I want to be more professional at work and dress acordingly, but I always wake up too late...

I want to be more professional at work and dress acordingly, but I always wake up too late, so I end up arriving late and wearing a T-shirt and jeans.

How do people even sleep early and wak up on time?

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I get four hours a sleep a night and sleep for 12 on Sunday. That's how.

Have dinner early, and don't eat or drink afterwards. Lie in bed early and play any paper or other such non-digital puzzle; this will deplete the glucose reserves in your brain and make you sleepier. NO LOOKING AT YOUR PHONE OR PC, digital devices produce light that keeps the brain active, so dont even think about it.

Good sleep hygiene. Don't eat in bed, don't watch TV in bed, don't use your bed as a couch, don't use your phone while you're in bed. Sleep when you're in bed and do nothing else.

Then, when you lie in bed, you'll find it easier to just go to sleep.

I go to bed early with 2 hours of podcast, hearing people droning on about stuff and things make me all snug and sleepy

Your food advice is actually something I always forget, and end up having dinner after 10.

So, reading manga or actual books is a better activity at night? I'l deffinitely try that.

As long as it is not on a screen, it is a safe bet to get you sleepier.

The food bit is related to your biology; if your digestive system gets activated, so too does your brain, so try and avoid it. Big meal at 6 so you wont go hungry, difficult to find a balance some time but its really worth it once you nail it. If you are really hungry, a cup of hot milk is an old method from my home country.

The trick with your digestive system is to control when you eat your breakfast, which itself kinda dictates when you eat lunch and then eat dinner.

When you're used to eating three meals a day, including one at 6 AM, you'll more easily wake up at 6 AM ready to eat.

If I eat breakfast, I'll shut down.I can't have anything until mid-day or ill be too sleepy and drowsy for work

You're eating large, high-fat breakfasts then. Have a hard-boiled egg or something.

I have to eat breakfast immediately or I get severe hunger pain before 10AM. Oats are not a meme, OP.

Go to bed earlier than you normally do. TRY for a solid 6-8 hours. Set alarm for two hours before you have to be at work.

The first hour is for waking up and prepping for your morning. Smoke a wake-n-bake bowl, have some coffee, set out your clothes, turn on some music or the TV.

The second hour is to finish getting ready, making/buying food for the day and to commute to work.

This called, "The routine" and EVERYBODY'S is different. You have to create one that works for you.

>digital devices produce light that keeps the brain active, so don't even think about it.

Download programs like flux, which removes blue light.

Thats hard-boiled egg included and small portions. I have tried all the good and healthy stuff in all sizes. I just can't handle anything.in the morning if i want to get things done. It's fine, i've adjusted and found a healthy workaround. Just saying its no one solution for waking up early, like eating.

As for the dressing part, if you're asking about style and work place clothing, I'd suggest you take a look at magazines the next time you go grocery shopping. GQ or whatever has a lot of "this is what is considered modern" articles for you to kinda skim through. Find a style that you like, replicate it as best as you financially can, get a haircut, whatever.

Remember that as the day goes by, you'll need to go to the bathroom and refresh yourself every once in a while to make sure that you still look like you've got a clean game going on. Check for boogers, stains on your clothes, fix your hair, etc.

Dis nigga knows whats up

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That doesn't make any goddamn sense honestly.

You still shouldn't be doing shit in bed other than sleeping.

Most bed partners I've had disagree

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Op here, thanks a lot for your advice, will dinner early and read more stuff (on actual paper of course).

Good luck.