My girlfriend broke up with me because I skipped her sister's funeral to play an MMO...

My girlfriend broke up with me because I skipped her sister's funeral to play an MMO. Do you think I could win her back with an apology or have I really stepped in it this time?

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Tell her it's a personal family situation and you didn't want to interrupt family time. Of course unless you have already said why then don't bother with that.

Yeah, you done fucked it up

Did you already apologize? Just apologize and move on. Sometimes a girl will break up with you and come back a couple weeks/months later.

>Do you think I could win her back
what for though? you clearly don't really give a fuck

Wtf is wrong with you?

If she ditched you cause of a funeral she is not worth it

MMOs are fun, funerals aren't. That's about the long and the short of it.

You absolute fucking moron

Video games are a waste of time, you're a selfish, evil, idiot of a man. No she won't take you back.

You'll go no where in life with that attitude, sometimes you have to do things that are uncomfortable

FUCKING LMAO. what a piece of shit. Hahahahahaha.

this board simply isn't a part of Jow Forums

You're the normalfag with a girlfriend. If you really lack this much self-awareness then she's not coming back.

How long were you with her for? Why the fuck would she expect you to go to a funeral?

11 months. I'd gotten to be friends with her sister. tfw no 1 year anniversary.

Probably best you stay away from her and future relationships.

I'm not OP. but I agree, she's not coming back, unless she's just as stupid as he is

Why do you want her back?
More time for MMO's

It's ok, Chad would have skipped it too. The difference is he gives her that good dick while you're busy trying to get that big dick dps.

Chad would fuck her on top of her dead sister and then fuck dead sister on top of her. Also, the cause of death would be being overfucked by Chad

>muh edchy 4chin

Jow Forums is sad satire you dumb fuck. Not real life.

My best friend is just a side chick and her man managed to come to her mom’s funeral so he could comfort her. This is your girlfriend and you couldn’t bother? You’re just a selfish pig.

your life is sad satire

Confirmed. She dumped you not because of the MMO (which I fully understand you gotta get your raid prog on. Not like the sisters going anywhere) but because Chad was just giving her that baby batter way better than you could.

Did you even know her sister that well?

I hope this is b8

If she KNOWS the reason you did not go to it was because you were wanted to play an MMO instead,don't even bother and don't try to contact her.

If she doesn't then go with

What MMO were you playing?

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Shes better off without u

You don’t deserve to ever speak to her again. You have failed as even a shitty friend.

best option is to apologize and move on. ("I'm so sorry, I understand though it'd be impossible to make up so this should be goodbye") something like that will possibly make her regret leaving you. Or you'll both just accept what happened and move on.

Maple Story

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What the fuck

First off don't play MMO's. They are toxic for real world relationships. This is a primary example why. MMO's are a drug that offer temporary escapism.

This vidya obsessed generation needs to be purged.

seems reasonable


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Ok, now I went from being 90% sure it's a bait to 110% sure

Roasties out in full force

Your a fucking deuche. You blew it and it sounds like she may be better off! Have fun having a video game as your girlfriend the rest of your life!

I really wish this were real but no one is actually this stupid, right?

funerals are a fuckin xp waste so I can blame you on that one. But maplestory? Are you fucking kidding me get good taste, pleb.

Evil? Cmon now. Selfish? Absolutely. OP is dodo bird.

You should’ve asked if her sister dropped good loot.

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>my best friend is just a side chick
I feel like a complete fucking boomer right now, but can somebody explain what this means? Is side chick an actual thing now? Do they purposefully join Chad's harem instead of having a relationship with a nice monogamous partner? Crazy.

Fucking kek

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Your picture is weak and you should apply some rope to your neck.

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Dont waste her time you fucking filth


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Wow you are like the worst kind of boyfriend