What is their endgame ?

What is their endgame ?
Did they call back Macron ?

Attached: bogdanov.png (885x733, 552K)

bogdanoff meme plz i want them

what the hell are those things?

Emanuel, shut eet down

Attached: 1543307412719.png (540x378, 460K)

lurk moar potato nigger

One does not call the Brothers Bogdanov. They make the call.

Attached: 3C154E2D-8B8D-4C13-A988-A9BD88777900.gif (240x160, 1.95M)

>Italian needs a quick rundown

Gif for ants. stupid leaf

Attached: bogpill.jpg (928x742, 186K)

>a political movement no longer makes sense but more plastic surgery? always sign me up!