This Somali mechanic just built a tank

What did you do today, user?

Attached: somalibro.png (1268x713, 1.92M)

Other urls found in this thread: mathematicians&rlz=1C1CHBF_enIE777IE777&oq=irish math&aqs=chrome.3.69i57j0l5.5335j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 scientists&oq=irish sci&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0l10.2201.5064..5568...1.0..

at least it's trying

Attached: 1535804931953.jpg (334x506, 42K)

I spent around 12 hours in front of my computer bored out of my mind and wishing to die

Why is he flying the Turksih flag?

this lol

Sounds like me.

Too bad most niggers don’t think like him

The orkz got a looted tank watch out. Nice touch with the American star on the turret.

Can barely even go over a few sticks. Stupid fucking Nigger.

A potato nigger calling somebody a nigger. Hahahahaha

Attached: 1547094810762.jpg (650x515, 184K)

Well I'm about to shitpost racist stuff to some Nigger on youtube

Who is this faggot?

dude is welding with fucking $2 dollar shop sunglasses. I wish he had a gofundme, I would give him $10 buck.

Fuck off mutt. Spreading bs Anglo propaganda isn't going to turn your country white. mathematicians&rlz=1C1CHBF_enIE777IE777&oq=irish math&aqs=chrome.3.69i57j0l5.5335j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 scientists&oq=irish sci&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0l10.2201.5064..5568...1.0..

I enjoyed this video

Honestly, this guy is a genius, God bless him

he doesnt look that different desu

>dude is welding with fucking $2 dollar shop sunglasses
I noticed that too. Just watching made my eyes hurt.

I'd say the best part of it is the tracks.
Although I wouldn't want the alignment things to have such sharp corners or edges.

Mire like a jaeger user

Great, now there's big industry there, can the smelly retards go back now?

Attached: somalian teeth.jpg (1941x1515, 593K)

Forgot pic

Attached: Famine+force_40d963_4953777.png (1024x776, 237K)

What's the point of putting a track around only 2 literal road wheels?

If we try to build a tank here, we just get SWATed

They were the sponsors - perfectly sized tank for a team of 8 roaches.

>Somali mechanic

Seems pretty self explanatory.