The most based place in the USA

Considering moving. What's the most based place to live in, free of SJWs, trannies and niggers?

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The 51st state: Kosovo

Maine, New Hampshire, or anywhere bordering Canada

That map is shit, The country is too big, states are too big (except for Maine). These are the superior borders, each it's own nation, real unity, local unity. Can't wait for the Balkanization of America after the collapse.

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alaska is the only one without any of these because no one lives there.

>New Hampshire
except for Manchester, Concord, Nashua, Dover, Berlin and Rochester
except for Lewiston, Lisbon and Portland

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I heard the whitest and most based place there is a city called "Detroit".

Gotta be Utah.


>can't wait for the USA to become weak
hello traitor

1. Texas
2. Oklahoma (but fuck em)
3. Louisiana
4. Kansas (fuck em too)
5. Arizona
6. South carolina
7. Montana
8. Wyoming

Europe, where u came from

South Carolina

Coastal Northeast is comfy albeit expensive, but I'm biased since I'm a Native

The south since its white and they hang niggers from trees

Maine is God tier, went there for vacation last year. Portland wasn't even that bad, Barr harbor was awesome


He said whitest and you lead with a state that's minority white and include Arizona (huge Mexican population) and South Carolina (largest black % other than Mississippi.) Fucking dumb southerners, man.

not Idaho. we're full

Anything that’s covered in the flag. Ignore posters who say “Florida” or “Texas”. Those places are a fucking deathtrap.

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Take Oklahoma out of that map. It's a terrible place.

Detroit would be good for you, you will fit in perfectly.

>spics and niggers
>Not much

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>1. Texas
>2. Oklahoma (but fuck em)
>3. Louisiana
>4. Kansas (fuck em too)
>5. Arizona
>6. South carolina
>7. Montana
>8. Wyoming

Texas = full of spics brought in by greedy white republican business owners
Oklahoma = lots of browns, some blacks, and a ton of fags
Lousiana = full of niggers. nigger central even.
Kansas = OK
Arizona = spic central. same problem as texas....white men wanted cheap labor and this is the result.
South Carolina = OK
Montana = very white for now...Full of incompetent WN/Nazi faggots who are attracting a lot of attention from leftists/Jews and will be forcibly diversified soon by the (((tech community))).
Wyoming = white but windy

Mississippi is based, we have the highest percentage of Niggers, but you can still legally discriminate based on race down here. We still have segregated private schools. We kill people and put them in the river for the alligator God's to store underwater for safe keeping.

I will kill any foreigners I see while panning for gold

Colorado. White and beautiful.

alaska or north dakota if you get a job in oil

>New Hampshire
>Western Pennsylvania

>but fuck em
Go polish the rhinestones on your cowboy boots ya bean-speaking cactus muncher

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This, I just moved to Colorado from New Jersey.
Its white, beautiful nature, trad girls, and freedom.
Colorado is best state. Stay out normies, kikes, and leftists

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Fuck Idaho it's over populated

Maybe I'll rephrase. I didn't mean a nazi state without any spics, niggers, kikes, ie only whites. Because that's only towns with

>He said whitest
He didn't say whitest AT ALL. Fucking dumb yankees, man.

Hahahahhahaha thats cute. Every city in America is filled with liberals. There is no uncucked city. If you want to live a based life in America where you wear leather chaps, ride horses in mountain valleys, carry a winchester rifle on your back, hunt mexican illegals, drink beers under the northern lights with the howling wind and wolves then the south is for you. If not, dont come here because nothing else is based.

Attached: northern lights.jpg (1300x700, 103K)

Unironically nowhere, you fucking disgusting serbian ape.

North Dakota. Nobody lives there anyway so it vacuously satisfies your requirements.

Wisconsin, so long as you avoid all counties from Milwaukee due south to the Illinois border and Dane county where it's basically the Berkeley of the Midwest due to UW Madison. The rest of this state is low-cost-of-living, HEAVILY segregated (mixed neighborhoods don't exist outside of Milwaukee County and those south of it) and comfy as fuck. But, only come if you're white, conservative, and not a dumbass, we'd don't need any more problems.

>Colorado. White and beautiful.
Also, Stupid, most women look like Andre The Giant, (especially in the mountains) and the average population, due to legalized weed, is dumb as fuck.

i would rather live among spics than fucking serbs
remove kebab

If I am to stay in this country, and there is no civil war, I will probably go to Alaska. Maybe Montana or Maine, but AK is my first choice. I live in PA at the moment

No, I'm not looking to cleanse the lands of illegal aliens. I just don't want to deal with SJW bullshit

No, you really don't. All those gore videos that occur south of the U.S border? Yeah, that'll happen here too soon enough.

Has Maine been getting more conservative? or is it just a bunch of RINOs

You literally have to live like a cowboy to dodge the sjw bullshit, unless there is some culture change in the future.
Guess u better look elsewhere