
reminder that if you support police youre a weak, bootlicking beta cuck

>inb4 nigger
police are actually a little worse than niggers believe it or not. All insecure bald fat guys who get off on violence and having undeserved power over citizens

Attached: police.pig_.jpg (558x532, 152K)

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that's a subjective moral judgement.

hurr durr go and start your own police force

Attached: jackjumper ant.jpg (800x600, 106K)

All cops are bad and should be burned alive, until a shitskin rapes your daughter and then you're begging for cops to do something.

blue lives matter :)

Attached: 160403112004-daniel-shaver-shooting-begged-life-orig-vstan-dlewis-00000000-super-tease.jpg (1100x619, 61K)

yeah just as much as everyone elses.

If someone ever bothers you just shit in your hand and throw it at them.

>he thinks the cop will help him
You need to be 18 to post here. If 10 rapefugees got into your house right now and started raping you and your family the cops will not come. They will wait for 2 hours until the rapefugees leave first and then come to do the paperwork.

calm down jamal, ebt will be turned back on soon enough.

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Get your ticket today

Attached: 0.png (500x700, 286K)

cops are 10x more likely to harass innocent citizens and try to get off on showing dominance over someone for having a dirty license plate than actually helping you. Id trust my redneck neighbor that has a few guns more to help me than any pig

Whenever blacks and liberals go on a rampage against cops I'm not backing the cops. Fuck that. I know it's fashionable on the right the back the cops because they're white. But they're not on our side. They're not on anyone's side. They're on their own side. Nothing but thugs working for a corrupt state, demeaning citizens.