How come women can spend all of their youth and 90% of their adult life traveling, clubbing, drinking and partying with zero repercussions while men must work through their best years to land at minimum at 50k a year job to barely have a chance at retiring happily? Is there a cool beer uncle lifestyle that I haven’t heard of?
Women have it harder than men
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I get asked at job interviews
>Do you have a wife and kids?
I say no.
I don't get the call.
>Is there a cool beer uncle lifestyle that I haven’t heard of?
Yeah it’s the bachelor life. You never had that older relative who never married and did rad shit like race motorcycles in his 40’s?
>How come women can spend all of their youth and 90% of their adult life traveling, clubbing, drinking and partying with zero repercussions
Because simps like you keep throwing money and attention at them.
If you didn't fuck everything with a pussy then they wouldn't have such luxuries.
That's what I do. It's a matter of working hard early and saving and investing money. Poor people are generally poor because they don't save money.
Is this a slide thread? Make your own life decisions son. Get right with CHN bible stream
>childless cool wine aunt
I'm in my 40s, and I know a lot of these "cool wine aunts".
They're all fucking miserable. Every one of them - they put on a brave face, try desperately to find 'love' on tinder, and go home to their cats and lonely house.
And none of them have 'suspicious amounts of money'.
Whoever this jew bitch is, she's advocating for women to live a life of misery. She should be burned alive.
She’s describing being an escort
They need to know you have something to lose, you're more pliable that way.
You incels have no idea how hard. Educate yourself!