
Soon La Palma Landslide will Happen and Millions will Die This will be before Yellowstone Ever Erupts.

Attached: La-Palma-Tsunami-is-a-Matter.jpg (276x276, 22K)

I have seen this before.

What is the theoretical height of the tsunami by the time it would reach the east coast?

50 to 100ft


With like 6 hours warning time.

It will be the mother of all clusterfuck traffic jams as millions try to head inland.

So how much tannerite would it take?

Literally a slide thread. Saged, downboated, reported, called the cops, hacked you're cryptowallet. Your fucking dead, kiddo.

poor iberia, at least the niggers are going to get the worst

>La Palma
as in Arkansas?

Cool doom porn, thanks.

That's all ?

That's nothing

come back when some shit actually happens

Attached: Future_America.jpg (379x327, 37K)

Nothing of value was lost.

Over 9000ft

Nothing of value will be lost.

Damn so the border wall will be submerged

1000ft min

funny how you can still get a thirty year mortgage in that zone. huh maybe the banks don’t care about collateral

good riddance to all amerijews

Spain's revenge for all the shit the eternal anglo did to them.

The world will be spanish or won't be at all.

>the shorelines full of jews in the north and niggers in the south
>the shore of africa full of niggers
>Lisbon in portugal, galician shores in spain full of faggots and retards
>the carribean again with niggers
>north brazil which is niggers and mongrels
literally nothing of value was lost
I hope millions die

6 million Yids tall

Attached: merchant rare deep water jew.jpg (1200x994, 709K)

t. Al Gore