ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself.

>Why am I the only one who makes these threads?
Quit your bitching, no one's holding a gun to your head and making you do it.

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Femanons, what do you think about being on top?

Why are you even here?
>inb4 I like helping other people

Love it, but feel free to change it up.

Sorry I meant you being on top. Unless I'm just autistic and that's what you were saying.

I have no idea. Jow Forums is a shit board.

Virgin here. I start uni soon and I just want to know a short list of things that girls do when they are interested in guys, physically. My personality is shit but that's besides the point. I can't do cold approaches so what are signs?

I got some helpful advice from one of these threads recently and feel like I need to repay it.

I just like to come here sometimes when my main boards are slow and I'm feeling bored.

only girls (male) here

Guys, what’s less ugly on a girl: a big forehead or bad bangs?

Probably the former.

big forehead is cute, especially if girl is insecure about it. Depending on the situation you flick it or kiss it. Who cares about bangs

I like nature, cooking and video games. Jobs doesn't really interest me and I love taking care of a household. So I guess i'm saying I aspire to be a housewife.
Is it realistic for the average guy to support this?

>I'm every neet virgin on Jow Forums's dreamgirl, is it realistic for the average guy to support this?
Nice bait.

I'm not a virgin. And i'm not a dreamgirl, except for the person i'll settle down with hopefully. I have a job currently, but it's nothing big.

I'm not thinking with my dick when it comes to women I meet, I never really intend on fucking on a first date or with randomers I just met. I think this is a mistake, like if I don't imply anything sexual I feel like women aren't interested in me but I just don't think of sex first when around a girl I might like, its mostly how we get along and how interesting she is and what we have in common.
I find them attractive and if we build up enough trust and comfort around each other I would have sex with her, thats not the point, I don't know how to explain it but I believe this is the reason I can never get girls to go out with me because they don't think I'm attracted to them.
Is this a turn off for women? I'm really starting to worry I'm just not fit to get women and I can't just change the way I think because I'm not one of those people that just tries to fuck everything first and see what happens, but it feels like every girl I met wants that to happen, even the shy ones

Should be easy to keep the place clean when you're living in a studio apartment =^)

I live in a small house I inherited after grandma past away. It used to be a small farm, but its just trees on the property now. Still fairly easy to clean though...

Because I like helping people and because I'm a lawyer which means we have to filter what we say. Jow Forums is an outlet where I can help people without having to sugarcoat things.

That sounds pretty comfy.
Wouldn't you get bored with all that free time and not even a part time job?
What would you do all day alone?
Wouldn't you want people to talk to?

I'm introverted, so i'm good. Hopefully I can get busy raising a kid. I guess I can go back to working if it gets really lonely, but I think I'll be okay. I have some friends, but I don't like the bar/clubs, or crowds or traveling unless its camping. I am pretty boring, but I like it that way. Was just curious if guys think think its okay or would be able to support this housewife dream.

What do you do when you're depressed and suicidal but all therapy is female-centric and is of little to no help?

Tried it once (had sex only twice in my life ;( ) and it was fun, but he kept slipping out which kinda killed it
nothing better to do at the moment. Plus I've been on Jow Forums for the past 9 years, can't quit it

is going to the movies for a first date bad? i've heard advice that it could be awkward or something like that but i have no idea what other first date is better.

t. never been on a date

>is going to the movies for a first date bad?
Do you want to sit with a stranger and watch a movie or get to know each other?

get to know each other

It was a rhetorical question

ok what other first date ideas are good

Do something else with it, like getting food or coffee before or after. Otherwise, there's nothing wrong with a movie as a date.

Anything that involves you two having time to talk

Well slipping out is probably not gonna be a problem for me, so this is good to hear.

Girls, what are your top 3 yes to a male you'd fuck?
Top 3 red signs?

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Girls, blowjobs or handjobs, which one do you prefer? Why?

I know she likes talking to me, we get along well, but its me that has to initiate every conversation otherwise theres days of silence, I'm starting to think she doesn't really like me and want to just move on. Am I right to think so?

1.) Wedding vows

That pretty much sums it up

Emotional connection, attractive and stable(mentally/emotionally)

Not financially stable, dude-bro, obese.

Blowjobs. I guess because it's more fun and also more pleasurable for the guy. I mean he can jack off with his own hand but not with his mouth lol so it's a better experience then isn't it? I give only handjobs if it's in a rush or something

There's a lot to like, but I'll be frank there's pretty much nothing that would make me automatically want to have sex with a guy.

Top red flags are being pushy with people, no life goals, and no work ethic.


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I want to start a long term relationship and where can I meet likeminded girls. Websites are just single mothers and over 25s which is not good to me as a 21 man.

Reposting because I didn't realize that there was a new thread.
Why are girls still pulling the hard-to-get game?
I went to my sister's wedding a few weeks ago, and during the reception from like three people that one of the girls there thought I was cute. I was glad to hear it because I didn't know anyone there and was looking to get any kind of action. So it's later in the night the official stuff has ended I met up with her, and just kind of followed her around for a bit chatting here and there until we got to a quiet place. She made a couple of moves that I could have jumped on to start making out with her, but I didn't because I wanted her to start. After a while I caved in and jumped in for a good wrap up to the festivities.
My question is, what's the point? I knew she was into me, she could tell I was into her. I'm generally sick and tired of the romance-dance game people play, would it have been that hard for her to just grab me and take me to bed herself? What's the point if three people tell me about it before I even met her for the first time? I'm 25 and she's like, 27, aren't we all too old to be doing this shit?

>She made a couple of moves that I could have jumped on to start making out with her, but I didn't because I wanted her to start
>Why are girls still pulling the hard-to-get game?

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perhaps some people are generally sick of the lack of romance game in their lives

Lift weights

Cold showers every day

Hard to get was the wrong word, I meant that they force you to make the first move.
Yes I suppose so.

oh no, they force you to assume your gender role! now that's simply unacceptable in the modern society, indeed!
son, this is why we need feminism.

Necro-chan here, ama

>I meant that they force you to make the first move.
are you telling me that women like to act like women and like it when a man acts like a man? geez im not sure i can believe that. what next? are you gonna tell me that women usually like the man to be more dominant and on top in the bedroom?
its the current year and we all know men and women are the same. its about time we all just had a nice big orgy porgy without any of this romance or excitement muddying the waters of cummies

>same mindset
>same values
>same level of maturity
>similar personalities
>both caring, clever, perceptive, understanding, empathic
>similar interests
>both average looking (or slightly above)
>easy for both of us to open up to each other
is this enough for a woman to be attracted to a guy or is there something missing? I feel like something is, like otherwise things would already happen but they haven't

When are you gonna get a tripcode? And have you told him you want to rape and murder him yet?

I suppose benching my body weight and wanting to have my student loan paid off are pretty dumb ones.
What's a good life goal after you are gainfully employed?

there's the smell, too

I'm really bad at it. Anyone got tips?

Oh in that case you’re out of luck. Most women would rather not have to make the first move and they will probably never have to. That’s just the way it is.

You forgot chemistry.

>similar personalities
I sure hope you dont mean you act like a feminine effete faggot user. Just like complained about women want a man to be a man, generally speaking, and want you to be the one who acts.

Might not be about you at all. Sometimes we don't want a relationship or feel ready for it. Hard to say

Tripcodes are for faggots
And no, I'm not retarded.

I mostly come here when I'm feeling a little bored and lonely. I like hearing people's stories.
These threads specifically are also good for when I want an excuse to gush about my boyfriend without annoying my friends to death, and I also like seeing a bunch of different perspectives around similar subject matter.

>Tripcodes are for faggots
Yeah that’s why it would be perfect for you

my girl explained to me that a person too close feels like a part of family for her, in that it would make it incestuous to sleep with them. I avoided that fate only because we fucked before we got to know each other

It's nice to observe insecurities and life views from a male perspective. Predictable, but interesting nonetheless.

Oh how wonderfully topical.
I just think it's funny that when all of the cards were on the table, she never took the wheel despite being the instigator.
It's not like I want her to strap on a dick and drill my asshole and tickle my prostate through my urethra, is it really so strange to want someone else to initiate a kiss for once in my life?
Goddamn, we made out, she sucked my dick, we fucked and I came on her tits, how am I the bad guy in this situation?

Yeah I feel like that's a bunch of bullshit to avoid saying you don't find someone attractive.

Because you’re complaining about her being immature when you both were acting the same and wanting the exact same thing.

well, not in her case

I don’t know user, that doesn’t sound like a recipe for a successful long-term relationship to me.

It's a lot more work, but I definitely prefer blowjobs, way more intimate. The smell, taste, touch, looking up at him, it's a delight to the senses. Could do without the sounds though.
Handjobs just feel kinda pointless, at best I'm a poor substitute for whatever techniques he's been honing since he was a kid. I also just don't get much out of it myself.

faggot, how many women have you even had in your life? Most of my women initiated physical contact with me

wtf, that's not playing hard to get, that's just asking you to meet her halfway. She initiated and you rejected her multiple times. "Why didn't she just go for it" why didn't YOU just go for it instead of waiting around for her to give you even more than a neon sign saying "go for it"?
You just sounds really fucking lazy.

I'm not sure what you mean here

youre just complaining about something stupid and which you already know the answer to (unless youre genuinely stupid). most women find the same things attractive and some of the main ones are assertiveness and confidence. its just better for her if youre the one who starts and it should probably be easier too.
i hope you also realise she was probable thinking
>why wont this faggot make a move? ive made it perfectly fucking clear im into him so why is he still pussyfooting around like a 14 year old?

>girl wants you to kiss her first
>you want her to kiss you first
>she’s in the wrong

Make him feel like you want him.

you replied to a wrong post, bro

Maybe I already assumed there already was chemistry but how do you define it in case I actually never felt it with anyone, ever?

Personalities as in, we're both introverted, somewhat shy and generally find it hard to meet people and we have a similar sense of humor, things like that. We're not identical is what I'm saying.

Might be that, but idk, initially she was on the fence I could tell, she wanted to spend time with me and there was this tension but at the same time she was talking and hanging out with her ex. Now she doesn't mention him at all and she's not friends with him on social media I think, she's also happier to talk to me now and it happens more often so I kind of put 2 and 2 together and it seems to make sense she might've not been ready then, but may be now? unless she just enjoys being single now, but that wouldn't explain her behaviour, like being visibly uncomfortable when other girls come onto me.

If we felt like family then she'd feel more comfortable and laid back around me, instead she's completely quiet and shy. The "open up easily" part was focused on texts, she's different in that.

I appreciate the feedback but I suppose, given the number of replies, I won't figure this out unless I get into her head which isn't possible. We'll see what happens I suppose, its just that the more I wait, the more I feel it would hurt should she have no interest in me

>slipping out is probably not gonna be a problem
How do you avoid this?

Become a trap and you'll get first moves all the time.

>Personalities as in, we're both introverted, somewhat shy and generally find it hard to meet people and we have a similar sense of humor, things like that. We're not identical is what I'm saying.
I think you missed my point, have you actually tried to make a real move? Have you expressed your feelings or are you waiting for her to do it? Shes a girl and the tend to drop subtle hints and wait rather than confess their love.
Im not saying you should turn up one day with a rose bouquet but go on de-facto dates and test the waters. Drop your own hints and see how she responds.

Guy here...
>Feminism is out of fashion and obsolete.
>Rape culture has long been disproved and people roll their eyes when they hear it.
>Anita Sarkaasian and the rest of her SJW-minions are out of money, and they still haven't produced that game they promised.
>The leadership of the #MeToo movement have been shown to be hypocrits and now have a mountain of legal problems about rain down on them -- drugs, hush money to an underage boy, culpability for Anthony Bourdain's suicide, not to mention the list of ruined careers (albeit with varying degrees of sympathy).

Question: what's the next thing womankind has cooking in an attempt to tear men down and put them under boot?

Am I a bad person for being an introvert? My coworkers give me shit when they ask me "what are you doing for your weekend?" and I'll lie or say just stay home and play vidya. They'll be like "no wonder you're not getting any."

Are they assholes or am I the asshole? Is it bad that I only just wanna play vg and music all day? Should I get out of my comfort zone? I think people enjoy my company and other times, I feel like I'm a bore.

Well because a life-long relationship/marriage is basically (if not almost literally) like becoming family members. It doesn’t sound too promising is she gets turned off by becoming too close to someone. Also, the having sex with each other before you even got to know each other part.

well, do you complain about not getting any?

senpai, i dont think you realise how these things work. Rape culture has always made normal people roll their eyes, people like antia will never run out of money from sponsors but will always beg for more and #MeToo was a farse from the onset.
This stuff doesnt rise out of the ground its projected downwards and hollywood, the traditional media and long established major politicians show no signs of giving up on it.

I'm introvert too, it's books, video games, blanket and tea all day if I can have my way. I got 3 cats, and I sometimes meet people through dating apps. I'm boring so no husband stuff yet, but I don't feel like i'm a bad person. I'm just different?

Damn sorry for all the misclicking

Fuck yeah I do. But are they saying it to piss me off or cause they genuinely care for my well being?

I have found a girl that I'm interested in but she has a lot of guys chasing after her. Last time I went after a girl like that, I was led on.

I did, I asked her out to a movie. I assumed that you don't have to specify its a date every time you ask a girl out so I just asked her. She skeptically said yes, then asked me if its still on, I said yes, everything is fine. Then the day comes and she makes up some excuse not to go and then asked if it was just the two of us, then I said yes and she kept saying that she won't be able to go.

After that she was awkward around me, blushed and avoided me. Then I confronted her about it and told her its ok and that we don't have to go. Then few days later she asks to hang out and seemed even friendlier than ever. I don't know what to make of it, I'm still hinting constantly that I'm into her but its like she's oblivious to it but still wants to hang out. I would assume that if a guy is after a girl but she doesn't see him that way she'd either stop spending time with him or straight up tell him she just wants to be friends, instead she wants to spend more time with me. Thats all there is too it, thats why I'm here asking for help because I just don't understand that. I've asked girls out for drinks before and they would either say yes or tell me they just want to be friends, but at least I got closure, with her its like she will never give it to me

uh, it's late and I'm tired. I explained it wrong here, but I don't really care about elaborating anymore today. Just please rest reassured that I meant something completely different and our relationship and her attitudes are far better than I made them seem

>But are they saying it to piss me off or cause they genuinely care for my well being?
probably the latter.
and yes, it does make you an asshole if you complain about shit that's entirely your fault

ouch, insecurities. And that you came to Jow Forums to reclaim some sort of manhood, must be a sad day for you.

youre a girl?
Are you looking for a SO or are you not bothered? Do you make any attempts to meet people outside of apps or do you really not leave your house unless you have to?
I ask because id like to meet, for want of a better word, what could be called introverted girls but havent a clue where they can be found. 3 cats is a fair few as well how old are you?
My advice if you are looking is to spend time reading in quiet coffee shops or somesuch and make a lot of eye contact with guys you like the look of. Although I recognise that this wouldnt be in your nature.

why do girls say they want to ride your dick, and then just randomly ghost you on dating apps?

girls, do you have cumrags?


idk that sounds fine to me. If she was all bashful and blushy then that alone is reason to do it again because blushing and shyness is qt desu.
Ask her to go on something else (not another movie). Idk what youre both into but I like hiking and its pretty intimate. You get to be all manly and do stuff for her too.
What do you have to lose really? A friendship I guess and I get how valuable they can be but I could never just be friends with a girl I fancied. If you keep going eventually she'd have to tell you its either a yes or a no and Id rather know its a no so I can move on than wonder forever.

It's easier for you though. You're a woman. not to be sexist but it's true. Guys will approach you. I have to be the one approaching.

I know. My eldest cousin once told me I was fake. I think that triggered something in me as I respect him a lot. I thought it was just me trying to be social. So I kind of stopped trying to be outgoing and kept to myself.

Girls, how would you feel if a guy approached you during the day when youre not obviously busy?
Is there any time youre approachable outside of in bars or during a friendship?