Absolute state of women

>Get a GF
>You pay the rent
>She saves up money
>She comes up and tells you that she is going on a solo back packing trip to "discover herself"
>Get cucked

Why are women like this pol? I just dont get it

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Other urls found in this thread:


Guarantee the comments are calling him an asshole.

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surprisingly not.


Good for him

Fucking nice to see some men still around.

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Surprised he did the right thing. Dumb thot was not only ungrateful but also untrustworthy

>Posting a link to an image on an image-board
I'm not clicking that, Leaf.

I would've let her go
And used the time to seed as many other women as humanly possible before she got back

Damn this dude did a hell of a job, salute to him

>Please help reddit!
These people deserve everything

Read Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

I can’t read what this pixelated shit says, Jew

this is only unbelievable if you've never intimately known women

they are exactly like this, they would definitely choose the one night stand guy over the unfaithful cunt just for the sake of pissing her off, I 100% believe this story, it's fucking hilarious

phonefags get the rope

Being on a phone doesn’t change the pixelation of an image dumb kike

Of course he's not the asshole. For one, going on a "backpacking trip" through South America is a sure way to wind up dead so his opposing such a stupid idea is admirable at face value. It's as if his common sense as a man kicks in automatically to protect her. But of course she'll ignore it.

Secondly, she planned the entire thing in secret and then surprised him with less than a weeks notice. This woman is full of deceit. You can be sure she wouldn't be open and honest with him if her real intent of the trip was to "find [and insert cock in] herself."

He's not controlling. As a person in the relationship, you can assert this type of control all the time. I.E. No girlfriend of mine is going backpacking across S.A. He's not telling her not to go, he's just telling her that their relationship would be over before she started her little excursion. A perfectly legitimate position to hold.

There's something not quite right about this situation though. Most women doing such a trip would have planned it with a gf. They would have been upfront with their bfs and stressed that it was a "girls trip." Most cucked bfs would allow it and the women would go off and "find themselves" (aka screwing everything with a pulse). The fact that she's claiming that she's going alone makes me suspect that she's not going with a gf, but rather a new bf.

In other words, this gf is a lying, dirty, whore.

works on my machine



get a display that goes above 240p

Why is this a /pol thread?

You were lucky that she even looked at your face in the first place, leaf.

I have a hot a shit EYETALIAN wife with a thicc ass and cock loving lips.... 2 kids and couldn't be happier.

Sometimes we play sex games and we have this deck of cards where you have to be sexy acting like the flag of your card. Guess what ruins the night?

He did well. Bitch was going to get dicked most definitely.

It does affect how some of these images show up. I phonefag regularly and have issues with images ending up pixelated for whatever reason. They open up just fine on my computer though.

looks fine on my computer

Open the image in a new tab and remove the "m" from the url at the end.

>she is going on a solo back packing trip to "discover herself"
If the flags didn't start raising themselves after this, there is no hope for that man.

Yeah, that's a classic... evil genius tier shitlord

He would've been cucked only if he had tolerated the behavior. He did not. Fuck off, retard.

Cuck. You could fuck sluts without paying a whores rent until she can afford to go on her secretly planned south american fuck vacation.

Heh.. I fucked my ex-wife's best friend. It's not to be thought of as a vengeful act.. it's just... the feeling between two people who have known each other for a while and have both wondered what it would be like. Then one day it suddenly becomes a possibility.. so you do it.

Fags get mad that someone calls them out on being fags for the sake of being fags. reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/aencho/aita_for_not_caring_about_gay_pride/

I lol'd

He's a fuck witt for putting up with this whore for 2+ years, but he deserves credit for growing a sack and fucking the cunt off.

He isn't a cuck. He cut the slut's rope. This would've been a proud achievement if he didn't post this is a subreddit to validate his decision.

>israeli flag
>smiling like a (((rat))) with his bags packed
a-user... are you jared?


That's some cash money shit right there, what a bo$$.

Proud of this cunt.

>gets cucked

he kicked her out before she discovered herself

>paying her rent

He paid his own rent and let the pussy come and go until it got bored.

New pussy coming in

>redddit screenshot
Why do you goddamn niggers drag that redddit trash onto Jow Forums?

can't just any fucking speedreader do the TL;DR?

Stop embarrassing yourself and
>drop down bar
>view desktop site

Tah dah now STFU and lurk moar faggot.

This is why we’re all marrying Asians. This is the product of multigenerational white males being max cucked and white knighting 24/7. You have only yourselves to blame.

>let's woman, who is of the slave sex, or the sex that is unable to foresee the future and think, do whatever she wants
why can't you master up and control your woman user? who took your balls? n

Attached: 1546950432427.png (512x768, 491K)

got anymore

>Fuck bitches
>Get money
>Bush did 9/11
>The N-word

Attached: 1519551468396.jpg (640x632, 38K)

Just click the .jpg link above and you get the unlixelated version.

Because they're ALLOWED to be like this.

He didn't get cucked tho. He saw the red flags and bailed.

If more men were like this, women would not be in the state they are now.

I believed it until she started about her sister and cousin. Fake af. First, you have to be George Clooney tier to pull that off. Second, I find it hard to believe that "if" he managed to fuck them, they would all openly admit to it or boast about it. Women don't function like that.

Attached: donladboner.jpg (800x450, 61K)

marry a good woman and don't date!


Attached: 1526710876921.jpg (1080x707, 70K)

Tried that and doesn't work. Odds are you knew that though.

Based Jew

Phone posters too dumb to remove the m from the image url need to be gassed

That’s nothing niggers.
>date a bit younger girl. I am 21, she is 18
>she is a student, I started my career back then as a IT project manager
>she lives with me, obviously has no money
>I pay for everything, she cares about household
>I like this, it's how it should be
>I don't save too much because of that, but hey why not and also deep in love with her
>go through three years like that until she finish her education and starts working too
>she is working and making nice money which she saves
>goes for a time
>things get bit sour between us. I work too much to keep it all afloat, she whines we don't do anything and how I don't have time for her, stuff like that
>goes on for some time even though I start working less and spend more time together, we go to vacation etc.
>red flags in my head, one day just say fuck it and take her computer to find out she was messaging other guys
>she didn't cheated yet, but was going to
>end it on the spot
>your typical shit ensues
>few months pass, slowly heal
>some of my friends stop taking my phones, even block me
>start asking around
>bitch spread rumors about me how I cheated on her and how she paid for everything for years and that I have debt of thousands k with her
That was month ago.

Did you screenshot her intentions to cheat? If not you're an actual caved in head wojack and deserve everything you're getting. If yes, use that as proof nigger.

the TRAVELING meme, never a good sign

Attached: TravelingAndWantToHookup.png (718x1080, 80K)

Of course I did, I'm not a fucking retard. But yeah, it's a great way of spending time, showing your friends proofs you've dating a whore.

You are wrong. The jew is correct. Time to gas yourself.

There is a solution.

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Please tell me this is a fake Jow Forums

Remove the M and change the .jpg at the end to .png that works every time when just deleting the M doesnt.

Nigga did the right thing. I was expecting him to cuck

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Sounds like he dumped the sloot before getting cucked

based and redpilled

but unfortunately it's also fake and gay

While back in the day I'd just say LURK MOAR and leave you to your ignorance, I'm feeling generous so I'll help you. When phoneposting, large images are compressed to a smaller image to save bandwidth. If you open a file in a new tab you'll notice the "m" after the unix timestamp in the title. Loading the image without the m. Note that m images stay cached longer than full images, so if a thread 404s you might still be able to see the cached m image, even if the full is gone. Now go away and fagging up this thread.

I love the whole 'talked with my ex coworker and his gf is probably going to leave him'
Well no fucking shit, anyone who cheats are scum.

>south America

Might as well go to Syria.

That trick doesnt work here.

>t. newfag
Many such cases!

Lol. This guys is red pilled. If some bitch ever suggests an open relationship it doesn’t matter how long you have been together, dump her right then and there because odds are she’s already cheating on you or she’s going to in the future. He did the right thing and canned this roastie, I can drink to that

>Discovering herself
We all know what that means.

>backpacking alone in South America

The real question is, how long until she pays the toll and he gets to say "told ya so" ?

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well there's your problem

He's doing that to fuck with her mentally and, my god, he is doing a fucking spectacular job.

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I had this conversation with a coworker of mine who was telling her gf to go on a "trip". When they asked me if my gf wanted to go on a trip what I'd say, I told them I'd say no, and they said they couldn't tell if I was joking or not.

These peoples sense of the world is completely warped, and no amount of debate will fix them since they view the absolute right to feel good in contrast to reality, as their God.

Only hope is for all these egocentric faggots is to die out.

If you're dumb enough to allow your woman to go travel outside of the colonies period, more or less alone, you basically are retarded
Well there's that too

going to Morocco for some ahmed?

That is a pornstar. Nice asshole, definitely Eastern European

That's a wonderful solution if you're a fully committed epic troll

kek, never saw that version before. Good one schlomo.

Attached: drunk-birthday-clown.jpg (600x600, 150K)

Desktop version

mobile version

from the mobile version remove the "m" before the .png or .jpg.

if you get a 404 error, remove the "m" AND chanhe the .jpg to .png or viceversa.

fuck niggers

>our children
I can't wait to get to kill people like this in a genocidal war

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Help me plebbit! you're my only hope! a den of faggots and trannies is my only hope!

>jared starts fucking her mom days later

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love of travel and attraction to foreign people are key traits of the zodiac sign of sagittarius, which is also one of, if not the most unfaithful and promiscuis signs

Millions of Europeans, Asians and Yankees backpack through the continent every year with no issue.
A friend did the same route and spent most of his time fucking various backpackers from all over the world, oftentimes barely mediating words, the women that do this are huge whores.

I see a lot of kikes coming to my country just to "talk" (I guess) with the limpiabotas, (people who clean your shoes on the streets) same with the söyboys who spend their afternoons chatting with them.
Like two weeks ago I see one söyboy sitting in the middle of two limpiabotas with his guitar singing some liberal shit, one of them look at me distressful, not even enjoying that moment.

Canadian and Nordic women were the easier sluts. Asian women would either ignore you or go straight to sucking your dick after saying hello. The rest were within the normal range of drunk slut behavior.

This was written by a man, an effeminate man but still a man.

what the fuck is it with normie and "traveling"

i've been to a couple of countries (i'm not even german either) but it's mostly the same shit with a slightly different flavour everywhere, what's the fucking point

If you are going there for a specific purpose like an event, visiting some specific sites be they historical, religious or some other factor it can be beneficial but wandering willy nilly just wastes money.

>i've been to a couple of countries (i'm not even german either)
>german flag

Attached: AHAA.jpg (635x480, 46K)

Stop spouting hippy dippy stupidity.

Based and redpilled

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I travelled to Colombia on a vacation thinking it would be great (I'm a leaf) and I've been bored here thinking the same thing. There's beaches, and it's summer weather, but I'm paying thousands of dollars for a lower living standard than even the poorest people in Canada have. I came with a girl who is one of these travelling thots and she put out the first night here, but is only interested in taking pictures to show off her vacation when there isn't anything here. I can't believe I spent 3k, I'm going to learn from this.

>oh look a building
>oh look a slightly different building
>oh this one have this bland forgettable story nobody would remember in two weeks if they haven't grew up there
>how about this special overpriced food that you either can just have at home or not even that good (but you can brag about nonetheless)
>oh and good luck trying to express yourself if you're in some shithole that can't speak english and you don't know the local language

literally why

Attached: boring.png (317x167, 9K)

that's the point you filthy kike, i'm a non-german staying in germany which shows that i DO travel a lot but still can't wrap my head around why normies are so into this shit

Enjoy starving to death when you get home

>oh look a building
Maybe if you weren't a brainlet and had some heritage you could find meaning.
>I wana express myself
Go piss in the fucking snow then.

Me too man, me too