You can't, yet you can name 12 breakfast cereals or celebrities.
What's wrong with you?
You can't, yet you can name 12 breakfast cereals or celebrities.
What's wrong with you?
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because the moon is basically meaningless and useless, its not like finding a new continent and colonizing it
No one ever walked on the moon, little boy. Go play fortskin
Nobody has walked on the moon and NASA will never reopen again. How does it feel to know that most of the public doesn't believe anything NASA says anymore, especially related to the moon landings
>12 people have walked on the moon, name 5
Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, Eugene Cernan, Alan Bean, John Young
Now go fuck yourself
>name 5
Armstrong and Aldrin, of course, Bean, Shepherd, and Cernan was the last to leave it. I have an advantage that I'm older.
What has come of it?
>no moon base
>no resources
A figurative victory over the commies that wasn't much of a victory
Why do we all remember Bean? Is it the name?
For me, the first two are gimmies, and the last guy, of course. The middle is a blur, but Bean stands out for some reason.
I don't see why it matters who walked on the moon. Knowing who won't change my life in any capacity.