It's time to talk about healthcare in America

Universal Healthcare for all now!
Why does /pol resist this?

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Tell me why you are for it.
>why is it good
>how to pay for it
>who gets to use it

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Because it will cost literal trillions of dollars

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>Pay and your loved one's will still die.
This is your alternative.

>He thinks emergency rooms can deny service

>why is it good
It's good because you don't have to pay through the roof for basic coverage, and we are being held hostage by the medical system

>how to pay for it
Out of Taxes, and since the government will be paying they are going to force their prices down,

>who gets to use it
Everyone in America

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We have universal health care. It's called Medicaid.

Health insurance=/=Healthcare
Get it straight, you fucks.

you still pay into it

You can't be denied life-saving services in america. You've obviously never worked in a health care environment.

Oh no. The poor people that need healthcare.

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>tfw in med school now

Why did I dedicate my life to this bullshit. I would be happier if everyone who needed free insurance was dead.

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This, if there were actual cures for things I might be a believer

I wish we dropped uni healthcare up north. Doctor/nurses wages are a fucking catastrophe and the hospitals are closing down wards because they can't keep the staff.

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Because it's only needed for shitskins and the poor. Mostly it's just so those that contribute nothing can take even more. Fuck them, let them drown.
Also this

>don’t have to pay much for medicine
I don’t know about you, but I don’t pay much. I think your country is literally just Jewed through the roof.
>pay healthcare with taxes
This doesn’t work due to social parasites. This problem was mostly eliminated in Germany, because everyone had to work to pay for insurance cover. If you don’t have insurance cover you pay through the roof. It’s that simple.
>everyone in USA gets it
The quickest way to bankrupt a nation. You demand that productive people (whites) pay for lazy parasites (every other race). Of course it will end in disaster

I don’t know many or any countries which offer what you describe. Let me rephrase, I don’t know any country that provides what you describe in such an utopian fashion. You underestimate people’s will to gobble up any free benefits and public goods.

I'm a ICU nurse going on my 6th year. I become more jaded and bitter each day.

In the end the hospital will own your life's work. Sorry

We don't pay through the roof for basic needs. That's a (((media))) trick. I went to my doctor last month for a wellness checkup and I wasn't feeling well. It cost me 65 for the meeting and all told cost under $100. People who post their outrageous bills in the US do two things, go to the emergency room and usual.y have been there a lot without ever having paid. My last emergency room trip was about 12 years ago and cost me about $1200 for blood work, a diagnostic, and an IV for two hours. No insurance.

That’s... actually pretty expensive
I had a hospital stay for 6 days, major surgery, lots and lots of treatments and I paid nothing
I’m insured, but nothing crazy really. I pick my own insurance and by law insurance companies are not even allowed to make a profit. They are just allowed to exist.
This works, but I have to pay for it. I think if I didn’t have insurance I would easily pay 20-50 thousand.
But we don’t have universal healthcare so I don’t know how unemployed fags pay for any of it
Oh, rapefugees are automatically covered for free. You could say they have basic health cover. In fact I checked once, rapefugees are often automatically insured better than a native or legal immigrant just by gracing us with their presence

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poor soul

I don't find $100 bucks once or twice a year all that expensive.
As far as your refugee problem, we have a similar problem but ours works by having hundreds of thousands of mexishits go into our emergency rooms and never pay. This drives up our healthcare costs and our insurance like crazy.

Literally billions a year.

Christ loves you.

>public good
Well technically it’s not a public good but the spics are using it like a public good. Anytime you make something public it will be used to the maximum. I’m not explaining this to you as you know it, but sometimes you need to explain these basic things to the retards that start these threads or the lurkers who are learning.

How old are you and are you a girl? I’m looking to wife a qt and take her out of the job market

Who cares what (((Christ))) wants

I do if he wanted us to start whipping jews and slaughtering godless hordes.

And once niggers become Christians they are allowed right into every white nation
Fuck off christcuck
You christcucks are a worse plague than kikes

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Why are progressive always based on dishonesty

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You cannot be turned down for life saving medical care for any reason, financial or otherwise. You could be a known terrorist, walk into any hospital in the US, shout at the top of your lungs “Oh god im having a heart attack, i have no money or insurance, i never plan on paying any medical bills, and if I survive i am killing everyone in this building” and then proceed to suffer said heart attack. You will receive the same life saving medical treatment as Jorb Bezos would if he fell over from a heart attack in the same hospital. This is the LAW. If they don’t provide you with this live saving care, they are committing a crime. You might go to a mental hospital or prison if they succeed in saving you, but it illustrates the fact that “pay or we let your loved ones die” is the farthest thing from the US stance on healthcare.

Also, why the fuck did you use a picture of a doctor for this blatantly incorrect meme? Its not like its the doctors fault the healthcare system is the way it is. They just save peoples lives as best they can, period. Thats their job. If anything the picture should be a Jewish insurance CEO and a Jewish politician sucking eachother off in a 69 position. They are the reason for your misplaced strife.

Deist actually and I don't see why we should let in Christian niggers. You know full good and well their Christianity is a form of ooga booga mixed with a vague notion of European Christianity.
In "The History of All Religions" Schmucker called the Yezidees Satan worshippers because when the Catholic missionaries taught them about their religion, they began the practice of kissing the first sunlight they saw that day in honor of the Son of the Morning Star. As they explained it, they already had a lot of sky gods so Jesus and company were of little interest but they had no gods of fire or sunlight.
Shitskins can't into white cultures. It doesn't matter if they claim to share a faith.

Because their only real argument is an appeal to emotion and failing that, they resort to manipulation. They lack the tools and wherewithal to be able to use facts and honest argument to sway another's mind because they themselves lacked the defenses to prevent from being swayed in a dishonest manner. So to them, these notions aren't simply alien but concepts they can't even recognize.

Good thing that legally they're barred from not providing life saving care.

that's the emergency room not healthcare

Again you won't die because you don't have money

cancer or aids

Why care about Jesus then

I just got my medical card from my new insurance provider. I was told that for 500 dollars a month I would get full coverage. The actual policy states that they will only cover 50%. In its current state the US insurance system is the biggest kike scam of the last 20 years. I see why people work off the books and claim 0 income now.

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I don't unless everyone agrees he wanted us to whip jews and rain death down on godless hordes. If that happens I'll start caring but until that day I will go on viewing Jesus as the protohippy.


A wall is cheaper

Because they can't economics, OP. They are so god damn stupid they can't help but be fucked over in the name of "but muh "free-market""

>be sick or get hurt
>go to doctor
>they can't refuse treatment
>no payment needed at time of services
>throw the bill in the garbage and never think about it again

I've done this for probably no less than 50k of healthcare expenses. All they do is send me reminders which I also throw away and report it to credit bureaus that are meaningless kike institutions that mean nothing to me because I'm self employed and don't use credit for anything

free healthcare

>universal health care for all in america.
>prices magically go down
>doctors dont make as much as they used to anymore
>being a doctor means treating the filthiest niggers every day
>no one wants to work as a doctor anymore
>everyone does
The end.

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either you're lying, you're being ripped off, or you're being incredibly jewish by not choosing your options intelligently.

i have a more expensive insurer, and i pay about $97/mo with a $5k deductible and 70% of non critical care, 100% critical care, and 50% care if it's a hospital stay longer than 3 months. my basic co-pay is $30, and prescriptions are $50 deductible or 100% covered if it's critically required.

1. insurance for the insurer is a gamble that more people pay into the system than take out.
2. companies negotiate with insurers to provide an incentivized plan to attract talent for employees as a benefit - this is why special packages for employers exist and vary from employer to employer
3. a huge portion of the cost of insurance is the hospital's take on uninsured patients that use expensive time/energy/resources and never pay anyone anything. in order to remain open and available, they increase the prices on people who do pay.
4. doctors and surgeons and nurses are covered by the hospital for their own healthcare, but they have separate business and medical malpractice insurance - specifically most drs and surgeons take out a separate policy themselves which is extremely pricey (between 3-4k a month for certain surgical specialties. some surgeons take out a premium just for their hands or something. this is because some people sue the crap out of drs for conditions that are their own fault and the legal system lets them get away with frivolous lawsuits - when sued or suspected, the medical license is suspended and they can't be legally employed as a dr anywhere until investigated and cleared.
5. lastly many people have already stated that basic life saving service is freely available if you are gainfully employed. Obamacare fucked over a lot of poor people, but most can buy insurance now - especially since Trump fixed it to remove the insane penalties for being uninsured.

impressive that you don't need to take out any capital loans for growing your business, rent equipment, or assess commercial property. sole proprietors, if you aren't incorporated or an LLC or S corp generally have the principle officer (you) take the credit check to suborn the loan.

Nice projection

i should also mention that $97 is health/dental/vision combined.

>pay or you die
You can't be refused emergency treatment or medication just because you don't have money.

In almost every emergency situation, you're treated right away then they bill you later. Whether or not you can afford the bill, or if you do (or do not) have insurance, won't prevent you from being treated.

tl;dr It's not a matter of "not getting healthcare", it's a matter of who's getting the bill.

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>Why does /pol resist this?
I'm not paying more in taxes than I already do for insurance just so some fat slovenly niggers and spics can get a free ride.

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>op's pic
But...that's the NHS.

what's NHS?