Kamasutra positions with my parents


probably the grossest video i've ever watched

I had hope for Brazil but this is the point of no return...

On the left, the parents simulating sex. On the right the probably underage daughters simulating sex.

Just nuke Brazil already

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Other urls found in this thread:


white people are cancer everywhere

1:35 for the action

What the fuck

>I had hope for Brazil

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The worst part about being an ultra-based white person is waking up and knowing you have a bizarro ultra-cuck version of yourself walking around somewhere

I'd hang out with the scissor sisters

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They usually rape their children for real in the northeastern region of huehueland.

Well, there goes my no fap streak.

I'm spreading that Bolsonaro's support in Brazil [NSFW]

Thinking of starting a gofundme for some apache helicopters...national cause


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What's the problem?


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>I had hope for Brazil

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>Litteral nobodys doing degeneracy
>"No hope in brazil guys"
Guess being retarded is natural for you poortugals

Guy above me
Kill yourself faggot

The next step to this shit is incest you fucking twat

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Holy shit, you aight burger

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>Dood the next step is incest
Even if they are in an incest relationship posting this shit here and blaming the whole population changes nothing retard

>you have a bizarro ultra-cuck version of yourself walking around somewhere
well said

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The problem isnt one or two people

The problem js dumb Brazilians not recognizing how gross this is

And worse - the vid has 5000 likes and 200 dislikes

Says something about or shitty culture

Most of the comments are wrtten by kids ffs

spanish women are fucking disgusting

I had abseloutly no hope for brazil and even i was dissapointed

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i-is this another brap thread?

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t. nigger

the only people worth redeeming in your shithole
Get killed joao, its only a matter of time


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asians here are far superior than whites, fuck off, no one needs your cancer race

they are either complete degenerates or so desperate for money/clicks or both. This is absolute degeneracy, there is no other way to describe it

>ass and feet

>being this degenerate
Good good goyim.

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Based Japa user

Jesus, that thing could rip you to shreds. Look at the fast-twitch muscle fiber

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A conservative speaking his mind has his channel deleted

But this shit is ok

Just a reminder: if you jerk off to degenerates you're a degenerate too. Actually you're even more of a degenerate because they're at least doing it socially and having fun while you're just alone in your room hating yourself while you wank to their degeneracy

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I'm not even asian
I just admire their well known characteristics but most of all their cohesion and how they don't boycott themselves like whites do

>OMG, that's so DEGENERATE!

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Guy above me

Youre part of the problem

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Welcome to Pol where everyone thinks thier part of the ship isnt sinking as fast as everyone else's not knowing they are on the same fucking ship... Fuck me why do I still come here....

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The blonde is unsurprisingly suffering a herpes outbreak.

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Is this a shaved sasquatch?

there's no escape, newfag.

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Get gassed you dirty kike

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Is incest even bad if we gene edit away the genetic defects?

If by gene edit you mean post birth abortion via apache helicopter then maybe

Here, have a card that actually exists.
You need it more than us.

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>the third position
>vou-te roubar o fio para outras bandas

jamie pull that up