Why is hockey nigger-tier?

Why can't white people control themselves?

Attached: hockey.jpg (620x375, 69K)

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There's nothing wrong with whites getting into fist fights with each other.

You are retarded

>using the word nigger
Why you do this rabbi

It's a man's sport. Go count your fucking sheckles.

There is a purpose to the violence. It’s part of the game and done to protect your teammates. Very honourable and it’s not just done for the sake of your ego like senseless nigger violence is. Hockey enforcers are very well behaved when they’re off the ice.

Attached: F2E13984-260A-4986-959A-5247BD1B8274.jpg (1536x1024, 241K)

Bait thread

Show some discipline, FFS

Sadly the sport is moving away from literal paid bodyguards on the ice.

this is just a poorly disguised anti-canada thread isn't it

Hockey is the last gentlemans sport
>90+% white
>minorities were either silent or condemned the kneelball scandal
>fighting allowed as long as both participants are willing, and with no niggery (1 on 1, fist and face only, once you're down you're done)
>high levels of cardio and teamwork and planning required
>Played in a cold icy arena