Such originality. Mocking Trump.
It’s over: FG mocks Trump
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>le orange drumpf
That's it, It's officially over
family guy has been kike garbage since they brought it back. it's one of the laziest worst shows ever made.
People still watch this shit? For what purpose?
He's the fucking president, of course he's going to appear in family guy.
inb4 that kike who voices chris or the smug creator of it dies in a curse
So courageous
he's clearly orange thou
dont try to deny it, you'll only look dumb(er)
Garbage show
Dude, family guy shits on everyone.
They shit on liberals on collage campuses
They shit on Democrats
They shit on pro-choice/life people
They shit on Republicans
They shit on Muslims
They shit on Asians
They shit on Mexicans
They shit on Africans
They shit on everyone.
and from a leftist too, I'm sure this segment was filled with clever jabs and insightful commentary designed to make me think and reconsider my racist sexist positions.
Red actually
every time Obama was on it they kissed his ass until it was raw. and they also unironically gushed over Clinton several times.
Hasn't it been kike garbage from the beginning? It's like pozzed version of The Simpsons.
I support Trump but his tan is shit.
Family guy roasted Clinton back when he was President. Tv shows make fun of presidents they did it with Bush too but of course Jow Forums is a bunch of autistic snowflakes who can't take a joke.
Grow up.
sure he's orange, but i don't see that as any more relevant than Obama's giant dopey ears were
Orange Man Bad
>Family guy roasted Clinton back when he was President.
what fucking crack are you smoking?
if you are gonna try to sway opinion through lies at least make the lies believable.
family guy didn't exist under clinton
Yes, even though they barely made fun of kikes at one point.
This shit is still running?
one ep lois goes to a white supremacist meeting, says something about the holocaust, and gets hit in the back of the head with a beer bottle that someone through at her
i laughed at that for hours
His employees are forced to laugh during meetings.
i bet its better than alec baldwin
>family guy didn't exist under clinton
t. never seen "E. Peterbus Unum"
The show premiered in 2001. You are very smart.
try 1999 bud
It premiered new years eve 1999 alongside futurama
It started in January 1999, Bush was inaugurated January 2001. Regardless I think I can vaguely recall watching episodes where they mocked Bill Clinton. I only watched it while bored and while there was nothing else on though.
there's this
and this
probably more
Why even have elections?
I second this motion
thanks OP now I gotta fap....
>constantly making fun of the president because of his skin color
Is this what the left thinks FOX did for all 8 years of Obama's presidency?
Daily reminder that Family Guy is kike-loving garbage written and produced by Jews. Literally just sucks off Hollykike garbage day in and day out.
Hey Donald good luck in tonight's debate.
Did someone say debate? More like de wall.
*mariachi music starts playing as trump and Brian the dog dance in their underwear next to a blockbuster video store in des Moines*
You can’t make fun of Obama’s ears, though. That’s racist.
>cartoon does thing
Bush acts like an infant in most media and Clinton ranges from a sexual deviant to outright rapist. If anything I'm disappointed nobody takes jabs at Obama but they're probably afraid of being called racist.
Fucking boomer kill yourself.
And they've mocked the left, but who cares
Family Guy is the cringiest most unfunny show ever created. It has absolutely no story or characters, it just exists to occasionally satirize popular culture in an intentionally ugly art style. In 10 years we will probably have the technology to generate a Family Guy episode completely from scratch using artificial intelligence with zero human intervention, complete voices and music score and everything. It is that formulaic and one-dimensional.
>seth mccucklane does the typical seth mccucklane thing
no surprise
>Trump drawn with a generic FG face
>Trump not a turbo manlet
>Trump not having his jacket unbuttoned
>Trump not wearing a tie that comes down to his knees
Didn't family Guy get the complete memo of liberal cartoonist cliches?
Reminder that Lois is and her family are Jewish in the show.
" It is revealed in the episode "Family Goy" that her mother is actually a Holocaust survivor who concealed her Judaism"
We already have manatees for that.
Holy fuck, even CNN didn't alter it.
God damn it Seattle.
“Orange Man Bad” says Entertainment Option #165 for the third time this week.
“Family Guy” sucks marginally less than the Simpsons these days.
But Orville is better Star Trek than “Star Trek : Discovery”, tbqh
Never got the turbo manlet thing, Trump is 6' fucking 3" for fucks sake. Obama eas 2" shorter and any caricature of that fag was a turbo lanklet, sometimes with added elephant ears if the artist was anti-Obama.
you clearly dont understand jews.......
they want to make money, dont they?, so, if its making money, they are fine with it
if they can make money with "jew hatred" be sure as hell they will, thats why, if its "produced" it was a jew behind it, no matter what it is, what political message, etc, if its "produced" that means its making money that means jews are behind it
point being, they wont know/care if "anti-jew" shit is produced by them
if you want to boicott all jews from your consume chain, you will have to never shop at the supermarket, close all bank accounts, give away all your posessions (because selling them profits the jew economy) , and go live in the wild
>family guy of all the guys mocked trump
Truly a surprise there. Whats weird is the only president they never mocked was obama. They mocked bush AND CLINTON. Now maybe they made Clinton a smooth guy but they made a dumbass degenerate pot smoking retard. In wouldn't say thats a great image to have as a former president. Hell family goy has even mocked Hillary. But not obama.... Hmmmm
I don’t care if they mock the president that only problem comes in when they make it a cliche
They even gave him tiny hands
Amren borher. It's especially weird when shitlib cartoonists go as far as to depict the Don as being shorter than Putin.
About two years late
Wow epic ID
American Dad was created because Seth was mad at Bush. It shows the first two or three seasons.
It's all over the place now and has gone on too long, even FOX dropped it a few years ago.
Hey Louis, dis is just like that time when____
You're thinking of that episode where Bill and Peter got stoned, and drove around in Bill's limo causing shenanigans.
It's all over the place because Fox is retarded and keeps giving him shows (that are all pretty much the same) that he runs into the ground in a few years. The guy has the creativity of a 15 year old girl writing fan fiction all day. Probably shares the same IQ as well.
How us that mocking him? Making him look like the cool president that smokes weed and is a player? They also gave the most biased, faggy summation of his term when lois was justifying sleeping with Bill
I've been studying documents that told me how colours are excellent triggers for MKUltra mind control victims.
Apparently, once the colour triggers a victim, from years and years of social programming and indoctrination through various covert means, the victim becomes incensed to the point of violent rage or even docile like a little kitten at the command of a colour or picture. It primarily depends on the victimes 'framework', a little man is still a little angry man...a feminist, an even more annoying one. The problem victims truly face is that you're propensity to murder for political motives is being {(/hijacked\)} by criminal elements world wide using the technology...children, victims, manlets. Sad!
Red Tie.
Orange Man.
It makes sense why people can only see what's presented to them and make it real. As if, the programming has walled off critical thinking to the victim, making it not so indelible in the hippocampus to use critical thinking for one's self and for his/her fellow man/victim during these difficult times...
It's sad, so many people are victims but they just don't know it. It's as if they just can't listen to others when good advice is prudent. One of humanities STRONGEST SURVIVAL INSTINCTS, literally hacked by mind tricks and social programming...because you're not a racist....ARE YOU?
I know you're not, user. You're just another one of us.
But others see a bunch of people going after someone because he's mean and looks orange, while others see a man standing under hot lights and probably just keeping his presidential skin protected.
What's to say it's as it appears, anyway? I can only pray at this point that more victims from decades of soft war wake up and realize what was really worth fighting for. That sovereignty actually preserves the rights of all citizens, legal and otherwise, it allows the government full use of it's designated assets to apply full force and direct pressure to problems faced by future Americans
Dont care who they mock, its an unfunny unoriginal show.
>family guy
ive only known low IQ mongs who watch family guy, specially since the show hasn't been good for almost 20 years now
Regardless of whether or not ypu are religious, I think that it's impossible for kikes to NOT be behind a show where God is written to be mildly autistic
Is this the first time FG mocked Trump? I have to give them credit for that if so. At least one of these kikes can show restraint.
Orange man bad
The simpsons is a very good apolitical show from its first 9 seasons
go watch the first episode right now and try not to throw up
>American Dad was created because Seth was mad at Bush. It shows the first two or three seasons.
The episode on guns was really good and showed both sides
they finally got tired of mocking themselves, now they gotta mock our leader
whatever, they hate themselves to an amount beyond anything we have experienced as sovereign consciousnesses
That's a fucking red face, something only white people can experience, dumbass.
this. nothing to see here
>hide thread
I've assumed they've done nothing but mock him. I haven't seen it in 4 years so I dunno
Jow Forums can never argue against the validity of the mocking though
He's really not even that orange.
>watching Family Goy
I bet you’re still watching Rick & Morty, correct?
Kek. This.
Seriously, what happened with Seth? Or is the dude just bi-polar? He'll make some seriously off-limits jokes. He even sang "we saw your boobs" and pissed off everybody. But then he goes complete poz. Like how Family Guy suddenly had Stewie being obviously gay. Really too many examples of pozzing to list here. His show The Orville got a lot of peoples' hopes up, but I knew, I KNEW he was going to turn degenerate on it, which of course he did.
>Goy dp
What did (((they))) mean by your id?
rip big guy
>Seth McFarlen
It still is, but it's hard to tell because Lisa needs braces.
>family goy first aired 20 years ago
Lol isn't the fat MC's wife a coal burning whore?
Shows like family guy and the office are extremely normie friendly they wont go away until something big happens
>mfw nu Jow Forums can’t hamdle any bants
Lmao you fucking memegobbling zoomer retards
You’re supposed to be your own authority not suck up to one lmao
To come in this late on the "fuck trump" train, and just once like this it's just mocking trump derangement syndrome. The Jew Flattener knows.
Wow the simpsons ripoff is still going? I'm quite confused and impressed.
Family Guy is still watchable. The Simpsons make me want to strangle myself with how bad it is, now.