Okay, so I'm in another country right now and I've been with my girlfriend for about a year now. I've been loyal the entire relationship and don't even talk to other girls. She has a cheating problem and I've put up with it for a while and she also has a huge lying problem. I don't want to deal with it anymore but I'm too attached and she doesn't want to give up what she is using to cheat on me. I want to spend more time here in the country and have fun here because it's been great here. Too much stress and I want to be happy. She's admitted to me she has a cheating problem and everything but idk. What the fuck do I do to let the fuck go. All the cheating she has done is only over the internet.
Okay, so I'm in another country right now and I've been with my girlfriend for about a year now...
Cheating is not a "problem" dude you are cucked and brainwashed beyond any sense of rational thought.
Brek up. You read that in this second. The next second you take your phone, call her. Two sentences. Our relationship is over. Never ever contact me again. Hang up. Instatly. Dont listen to anything she says. Say those two things. Aftet that pretend she does not exist.
I'm with her in person and I'm staying at her house in another country. I live in the US, im in the UK now
Elaborate on that cheating aspect.
she sends nudes to other guys and flirts with them behind my back over the internet. I don't even have friends that are girls lol. I cut all of them out of my life.
Why? Did she ever try to justify it?
No. She was doing it right as we got together. She knows it's wrong and has no excuse to do it.
How is she acting towards you except for that?
Is there proof that she is doing it?
other than that our relationship is happy and we talk about really cool shit. We both have the exact same interests and we do a lot together, I believe she does love me but idk. I'd rather be shown love than just told that I'm loved because I feel like shit a lot
she has admitted to me that she is cheating and tells me she wants to stop.
Is there proof? or are you going by just her admitting?
A lot of deleted messages, lying about using snapchat behind my back (i have proof of this) People saying "hurr durr I deleted my messages too" because she told them to delete the messages.
Sounds like psychological issues.
Unless she's doing therapy, I'd be to worried about physical cheating to continue the relationship.
When was all this?
just tired of being hurt all the time. I want to be happy but i don'twant to leave scotland. She's going to therapy for it but it's more focused on talking about things rather than fixing the issue and she lied to her therapist so the therapist just kind of disregards everything i say and tells me i'm wrong. This has been happening since the beginning and still is happening. The snapchat thing was pretty late into the relationship
Then dump her.
I can't see you fixing this.
She did tell her therapist that she lied to her but it worries me because in the past she's gone back and forth with it and said "I actually wasn't lying" so it's kind of turned into a giant headfuck. what do you suggest I do about scotland? I have a chance to go to israel and see cool shit if i stay. I can't leave yet anyways, have to wait maybe a week or more if i want to leave or have to leave.
yeah there are psychological issues at play here and its OP with issues. Seriously, he says its behind his back but he knows what she is doing and still deludes himself he is special. That is some fucked up shit.
Her nature is to cheat and lie, he knows her nature is to cheat and lie, she cheats and lies, and yet he believes her lies about cheating because he wants her and therefore she will want him the same and stop. CRAZY I'm telling you OP is fucking CRAZY
eat my shit nigger, If I was deluding myself then I wouldn't ask how to let the fuck go
Surely if theres a lying problem wouldnt it makes sense for it to maybe be lies?
Go ahead attack me, I'm the bad guy for pointing out your gf doesn't give a shit about you or what you think of what she is doing and thinks you the fool for holding on. She isn't even really hiding anything from you and you still don't get it. If you actually faced the truth instead of deluding yourself you would have the resolve and self respect to walk away. You are still looking for something you may have missed and hope we point it out so you can continue to DELUDE yourself.
We've all at some point fallen for a girl like this, one that is not available to any one guy and she never will be.
how do I let go? do I just shut off my heart and be cold and ignore her? I seriously don't know how to detach myself. I want to listen to angry music and go the fuck home or something and meet new people but I also don't want to be an angry person and drag myself down. How do I let go without dragging myself into a shitty lifestyle again??
She lies and she cheats, to me it sounds like she lies way more than she cheats, she could even be lying about some of the cheating. you can't really know.
you are in a never ending death spiral right now so it will crash. Thing is do you want to determine when and how or are you going to let her finally fuck someone in front of you or disappear for days or weeks at a time or tell you to fuck off.
You leave soon as you can and you do not monitor her social media or ask anyone about her and you don't respond should she try to contact you.
Here's one example of how fucked up your life is. You are sucked into her therapy and you have to defend yourself to her therapist and you lose. While you are defending yourself you gf walks away laughing at the knot she tied you and the therapist in.
Stop being a coward and take your life and mind back.
You sound very absorbed in your emotions, are you paying attention to maybe how she feels too? Or are you not regarding that?
I do pay attention to how she feels but of course I'm going to feel like garbage if I get cheated on, I don't know if that makes me self absorbed or not.
If she lies, doesn't that mean there's a possibility of her lying about things though?
Seriously dude, think about it.
She used snapchat behind my back and lied about it, there are loads of deleted messages, I have proof she lied about snapchat as I said.
You are bit fit to be dating.
What does this even mean
this shit will eat you alive. let it go my dude