

Attached: minorityleaderpelosi.jpg (453x347, 29K)

Mmmm yes.

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Drumpf btfo by Italian granny. Bet she makes some good spaghetti too.


sugar in water

I’d fuck her and her big DD titties

The answer is no, Donald.

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gots to be a stunt double, notice the lips aren't moving.

>tfw you will never go down on Nancy in the back of a limo after a long sweaty day of destroying the country

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>builds wall anyway with Constitutionally granted powers
>still keeps government shut down, punishing the Federal workers who are 90% Democrat

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You just know.

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She was alive before the USA entered into World War fucking 2!


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She will be killed by a Trump supporter in a month.

I came

It’s likely

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Yes. Yes


You can’t honestly tell me that you wouldn’t motorboat the fuck outta those big saggy granny milkers

One of her sexier looks.

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Maybe she will die by sniper fire?
I'd not be saddened if they all did.

>builds wall anyway with Constitutionally granted powers
Holy shit, Magapedes are just going to wait for this Wall forever.
"He could easily build this wall with his powerz, but hasn't because 44DD chest."

What a rube.


Maybe I should have voted for Hillary, she had a better plan to keep out the beaners, right?

See unless you fags are running Jared Taylor you’ll lose in 2020. Nobody’s voting against their interests.