a nigger. i'm certain we live in a simulation.
Uhhh...I can't help but notice that her children are...uhh...niggers.
As long as she is happy. Their kids look cute
Dios miooooooooo
That cannot be fucking real.
Holy shit what the fuck? He looks like the most basic, carbon copy of a roadside bush nigger. Literal shit tier genetics.
What the fuck am I seeing
>Their kids look cute
I have a strong urge to kill you
There is no chance she thinks that thing is something she wants to be with. This has to be manipulation or threats. Maybe a tad of brainwashing too.
He is an ugly one for a black BVLL and even he can snag a top-notch white female.
Average BVLLS can fuck whoever they want.
Too late, you are linking this to destroy her life but the damage has been done
She already shat out 3 turds, it's not like she's only dating this guy
She is Russian
Moved to the Netherlands when she was a teenager
>incels mad blacks are taking all the genuinely not shallow whyte wimmens
Lol, glad they're happy.
How the fuck was she a runner up, I can literally go out right now and spot 10+ bitches hotter than her.
Nevermind 'Miss Netherlands 2nd runner up'.....
Who is THAT handsome Italian devil?????
imagine giving birth to ugly mutts who look nothing like you. disgusting.
Cute couple and kids.
can we stop posting this 6/10 roastie and her nigger bf
And maybe that's why women dont want you. You cant even be happy for this family. Your focus is on hatred and the black man is likely more caring and responsible than you will ever be
truly a 56% amerimutt
somehow I feel like she would get alot of shit in Russia
Wtf Russia, I thought you were cool!
She wouldn't but her kids would definitely be bullied hardcore
Genuinely disgusted, retarded coal burners.
Damn....That nigga struck gold.
Ugly as fuck but got a cute wife..What's your excuse? If you're white, shouldn't you be able to acquire a hotter wife?
How does she look without makeup?
>As long as their kids look happy.
I can't help but think this is a typical lazy American response.
If it don't bother me directly...
If I don't have to see it...
If I don't have to speak to anyone about anything important...
It's just morally lazy.
lmao i didn't even notice that nigger at a first sight
also that whore is average looking, much better ones can be found in the wild
Low IQ attracts low IQ..and women have smaller brains than men. Do the math.
exactly, how do they see something natural in this, sick ...
She’s damn near perfect and he’s even horrible looking for an African. And a gold tooth? It’s not about the dick, this is white self hatred manifested through “liberal” indoctrination
It's just sad how women don't have any ties to their people or culture. It's probably because of how uninvolved they are with white men. Hopefully they are happy.
Women on average are more intelligent than men.
Morally lazy implies there is something wrong with a happy husband and wife
Jow Forums is really just a bunch of incels
That's after she gave birth to 3 kids.
Come on, stop being racist and be happy for this happy couple. At least they stuck together.
Or perhaps he has a kind heart and is more masculine than most western men. Yes, basedboy. You emasculate worm.
>guarranteed replies
Probably the same as 95% of white women.
Seriously why do white women see in blacks? I seen good looking Hispanic, Arab and Mediterranean men but black? No.
She feels intellectually and socially superior to him. He’s her pet. This is an extreme example of feminsim gone horribly wrong.
Also perhaps he does have a kind heart and he’s a great guy, but you and I both know that in her heart, she feels superior to him
Maybe this was about things other than looks?
Blacks are the closest we have to Slavic men in the west.
>there is nothing wrong will the world turning into a brown sea of 85 IQ my ruled over by Jews
>there is nothing wrong with destroying the very genetics that make civization possible
Maybe you should fuck off and go suck Sargons dick you emasculated, scared pussy.
Bestial features.
say what you like but he's the luckiest twat alive. She's way out of his league.
*mutts, civilization
Hey , OP. Its none of your fucking business who people choose to marry. So fuck off
Why should she or anyone feel obligated to only be with people of the same race or culture.
People move to different cities for a reason, same with dating. If you only limit yourself to one type of person you might miss out on your soulmate
How sad..
The size of that fucking head
No, she pretty sure would.
Чepнильницa. Similar to coalburner.
You guys are just mad because this proves without a doubt that there exists a cute women for you out there in the world, you just have to put down the video games, brace yourselves for rejection, leave your house, and make a decent effort in finding one.
For fucks sake. Even by nigger standards he is gross
I was kidding honestly, I see exactly what kind of woman she is. She crave power over her partner.
Basically the guy is a talking dildo to her
Oh man, they look nothing like the mother. Just a cute little batch of niggers, and by cute I mean niggers.
It's exotic for them. Women aren't hard wired to want their own kind to excel, they just want anyone they consider to excel. Both strategies have their merits but white brothers we either have to entice our women somehow or figure out artificial wombs and eggs. Then we can live in our peaceful monastic society and share in great works.
Its not even a good looking dude, ugly as fuck. What is wrong with her O_o
Have you ever noticed how whites that mix with blacks often choose rather ugly specimens?
It must be some kind of fettish, like those people that go for cripples etc.
Let's not have a discussion whether or not blacks in general are ugly or not, what I mean is that because whites are generally considered more attractive, a white can always get a relatively better black.
A women like this could absolutely get a 10/10 cream of the crop groid.
Reminds me of that white libtard basedboy that was posted here that despite him being a basedboy cuck, was still a 6. Means he can get a 8/10 black woman, but instead he probosed to this 4/10 obese sheboon.
this but you are either a roastie or a girl (male) and definitely a faggot
Russian women are literally the whores of the world
They fuck niggers
They fuck Arabs
They fuck Turks
They fuck Chinese
They fuck western Euros
I look 100x better than him and I'm fucking single
Even a Dravidian nigger who was probably 10 shades darker than me and look like a total nigger ended up with the hottest girl in my class, that I had a crush on fuck that hurt to see such a nice girl get ruined with full nigger genes
Fuck this shit why couldn't I be born a nigger
Here we go with the "muh superior genetics". She obviously found his genetics good enough to preserve and carry on.
You sound jealous
>Women aren't hard wired to want their own kind to excel
This is wrong.
Maybe he just approached her while no one else did.
his goblinas are terribly black, no green/blue eyes, the nose is flattened and not even light hair
I love how mongrel children look absolutely nothing like the white parent. Do you think they ever get disgusted by their dumb, nasty little spawns that look nothing like them?
she looks a bit jewish desu
maybe because Dutch people mixed with wogs south of the rhine idk
Apparently, every woman disagrees with that.
Stop samefagging you scum
That's a jew so who cares
Even a pajeet has no excuse. Anyone could get a white women.
What sounds like a more winning strategy, practicing something till you improve at it or finding the easiest way to do something? Both have merit imo.
the apelets have dadas kongs forehead
I used to get angry but this is just fucking hilarious at this point holy shit they are such hideous looking people
Oh my look at these faggot hypocrites.
This , so funny
that's because he's 100% full black. The only half "black" kids that end up with blue/green eyes are when the black parent has european genes or is from north africa/ or the horn aka caucasoid "blacks".
see above statement, but you're right mostly
bestiality fetish.
Niggers are the closest things to fucking animals without being thrown in prison or a mental hospital
As the Romans said; It's not the barbarians in battle we fear the most, it's the women behind them who settle on our lands creating barbarians.
She looks like she does BBC porn. Bet you can find her getting anald
>Fuck this shit why couldn't I be born a nigger
I have some good news for you...
She keeps putting hashtags like “#mixedfamily” etc on her pics, she’s just trying to look progressive I guess
fuck you white fagots, dont you dare talk shit about anyone. You are done for, weak fagots. Extinct in a few decades.
>poo in loos Irony
Was will die mit dem Krampus?
Isnt he a pro soccer player or some shit?
I don't condone mixing, but asian bug people don't really lose anything buy gaining white genetics. Whites mixing with niggers is literally devolution.
>how to piss away the only unique race on the planet
Another one for the list.
based, fuck whites (finns aren't white btw)
Its the Guilt for race mixing with monkies