

What’s going on? I’ve never seen politicians die at this rate and they always die at really convenient times to distract from Trump winning. Whos next? This is weird man.

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Ginsburg will hang on for another 3 to 4 months. She will resign before then.

Carter won't see Valentines Day, they will get rid of him within 10 days of the shutdown ending.

Trump stopped the child sex eating rape shit. I mean obviously not 100% but a lot. And these old fucks can’t take withdraws at their age, they need steady consistent supply. Along with the drug withdraws they arent getting their young blood transfusions either. Fucking trainwreck watch these nigger age faster than trump. Seriously look at pics of before trumps president and today, it hasnteven been one term yet

this. They can't feast off children anymore. their own government basically turned on them and wasn't gonna take it anymore.

one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.

They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.

I've done it, isn't really as dangerous if you stand up after the walls shift up and stay up.

I thought the same thing watching clips from the last award show some of the male celebrities had a similar grey oldish look


>McCain is dead
Feels good man.

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