Yellow Vests


> smoke bombs in Westminster, EU flags burned, traffic stopped, 13 year old arrested

> France: numbers rose from 29,000 to 50,000 in a week


The movement is not dead. It may have lost some momentum thanks to the holidays but it's rising back fast.

Burkina Faso

>sources for this list


>Egypt bans selling of Yellow Vests

This is only the beginning.

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:

yawn. wake me up when they start killing cops and lynching officials.

can't believe they think anything will change if elites don't fear for their lives.

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

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Can someone explain this please??

Actually have read that thread before

Kazcynski predicted this


These guys are getting really annoying, they're basically white trashes spreading fake news and spamming their sophisms online against the government.

Basically trump supporters

What are the protests like where you are and what is French media saying about the protests I'm actually very curious. Is public opinion of the protests still majority positive?


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Fuck the western media and their silence on this. Day of the brick for all journalists.

Marx predicted this dufus

Fuck mainstream media it's all cucked Agree

The yellow vests are so effective due to the fact it unites both left and right wing politics. Can't wait for macron's public execution, this along with brexit will hopefully be the start of an EU collapse

I agree, I think this is the telling signs of the end to the EU. People are tired of bs globalism and neo liberalism. The EU shall fall and so shall globalists like Macron.

nice one!


Since the beginning, i've only seen them IRL once, because I had to travel from a town to another at the very first day of the protests.
Just took over the whole line of stopped car with a yellow vest on the car and waved at the people blocking the roundabout.

Did not see them since then. I live in a small town ( ~ 150 000 inhabitants ) and I don't drive, I either walk or take the bus/tram, which i've yet to see them block
Also had to take a plane and a train 3 times during the protests, airports weren't blocked, railway stations weren't blocked.

They're invisible to me, ( middle classe, live in town, student ), which kinda makes me think they're blocking what they THINK are strategic places : roundabout and shit.
Except they're just pissing off people from their own world : lower class workers working in town or industrial areas and living in remote locations for cheaper.

I very rarely watch TV too because it's just a pile of garbage, what I feel tho, given news reports on the internet and on media's twitters, is that they really don't cover police violences enough.

They're focusing on the protesters violence, even though during every protests there is violence, no matter what protest it is.
Problem is, in a country like France which consider violence a form of Regalia and thus a monopoly of the State, having police officers using abusing their power is way worse than violent protesters. ( a constitution from 1794 even goes as far as basically saying people doing so should be put to death immediately with no form of trial )

I think the majority of the public opinion is at least slightly annoyed about the movement, especially about all the violences about it.

I'm also very active on Yellow Vests facebook pages to try and debate with people, debunk whatever fake news or sophism they could say which basically ends up worsening their popularity, but man, a fair chunk of them are absolute retards spreading fake news through their own ignorance.

Putting granny in jail for getting her numbers wrong about the holocaust & now arresting 13 year olds. Gotta love Europe - you guys do realize it's "whites" doing all this right?

the yellow vests are basically socialists. Not that I care as I'm state side, but these people are still just lazy French

Macron needs to resign now

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People need to start culturally appropriating Muslims, if you catch my drift.

based teen. someone get him some eggs and fireworks

>Yellow Vest Movement
It's about overthrowing Jeeeeewws maaaan

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Any chaos of this sort is a good thing at this point.

they're not uniting left and right wing politics.

They're uniting left and right wing populists, which is pretty different.

most of these people are retards and i'd gladly take arms against a yellow-vest, revolution should it happen, than take arms for them.

FUck I love a good revolution. Let the heads roll Saturday.

> i'd gladly take arms against a yellow-vest, revolution should it happen, than take arms for them
No you wouldn't. Unless you are jewish or a brown person you would truly be a retarded goy slave to do that.

>they're not uniting left and right wing politics.
>They're uniting left and right wing populists, which is pretty different.
>most of these people are retards and i'd gladly take arms against a yellow-vest, revolution should it happen, than take arms for them.
they're predominantly left wing. they just want gibs

>eggs and fireworks

Interesting combo

Found the elite-globalist-jew-cuckolds

I feel like it's a bigger problem if you live in a large city but idk also yeah cucked media treats Macrons police like angels.

I'd rather be governed by jews than by white trashes.
At least, jews does what they're supposed to do, white trashes are a shame to their race.
Also I'm a monarchist, so yeah, I'd rather take arms to restore some form of order rather than having the country brought damn by a retarded-ruled anarchy

Proud european nationalist.

Separate the continents.
Europe is just white people
Africa is just blacks
Middle East is just sand niggers
Asia is just Asians
South/central America is just mestizos and Hispanic/Latino fucks
Pacific is islander cucks
North America is the melting pot of everything
Australia doesn't exist

>european nationalist.

wow, that a new one, i heard people say africa is a country, but now Europe is a nation...

It will be if they don't dismantle the EU

You are not a monarchist if you're willing to be ruled by a foreign ethnicity.

i think its about time that they dismantle the fucking internet so OP could at last be with his own people

Kick all illegitimate non-european from our soil.

I'd be glad to have Algerians in France
As long as France have Algeria.

All those migrants come from countries which pissed us off so hard to get their fucking independance and now here they come realizing what a mistake they made

In Canada there is big support for yellow vest rallies. They are against foreign interests hampering our building of pipelines. They are against any form of carbon taxation, they are against the UN and their global pacts on immigration. Over $100,000 has been raised through funding, and an independent fuel company donated a tanker truck with 48,000 litres of diesel for a convoy to Ottawa consisting of thousands of rigs from BC all the way to Ottawa’s doorsteps picking up rigs along the way. They are scared. Media is going nuts about supposed threats made to the PM from purported yellow vesters. I’m excited, and hope this is the big if huge happening I’ve been waiting so patiently for.

Isn't Russia considered part of Europe? Good - then we can quit providing Europe's military

Europe is a Nation.
You must be blind to realize how vastly superior are Europeans compared to shit-tier middle east and monkey-tier africa.

We got a shared history and shared culture.

>At least, jews does what they're supposed to do
You mean screw over the goyim? Why don't you just admit you're Jewish? We understand you don't want to be gassed ok.

Wait until summer.

You sound rather stupid and brainwashed. You are literally a French version of the American Neo Conservative, which is kiked beyond all belief.

Does your "shared culture" include France getting into 20 pissing contests with England and Germany

tune in for Act 9 on saturday

G'day Paul. I'll the usual thanks

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-I'll have

really? so how come africa decolonized itself from your ass? they kicked your snail devouring asses in Algeria and everywhere you stuck your noses

Ugh that's the plan? Create some kind of 4 race mixture and we have no idea what kind of civilization that would produce. Why would whites want to be part of that science experiment?

Europe doesn't need the US's help against Russia nowadays given how crippled the russian military really is.

Getting Russia into the European Union would be great but it would take a lot of time, Putin's ruling kept digging the gap between russians and the rest of europeans.
Integrating eastern europeans is already a hard task thanks to the communist era.

You can't un-mix America unless you send everyone back to their home continents and give the land back to native Americans but even that's impractical because there's like 100,000 of them. North America was originally red man land but then the white came and then brought black slaves and since then it's just become a gross pie of everything.

Daily reminder the yellow vest movement is a controlled opposition insurgency filled with militant leftists hell bent on chipping away at the pillars of democracy. These agent provocateurs are funded by Soros and co with one goal, to cause as much chaos and disorder as possible. Avoid these glow in the dark movements at all costs.

You lack knowledge on that field.
France controlled algeria by the end of the war with a network of FOBs and artillery positions.
It was just sortof like in afghanistan where rebels couldn't challenge the occupying forces without being obliterated.
We weren't kicked out of Algeria, we left a country which didn't want us in anymore and would have required a genocide to stay in.

they should've finished you off when you were starving those two first winters

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Happy Hanukkah schlomo

I wish.

Also nice digits.

South America tried it, didn't seem to produce great results.

European countries fought each other just like Italian countries and German countries fought each other

The French probably fought each other as much as the english or the germans.

Hell that's even what we're doing at this very moment with those yellow vests

oh so they waged a successful guerilla war against you but "its not real victory?"

give me a break. you came to africa, you occupied, they kicked you out, and now they're coming to the heart of the metropolis to finish you off. Malcom X would have said "chickens coming home to roost"

If that was true why wouldn't the mainstream media report that? Seems to fit their narrative instead of suspicious news blackout.
You also give yourself away as a Jew by caring about the (((pillars of democracy))). Nobody even knows what that means other than Jews paying off everybody behind the scenes.

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>It's duh joooooooooooooos


How do you expect people to respect your opinion when you do nothing but blame jews like an unhinged retard and don't have any facts to back up your outlandish claims.

Tried un-mixing?
If so then yeah I'm not surprised. The Americas are too mixed to go back. To many white Europeans fucked natives and black people.

You're just denying facts, you'd make the perfect yellow vest.

lol right?

>prefers retarded monarchy because they have expensive faggot shit ready to go
you are either a traitor or a worthless retard
the french monarchy was a catholic scam to soak up all the money of the peasants
they already showed they can't do the job long ago
you let in anyone and this is what happens
you refuse to keep anyone out if they have money to spread around like youre no better than a skanky whore
>rather have jews rule
die inna fire u diseased prick of a dog

Let the fire rise

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You don't know shit about french monarchy nor french history

anything planned for toronto this weekend?

No, tried mixing. Actually there's still over half the population of solidly European ancestry. That is the only reason we aren't a complete third world shithole yet.

Does my flag look Canadian to you?
Check Facebook or twitter there's plenty of account for multiple Canadian cities organising protests.

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>Jew responding with personal attacks instead of discussing the topic
Checks out

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Fuck both the French Republic and the socialist yellow vests! Vive le Roi!

Oh yeah I understand you now. Yeah mixing fucked over central and South America. I'm saying that America can't be un-mixed, we're too far deep. However, we can prevent further mixing because it seems as though a white majority America is better than a white minority America

Vive le Roi !

im not asking you specifically you dipshit mutt
the facebook group is pozzed and full of retards who think it is solely about a carbon tax and "impeaching trudeau" (their words)
>does my flag look canadian
god you're fucking dumb
fuck you and this faggot movement

vive le Roi

Vive le Roi!

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What the fuck did you expect asking me what was happening in Toronto?
I don't actively look out for every protest in every city for every country that's going to have protests? You think an American would just know on the spot what the fuck is happening in Toronto?

They know. Shut them down.

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All Brazilian monarchists are fucked, then... Our Imperial family is French...

you're not for the yellow vests?

anyway, looks to me like the french becoming africans themselves by the way they hurl rocks at cops and set cars on fire. in only 2005 such behavior was reserved to the africans and algerians in the benelious ....

how it like be be BLACKED by capitalism lol?

Blocking roundabouts and highways slows the flow of commerce and causes businesses to lose money.
Letting tractor trailers through the toll booth causes the government to lose money at 50 euros each.
Disabling the traffic cameras also causes the government to lose money. The fact that you are not inconvenienced by these protests is a good thing, considering that they are not aimed at middle class students.

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Don't forget, "antisemitism" will now be monitored in the US (officially, as if it hadn't been so already).

Wait seriously? What the fuck? what happened to Freedom of Speech?

Since many of the protesters are asking for direct democracy and Macron was elected with very low electoral support, your comment makes no sense.

We still have freedom of speech, but have a look:

Did someone say Spanish civil war part 2

Unless congress kills the 1st amendment that position is about as useful as a police officer who can only arrest people for racist vandalism

Shared plenty of bullets

True lol
