Holy shit! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just BTFO Tucker Carlson. She's absolutely demolishing us in the messaging war...

Holy shit! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just BTFO Tucker Carlson. She's absolutely demolishing us in the messaging war, anons. What can we do?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fresh - harrisonclemens.com/the-wall-a-brief-history-of-obamas-fence-and-a-case-for-trumps-wall/


we should let her talk. more and more and more. may she never be quiet

Jesus Christ, this is like the third conspiracy she's claimed has been launched against her in the last three days. What a lunatic.


>Links to vox
You can't make this shit up

Where's the fake nudes

Also anyone else having to do fucking 50 captchas?

To be fair, Vox is far more reputable and reliable than Fox — especially Tucker Carlson.

Alexandria "Occasional Cortex"

Fuck off discord faggots.

Stop replying to these threads.

>Shakes her titties everywhere for votes
>gets pissed when people fabricate nudes of her

The absolute state of socialist women.

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Imagine replying to this thread without saging. What a faggot.

Just to npcs. It doesn't mean much to working people.

based cross-thread (You) spammer

>waaaah everything is a conspiracy against me, a random anonymous user on a basket weaving forum


Shareblue is going broke so we shouldn't have to deal with this shit much longer.

>Talking about n00ds already

For fucks sake, can't we just go back to the days of boring old white men in suits? The future years are going to be a political shitfest.

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Tucker is the shit, fuck this thot

>(you) spammer

um no.

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GTFO flag fag
>To be fair
If Fox is shit that doesn't give Vox the right to be shit as well, you can't justify this that way

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I sage when I please, faggot.

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If Trump wins AOC will definitely win in 2024 when she's eligible. So vote Dem if you dont want a 35 yo Puerto Rican Presidente. Fox has basically already guaranteed she'll win someday. Only thing that keeps her out is a more moderate Dem

>unironically using Vox

>being proud that you contribute to the cancer

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>Fake nudes
Better drop some real ones to prove it. Haha, seriously though, drop them now, because Latin women age like milk.

>The future years are going to be a political shitfest
But user that's how the fun happens

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freshman millenial liberal progressive congresswoman... not even a week in shes already talking about nude photo scandals.

>posted fake nudes
She talks like a 16 year old.

>fake nudes
Can someone post these?
I need them for research purposes.

Nobody cares about this stupid spic
All AOC threads are shill threads

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>refuting cancer is contributing to cancer

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>why anti white bigots hate Tucker Carlson

Anti white Animus

You're not refuting anything. The shills want her discussed, regardless of context. Stop it.

>Many people have found that funding of Israeli sentiments cross the line of conservatism
>What are we going to do?

What the shills want is irrelevant to me and what you want is irrelevant to me.

The power of zog compels you! The power of zog compels you! The power of zog compels you! The power of zog compels you! The power of zog compels you! The power of zog compels you!

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OP is a shill faggot, but also not wrong this time. She makes concise points (even if they're baseless) that the new left will absolutely eat up. She's like Trump in that regard, and can be even more successful at it because of her ability to relate to the younger half of voters, who are better in tune to receiving messages in this technological age.
Name recognition is so big in politics, especially when 4/5 of the population are NPCs. She's already being forced as a household name, and is being setup to be a part of DC, in one capacity or another, for the next 50 years.
She's dangerous.
Picking on her and granting her "victimhood" only makes them want her to win more.
Say it with me...

I read her post in her infantile voice, you know, the one she uses so people won't criticize her because it's like scolding a child. Except she's a 30 year old woman.



The ABSOLUTE STATE of the union. This is US Congress in current year.

Strap in, it'll get crazy.

They did!? Where's the link?

>this dirty little whore wants to tell you how to live your lives

And the bar sinks even lower.

lmao is anyone here a real goy

I understand this woman is supposed to be the left's version of Trump, but at least there is a method to Trump's madness. He's baiting for a specific outcome and manipulating those around him towards it. AOC doesn't have the first idea of what she's trying to accomplish here. That or she's purely in it just for the chaos and has no endgame. Just another example of the left copying a formula for success of the right while not understanding why it is successful or when it's appropriate to use it.


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AOC is a classic radical ideologue. She believes she is virtuous and she believes that if you are virtuous, you will inherently win. Unfortunately for her, reality doesn't work like that. Thinking one is virtuous doesn't make it so and so she will continue to tow the line and try to "own" the "racists" and people will think it works until it clearly doesn't. They've just slapped a young face on an old, tired idea.

Nah, you and memeflag OP are serious brainlets. Vox is literally an internet startup that noone at all takes seriously. This thread stinks of man ass and discord faggotry. Your AIDS is waiting for you out there, go find it.

And she's been in office what, a week? What's Alex Jones' conspiracy count up to for the year so far?

It really is amazing shitskins and women still claim to be oppressed in this country when this stupid cunt got to where she is only because she's brown and a woman.

Nice flag, shlomo.

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boooo hoooo white supremacists booo hooo

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AOC threads are shill slide threads
>captcha - select all pictures of chimneys

Does Melania Trump legislate policy?

Fucking idiot.

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The globohomo establishment thinks that "finance" is a trigger word, because it reminds them of their treason: funding ISIS terrorists in Syria with YOUR tax money

No, she's not smart enough to, AOC is.
Thanks for playing TrumpTard.

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God she's ugly.

Based. A dozen MOABs on top of that just to make sure.

I think a raid is an order.

Can't cuck the Tuck
libtards go home

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Nazi get the rope bitches

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We just get microwaved to death so yeah pretty crazy.

Funny how like OP the "shill" you also make concise though baseless points
>She's dangerous
Yes she is, to Democratic Socialism. The more famous we make her the more dangerous she will be. She is regurgitated Bernie that runs on brown girl magic rather than actual political power and experience. Its a real pleasure to see what she serves up on social media day after day though if I had voted for her, I'd be pretty angry with all this eceleb fuckery at my expense as a taxpayer

It's gonna be a fun day when this spic's sex tape gets leaked. The damage control will be unfathomable.

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Role-playing bs

>Vox is more reputable
>meme flag

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>those dead, soulless eyes
Jupiter save us

VOX is a 300 million dollar failure financed by NBC. LMAO!

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Ocasio is a woman? News to me.

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pretty sure it's that pic of some woman's exposed leg and foot while in the bathtub that has been floating around here for awhile. Not even close to a "nude photo" as she is trying to claim.

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I'm quite bored of making memes about this bitch, it's quite tiring to make memes of someone who just can't stop saying stupid shit.

I won't make memes with her anymore, I won't give her any platform as she has a big one riding on the back of shills trying to meme her into relevancy but I won't stop her either.

Mark my words if we don't make memes about her she will fall into irrelevancy and public apathy, let her mouth be her undoing.

I repeat don't make memes of her, shills will use them to spark outrage and move their base. They need our memes to spark outrage because they can't meme for shit.

If Cortez really wanted to win ppl over she would show a little cleavage. But she holds herself up to higher standards so the little girl voice is bs. That's the only thing I really respect about her because she looks like she has some nice millers and it would be so easy for her to win ppl over with them.

Sure thing, Ezra Klike

Where the nudes at?

implying tucker is the journalist who posted her nude pics, lol. Tucker is a smart man. If he chooses to respond to this bait my guess is he will ultimately come out on top.

Where are these pics of her

The US government is a daycare for children. "My nudes" coming from the mouth of a US Rep. Far, far below the dignity of the office.

based. my only regret is that I have but one (You) to give.

How so?

Listening to Savage now, are we?

No one cares that she was dancing. You literal faggots pushed that one and it fail.

So where are the nudes? I don't care at all about what she says, but she's kinda hot. She has amazing tits.

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She's one cringy motherfucker.

Let her keep talking. This will all backfire on her very soon. Her own party isn't even taking her seriously and she's stuck on the lunatic fringe with bernie and pocahontas.

Just like every other NY leftist millennial she thinks she is much smarter than she actually is. She's barely started her career. Wait until she realizes that ranting on the internet makes you no better than the person she so dearly hates.

Tbh I'd love tittyfucking AOC and cumming right into her bug-woman eyebrows while listening to Tucker Carlson Tonight on jewtube.

>Mommy "dance"
More like autistic flailing.

>horse/beaner goblin shill thread
sage and report influence team threads


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I'm surprised some based MAGApede hasn't made fakes.

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Dont forget jannies shill AOC for free.

Fake and gay

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Where can I get these “fake nudes”