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Other urls found in this thread:

Everyone post an article of some news you think is important in this thread.

Bump. These daily news wrap up threads are the best.

keep making these threads

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Cher pushing for the wall is interesting. I thought her mind was completely gone.

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slide threads always get spammed when these threads get made.


Bit of a dick move but oh well.

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Fuck speed cameras kek


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kek has bless you both
go forth and spread his chaos


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Could you make this a daily thing?`I find this very valuable. There's just too much shit to sift through at any given day.


I agree, these are the best threads right now.

Very true. This should be a general

>keep making these threads
I realize I know ALL of these events because I'm a /ptg/tard Jow Forumstard. Thankfully not everyone is. These memes make great posts on Twatter/Kikebook/Instawhore.

plz let this happen

generals are containment threads, fuck them


There could even be website in this format. The important news of each day would be presented in similar collage as OP's pic and you could conveniently swipe through the individual days in order to get a general picture of how occurrances around the world are taking form over time.

Well theyve become containment threads. I meant there should be a daily thread, or several a day, summarising the news like OP has done from not so crappy sources. I cant search for current events without fake news like BBC, telegraph, guardian, express popping up

Macron has nothing to offer but blood, sweat and tears? I'm sure the Yellow Vests would gladly take them.

It's not about the sources. It's about finding actual news and not opinion pieces. Tangible happenings in the world and not subjective analysis.

>saying it's not the hill they want to die on
Which is right. It's pretty laughable to anyone paying attention that the dems are pretending that 5b$ is something they're bothered paying for. They are openly showing they don't want border security over what is a petty sum of money to the federal government. The federal government spends nearly double that in a single day already.

Sure. But that means it is about the sources since the fake news media don’t report on relevant happenings, or report on it pretty badly. Agreed on the opinion pieces

They do report on relevant happenings, but you need to search for them since they get buried under the bullshit.


>oi mate, don't destroy the speed cameras which the government uses to confiscate even more fine and tax money from you, and spy on your ever movement
Fucking bongs. You utterly deserve the anal knifing you're getting.

Please keep doing these, user. Once a day at noon EST would be awesome bro
>Real News

Meh they often ignore stuff they don’t want to talk about, or don’t want the public to think about. Lying by omission in other cases

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Kek. >Testify before Congress

Mueller is gonna go public after Trump declassifies the documents during the state of emergency.

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That Israeli-Palestinian WALL is fucking hilarious

The audacity of these YJ cunts, to say that speed cameras take money from the poor.

Fuck them to the marrow

Jews are really fucking shit up around the world.


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Yeah, the guys over at the CTH nailed this a month ago. Called it to the T.

What are you talking about, frog. Fuck speed cameras and fuck you.

FREE CITIZENS should not be policed by MACHINES.

A'ight Macron
But you have a point. The cameras take from everyone, rich and poor. The Captcha for this post was 'select parking meters'. Hmm.

Would this be something that's good HarrisonClemens?

That's kind of an anti-shill news thing but maybe it would be good for this stuff too?

Plug your fucking whore burger mouth you dirty pinko anarchist
The average frog cunt is a lawless reprobate who will whine about others speeding as he himself is 30 km/h above the limit.

We have laws, free citizens fuck shit up.
Go fuck yourself with a rake m8

>We have laws, free citizens fuck shit up.
Hey kike. The yellow vests will be hanging you in the streets soon.

Speed cameras take money from dumb cunts who don't follow speed limits.

Fuck them. If they want speed there are dozens of tracks in the country where they can go have fun

Sure thing dickless mouthbreather.
Go lick your guns somewhere else

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There are absolutely 0 good things left in the YJ movement. It has been 100% taken over by anarchist and antifa supercunt agitators

Damn... Cher is /ourgranny/?

You mean Jow Forumsnews, but without the politically correct cancer and kike/shill censorship?

BBC has another article on the London moped stabbing today. First time I've bothered to look into it so I could be missing stuff.
A black teenager, illegally riding a moped in London, is knocked down and stabbed to death by three men but he was a good boy who definitely wasn't in a gang. His father wasn't present when his family was giving a statement. Maybe he was working a night shift.

oy vey

Fuck Skeletor Rick Scott
He's a GOP decepticon
He and Mitt Romney are boyfriends

They’re right, citizens will be fined for driving 5k over the limit while immigrants will routinely set fire to cars and not even get a knock at the door. It’s calculated to turn french against immigrants rather than against the govt

Make these threads regularly! It's so hard to find news on this board anymore.

ikr? When Trump gets it, he won't be able to ask for any more, I wish he'd ask for his $25B now. If asked for more they'd just say, 'we /gave/ you $5B, you a crazy man!'. No, the $5B is it for a long time imo.

I love Steve King now

I totally agree. Love this daily happenings that are not even on Drudge.

>But Dr Cohen says he doesn't want people to be alarmed by the report.

>'It might make people fear society will stagnate, but we're a couple of generations away from that,' he said.

>'And there are pathways out of it. The main way is through immigration. It may be difficult with culture and politics, but not with demography.'

>Dr Resiman agrees that immigrants are the key to replenishing population levels.

>'We're not quite Japan yet,' he said, referencing the Asian's country struggling birth rates. 'But this definitely makes the case for why we need more immigrants.'

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Not in citizen free press, Drudge, zero hedge.


Bump because this is a thread that should be done daily.

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These threads get slid super fucking hard. Less than 100 posts in an hour.

This thread deserves front page attention, op was not a faggot this day.

Why is a Cher tweet considered newsworthy?

Go fuck yourself you and your crap. If there were no women no seniors above 70+ and no niggers driving there would be almost no issues on the roads. Your machines are only here to pay back the debt the gov own to the bankers.

Because Democrats are eating each other alive.


>so much happening
>nothing of what you posted actually matters
yeah sick meme dude wake me up when the civil war starts and the real work begins


This daily headline is made for /pol
OP was a good patriot

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>nothing matters
>wake me up when civil war
You realize coming into a thread that you supposedly don't care about only to bitch and complain and then advocate for civil war makes you the dumbest Israeli shill that there is.

Lovely thread Op

the dial in my vehicle says 240 km/h and I will bloody drive at the speed I want thank you very much
fuck speed cameras and fuck the cops


I'll go find an article but in the meantime...
>>Pompeo is a fucking boss. Not sure if it's still going but I heard he and Ben Carson had weekly bible study with Trump on Wed. mornings. Then he just goes out and BTFO's Trump & America's enemies. Atta boy Pomp!

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Speaking of Bible is my contribution.


Mueller works for Trump. He's /ourguy/

Terrible logic bud. I wouldn't expect a fake American retard like yourself who is wholly ignorant that anything short of war results in the destruction of America, it's culture and people. You slack jawed mongrels are worthless, your dumbass solutions will turn American into Brazil 2.0, you losers are just as bad as the kikes and you don't realize which makes you worse. Traitors hang before the enemy. The only reason you'd disagree to civil war is if you're a shitskin who doesn't belong here.

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Cool story. We're pulling out of Syria no matter what Erdogan says and Trump still doesn't give a fuck about Iran in Syria. Enjoy every day you have left because the muslims will be declaring war on you and internet proxies won't stop bombs or bullets.

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Yeah mate and he will unlock the secrets of the universe for us too right? Oh and how could I forget, he's also a time traveller.

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No idea, but whatever firm you work for will soon shut down and everyone will be arrested as soon as Mueller goes public.

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>>free citizens fuck shit up
Get out faggot. Also, Happy Hanukkah

why is Cher so important to the DNC.


Boomer women duh

Ah as usually you're one of the retarded boomers on this website who deals in absolutes and because of your sub 90 IQ are completely incapable of empathizing and realizing there are men of conviction left in the United States who won't compromise.

t. shitskin fake American who's getting killed or deported after the civil war



I can only imagine how schizophrenic your discord group sounds when you people circle jerk all this fiction.

You came into this thread and the first thing you said was that nothing was happening and to wake you up when a civil war begins. Do you realize how retarded you are? I guess not since Jews can't self reflect. That's why vampires were based on Jews. Anyways, nothing you've said so far means anything. You might just be an Israeli AI.

/WNG/ - World News General

>US stops Croatia from buying Israeli jets
>After Pompeo vists Jordon hardlines against Israel
What the fuck, did something happen between Trump and Israel?

Absolutely based. These things are only for surplus revenue to the state.