The people are turning out in masses in Republican stronghold of Texas... and they broke out the baby trump balloon!

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Other urls found in this thread: only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards. City people all voted for Hillary./

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The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

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lol that's 30ish people

Imagine how silly you shills will seem when he gets the wall.

You’re only hurting yourselves.



I'm hoping Violence happens.

Please, please, please someone just beat the leftists.

>Please, please, please someone just beat the leftists.

Can't people just donate money for a wall?

Oh no
Not the baby trump balloon
It’s really all over, isn’t it?

>the people
You mean the twelve liberals that live an hour away? Meanwhile in reality thousands of people donated their own money to aid border wall construction.
Looks like you’re loosing.

I'm from McAllen.

We voted 75% for Hillary. But a lot of centrist Latinos voted for her by default.

The Supporters vs Protesters are actually 50/50 today. (Since the centrist dont care to come out.) Pics related.

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Sorry. I mean a lot of centrist Democratic Latinos voted for Hillary here without caring much. But theres only a few actual passionate liberals. That's why they're the same amount as the Trump supporters today.

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Doesn't matter if they vote passionately or by default, spics still vote overwhelmingly democrat and too many of them will break the country - whether it be civil war or balkanization.

>in masses
m8 that's like 25 people
probably 100% gobberment employees
so the only people affected by the shutdown

MAN these people's handlers are scared of losing free access to the blood and various holes of hordes of all lookum sameum Latino children who all look and are named anonymously the same and whose "parents" can be cheaply paid off for their enslavement. Who knew adrenochrome was real?

>The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
I live in Syracuse NY, you are just one of the many narcissistic posers that make up the left.

There were more pro-Trump supporters than anti-trump supporters
t. Texan

My point is that Hispanics are literally 50/50 Republican and Democrats for the most part. But Republicans ignore them while Democrats don't. So the middle people sway to Democrats then Republicans complain that Latinos always vote Democrats. Beto came here and spoke with students and workers, while Ted Cruz didn't.

These slider trolls are pretty ridiculous, yes.

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Even the Beto voters in Texas support Trump. They might not like him, but they don't like child drag queens. OP is a shill

And I'm talking about Arizona, New Mexico, and especially Texas. A lot of Latinos live in California because it's a big state, and California is extremely left wing. So it's only natural that a big chunk of Latinos will be left wing if they're in California, same things happens to asians in California. I can understand that Republicans cant do much in that territory.

Over 2 years later and youre still posting this. You are mentally ill only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards. City people all voted for Hillary./
>2911 results found
Hmm, I'm starting to wonder if it's the same leaf as pic related.

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Want to know a noticeable difference in that picture, something radically different than Obama's related time in office?

pic related

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Yeah most Mexicans are conservative but they still vote against their self interests because of identity politics and immigration fearmongering the left wing media does.

Welcome valley fag. I'd be there but could not get the time off from work. Harlingen fag here. Tho to be fair like 80% of the beaners here are die hard blue voters. They don't even care who they vote for so long as they are blue. Cause they know they will get gibs. It's a slow creep up as they breed like rats and change the voting by indoctrination of their spawn.

>most Mexicans are conservative

That's why 70% of immigrants of central/southern America are on some form of welfare? Also, surveys show they overwhelming say they want a bigger government with more services. Natural conservatives for sure!

Finally some sense.
Wish these civnat cucks would stop peddling their based Tejano meme.

Just touch 'em and they'll fall over.

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user, I....

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Texas is basically the Sweden of America. They’re unbelievably cucked and are willing to suck as many mestizo cocks as possible. Yet still claim they’re conservative and have “traditional values”. They’re also one of the most Pro-Israel states in the entire country. Race-mixing and other forms of mongrelization are also extremely common over there. White babies literally make up less than 31% of all births in the state. Anybody who’s of european descent and isn’t cucked should move out. It’s never going to get better.

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keep eating yourself from the inside. even the most socialist safe people cant stand to be around (((you))). popped your balloon no fucks given

Same as with the socially "problematic" blacks. It's the power of gibs.

wow pic related and low energy, sad

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>20 person protest
Some good 'ol boy is gonna put a bullet through that balloon and end their fun before the day is out, mark my words.

Texas is going to go blue regardless. They should’ve built a massive brick wall between their state and Mexico after the revolution. Not to mention, kick out every last mestizo in their region.

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You're confusing conservative with Republican

over 2 years later and people still fall for the bait

i actually really like that Trump baby blimp and i love Trump. i'd love to buy a stuffed animal of it. it's really cute

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This exact poster is why I hate Canada with a burning passion. I hope we nuke you all one day.

What type of conservative are you referring to?
Don't try and pull out some BS about how they're somehow socially conservative. Single motherhood and degeneracy run rampant among Latinas.

I've lived in South Texas all my life. I don't have a problem with Latinos in general, they're not as bad as blacks. But they are far more an existential threat to the US because of their birth rates.

>The (((people))) are turning out in masses

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Open fire.

I was really hoping they would make a plushie of it. Baby trump balloon is p cute.

Hey, JIDF.

Hillary only got the jews, black and spic vote.

College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.


We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, jews, radicals etc.)

Just look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Time is short.




The country can easily be saved if we do just those 3 things.

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We have to build the wall to find out what's in the wall.

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What a (((coincidence)))...

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What a (((coincidence)))...

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Wonder when they got across the border?

What a (((coincidence)))...

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What a (((coincidence)))...

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LOL CRINGE! This orange man is having a temper tantrum like some little kid because of his methamphetamine prescription and now the dems have to babysit this idiot

>spoke with students and workers
What is the backbone of the communist party?

Omg, I can count at leat a million people in that pic. Impeachment when?

It’s over.

Didn't have the money after the revolution. US government should've cut us some gibs for one and finished the job in the Mexican war as well I.e. Take over northern Mexico just to have a buffer. Now it's too late, far too late. Rip

That chart makes trump look really good. You ever been to a “core urban area” lmao. Go to downtown Chicago or Hollywood Blvd. Nothing but schizos, thugs, and SJWs

Yes. Latinos are generally socially conservative. Mexico has a bigger government but they are more socially conservative than USA and just because they have big governments it doesnt make them more "liberal". That's like saying Hitler was a liberal. (Yes he was an economic leftist by being a statist but he wasnt "nonconservative=liberal")

It's true that teen pregnancy is bigger with Latinos (for different reasons) but big part of that is because their parents are more conservative and refuse abortions. Why do you think blacks arent the growing as fast? Who gets more abortions?

I agree that they're a threat to American identity though. But consider the fact that we have 13,000,000 of them that shouldnt even be here legally. That alone would fix demographics a lot.

Daily reminder you faggots are bending at the heel for Nancy fucking Pelosi. Low Energy would be a compliment for how uninspiring you faggots have become.

What is the back bone of the Republican party in regions they dont visit? If someone isnt a student or worker, what are they?

>in masses
30 people.

>Daily reminder you faggots are bending at the heel for Nancy fucking Pelosi. Low Energy would be a compliment for how uninspiring you faggots have become.

lol r u hilllary clintoN? cuz thats some hillary-clinton-tier delusions bro

nancy pelosi looks like shes gonna ginsburg herself from stress if this keeps up any longer.