I wasn't sure wether I had to post it here or on Jow Forums but I figured that maybe I would take less retarded answers...

I wasn't sure wether I had to post it here or on Jow Forums but I figured that maybe I would take less retarded answers here.
I used to be a redpill type of guy until I realized that all this stuff just contributed to make my life worst. Exactly what's the point it? All that I see now among these redpillers is an endless stream of negativity and pessimism on steroids without any solution . All women are evil demons and unless you are 10/10 with a six figures income they won't even consider you, society wants you enslaved and dead inside, if you stare a girl for half a second you'll be accused of rape, suicide is the only way out etc...
Then suddenly when I decided to go out again and stop reading these "rejected sociologists" I discovered (surprise, surprise!) that society and human beings are more complex than what these incel/red pill/pua guys say. Since I dropped the redpill and started to adapt and self motivate I feel way better. I feel like they are just miserable people that want others to be as miserable as them.

Attached: red-pill.jpg (350x350, 63K)

Yeah, you’re %100 correct. What advice are you seeking exactly? Here, I’ll give you some for free: just leave Jow Forums now before you get sucked back in. It’s a cliche, but if you’re susceptible to lonley bitterness, that shit can poison your mind.

They are just looking for scapegoats. They have delusions of grandeur and if they don't succeed, they blame their own failure on somebody else. It's always a red flag when people paint things black and white.

>leave Jow Forums
I come back here maybe once a week and it was a good choice.
Maybe till 2015 it was still ok, they used to post some self improvement stuff, now it's just "we are doomed". And since the Incel advent things got even worse.
"Stop trying to improve your life, that's just coping dude"

I stopped talking about politics almost entirely as part of my new job 2 years ago. Absolute bliss. When you consider how much time people devote to political discussions and conspiracy theories compared to how much of an impact those people are actually making, it's ridiculous and sad. You vote once a year; spend a few hours researching and make a decision and then get on with your life.

Redpillers (conservative AND liberal ones) are mostly just angry and unsatisfied with their lives and prefer to sit stewing in blame instead of working to improve themselves.

You're retarded

The only reason you perceive it that way is because you subconsciously feel that way and you're capable of doing nothing but what you're told. You lack any mental fortitude, and are inept beyond belief. No one ever goes back from the redpill, the reason for you doing so is because you're too stupid to handle the truth and make conclusions

Old Jow Forums: "We're all gonna make it"
New Jow Forums: "We're all doomed and the Jews did it"

Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?

how did you do it? And how long did it take?

I simply left all this pointless negativity and took what they taught me when I was in the army. Which is simply "fight against negative thoughts, stop feeling sorry for yourself and suck it up" works 10 times better than "the game is rigged no matter what".


This is exactly the kind of brainlet opie is talking about. Totally convinced they have 'the truth'- actually just a series of poorly formatted charts some stormweenie threw at them that they didn't bother fact checking or verifying at all- their conclusions are actually so ridiculously devoid of any connection to reality that any actual critical thinking at all, something they spend no small amount of time crowing about, is an absolute anathema to their systems.

The best shorthand method I have for checking any void-born beliefs you might have is what I call the 'three threes'. Three places, three people, three conversations. Pick three places in public, doesn't matter where as long as you can have a short conversation with someone in a reasonable manner. Spend thirty minutes at each place, and have a short ten minute conversation with three people. By the time you are finished I can guarantee two things. First, is that it took you much longer than thirty minutes. You're more likely than not going to have at least one good long conversation with someone that takes much longer. Second, if you haven't put a load if doubt on those beliefs you carried then the cracks and delusions in them will start becoming apparent. The reason this works is because the incel cult, hard right, and fundamentalist bents all come from the same fountain of paranoid ignorance; total isolation. Simply being around people for once in your life, talking to others, and actually building personal experiences dispel those beliefs like they were never there.

Convert to Judaism.

You feel as though you know so much when in reality you've approached this as a monkey to a Stone Age tool.

Now hear this: I've lived in Germany all of my life, and the people I've met, the things I've seen and needlessly beared have made me feel nothing but ill and distaste for these people about me who simply seek to exploit this country and live off of their debaucherous ways. Truly toiling in immorality and self-loathing, they sit by and watch apathetically as the world around them collapses. What do I do, you might ask?

I say to myself that the path towards salvation can be found, and it isn't through these self-contradictory, self-hating, self-immolating morons. I tell myself that a bright future lies beyond the horizon so long as we can get to the root of these problems and address them swiftly and with sufficient tact.

Now, as you write mounds and mounds of information strawmanning Jow Forums as one person, ask yourself this:

Do you really think that it's proper to pass us off the same way you think we pass off society? How can you, the hypocrite, expect to be taken seriously? Are you daft? Off with you.

>fact checking
Most of them just talk from vaguely personal experience.
These fuckers led me to believe that all the past relationships I had were lies and as a result I just got bitter, angry, scared of women and isolated myself. When in reality all my breakups were due to causes that had nothing to do with hypergamy and my wallet (and btw I started 80% of my breakups).

As for incels I went from compassion to not being able to stand them. Their so called "support groups" are just a dick length competition to see who has the most miserable life.

It's as i said before you're incapable of coming to your own decisions. You're a tool who can't accept the reality that his net worth equates to nothing and therefore you turn your back on morality the same way you turned your back on women.

Jow Forums stands vehemently against incelibacy, and you falling into the traps of those shill threads says more about your lack of character

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>you turned your back on women.
I stopped doing that after I got rid of grim doomsday thoughts.

>Jow Forums is against celibacy
I don't doubt that but it's kinda hard to find threads saying slightly positive things about women. They are all thots and when they are not they are simply in disguise.

All that I am saying is that you can't paint everything in black and white. Everything has different shades outside of the internet bubble.

Cuz nekbeards get all the girls.

Back to your hole, delusional namefag.

Continuing to act like a pseudointellectual does not lend your argument, and I use the term loosely because it's really nothing but thinly veiled ad hominem and unsubstantiated anecdotes, any more credence than you already have. Which is none.

Well then you seem to be a bit "old style" since after the rise of incels everything is apocalyptic.

>Basing your worldview off of autists on a Japanese cartoon image board
Pic related

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I'll never not be redpilled. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy life or that I hate women (it's a blatant mischaracterization to write all redpill/mgtow/mra men/women off as bitter misogynists or incels)

That's bullshit though. Maybe your Jow Forums experience is like that if you spend all your time on /v/ or /b/ but I've learned a ton here, had some life changing deep conversations and have even been helped and helped other anons. Shit even on /v/ we've had some good conversations

I'm a 5/10 6'1 with a 57 dollars every week we live with my parents I only moved out for college we met when I spilled red wine on her white dress it was 500 dollars she lived a trailer with some guy she met on the highway who wanted her to be a bartender a some shitty bar a freind of his owned then he wanted to kick her out so she was piss poor the red pill logic is flawed

>(it's a blatant mischaracterization to write all redpill/mgtow/mra men/women off as bitter misogynists or incels)
incels caused this sudden wave of black pill.

Sure, all the buzzwords are non-sense. However, when it comes to relationships between men and women, Red Pill is correct too often.

ok but what's the redpill about relationships?
To me sometimes this whole Redpill thing sounds like snake oil, it's extremely vague.
I've been reading a couple of books written by legit psychologists about relationships and attraction (so not really PUA broscience), there are some elements of hypergamy for sure but redpill blows it out of proportion.

Opie, that's called "growing up".
Congratulations!not everyone gets there! Some get ther at 20 some at 30 even at 50. But some never grow up.

Consider yourself lucky

so red pill has no truth either then?
like you said OP its not black and white...

but there's a lot of truth in red pill.
just too bad it so depressing...

just like in the matrix,
when cypher wants to plug back in and forget every truth he's discovered.

ignorance is bliss, which is why most ppl dont care about the truth.

There's no "pill". To this day, I don't get the symbol of the pill, to be honest. There's no single, ultimate truth about men and women. It's more the fact that the romantic viewpoint is simply wrong. Movies, popular culture, music, just wrong.

When it comes to vagueness, you can just take Red pill as philosophical materialism coupled with hedonistic view of the world. The general sentiment there is that they apply Stoic philosophy, which is utter bullshit. It's through and through hedonistic.

>I feel like they are just miserable people that want others to be as miserable as them.

>but there's a lot of truth in red pill.

Falling for the 4chin jew.
How low

The concept of truth is more nuanced than you're applying it in this context. The omission of relevant information and manipulation of "truth" to create a narrative is just as much a falsehood as an outright lie. The "truth" that redpill utilizes is the simple fact that shallow, dysfunctional, cruel women do exist. They use this existence as a foundation for building the rest of their narrative. Can anyone tell them flat out that these women don't exist? No, but their goal isn't to establish that they exist. Their goal is to establish that they are the majority. Their goal is to use the "truth" of a certain cross-section of people to validate their failure with the dozens of other larger, more prominent cross-sections. Basically, using truth to build a lie is still a lie. Uttering something true and weaving it into a tapestry of generalizations and false assumptions doesn't make the process any less revolting.

>I used to be a redpill type of guy until I realized that all this stuff just contributed to make my life worst. Exactly what's the point it? All that I see now among these redpillers is an endless stream of negativity and pessimism on steroids without any solution .

like all things in life, it merely depends on what you do with the information.

nothing more, nothing less.

The people you are talking about in your posts haven't used the information in a health or productive way.