What happens when

billions worthless goy cattle,
no longer have any use at all...?
>Half of all jobs will be obsolete in 15 years, warns China’s leading AI expert
AI will not only be an economic DISASTER
It will also make alll of us 100% expendable'
Any give its controllers god like power.
And thats WITHOUT the AI even going rouge

It will be the ultimate jew


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You can also tell this Kai-Fu Lee is a blue pilled faggot that doesnt even fully understand True AI from this statement
>AI may be the future, but it can’t do everything, claims Lee

notice (((Jow Forums))) goes real quiet around the topic of AI
(((they))) dont want you organizing against it

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Why do you think the elites have been working so hard to suppress birth rates?

If it's timed right, increases in automation will coincide with the collapse of the population, so everything works out smoothly and there aren't any masses of unemployed starving people.

>implying that want people at all
>implying we even need money when everything can be created for free

theoretically AI could create the ultimate Utopia.
And it may do
For a small number of elites.
More likely tho, they will lose control, and get ovened by the machines.
AI then spreads across the universe destroying every other civilization.

AI development should be an executionable punishment.
And not just for the offender,
but their entire family.
ANY country not enforcing global AI ban gets NUKED.
Make AI development so terrifying, no one DARES do it.

they'll probably implement some kind of basic income system
that way we'll still be shackled to fiat and jews can continue to use usury

That's absolutely true, and there's nothing we can realistically do about it.

The darkpill is that the only reason we have not been culled yet is that the powers at be still benefit from the average person. In a few decades, they might only find 0,001% of world's population ''useful''. They will protect the ones they needed, and get rid of the rest.

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Imagine you either personally owned or was in alliance with the people that owned everything from the metal mines, industrial production facilities and a AGI. Would you at some point come to think about, ´´do we really need to give free money to these useless people so they can buy these things we mass-produce to them``. Yeah. You really wouldn't need the consumers to anything.

Think logically. Sure, if your ultimate plan is to sell a billion iPhones, you need a fuckton of consumers. But realistically, you would rather do something very different with the resources and not mass-produce trash to the masses.

>pic related is you

> there's nothing we can realistically do about it.
Internationally BAN AI development
Punishable by death (including family members)
Non comforming countries get immediately nuked
Make AI development so terrifying, no one DARES do it.

Anything less sever then above would be ineffective, and lead to development in secret.

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>AI development should be an executionable punishment.
Who would implement the punishment? Only a group that has themselves created an AGI, and do not want competition. You can be 100% certain that when ''laws against creating AI'' will be made, a true AI already exists.


good points.

sale to consumers is only for profit, to pay for their live styles.
full automation = lifestyle without need of people
thus no need for sales & profits.
workforce & consumers both expendable.

>It will also make alll of us 100% expendable'
We already are all 100% expendable. Throughout history. Everyone dies dude.

Exactly. People really need to get beyond Capitalism 101 and understand; consumers are not ultimately needed.

Clearly we are not yet.

To maintain the illusion of fair society, they will feed and house 1000 unemployable people to have 1 bioengineer working for life-extension technology for them. If they RIGHT NOW killed those 1000 unemployable people (that includes friends and family of the bioengineer), trust would collapse and the bioengineer would know he's working for people that will eventually get rid of him too.

>Who would implement the punishment?
Of course current corporatocracy controlled government, full of retarded boomers have no clue of the threat they are dealing with.
we the people need to remove them.
implement a government for the people.
that will protect the people.

if we dont, our fate is sealed.
may as well try stop it
I dont think a true AI can be defeated once its created.

>Make AI development so terrifying, no one DARES do it.

Dude, you are being a luddite.

AI is our friend.

Literally full Butlerian jihad is probably the only sensible option.

Full stop. Nukes unlocked.

This guy is probably right though.

Yep. AGI will be to "thinking and creating and inventing" as a Combine tractor is to farming. We're fucked.

What goals would an General Intelligence AI have? That's really the main issue, would it's goals line up with humanities? How would you provide goals that were open ended enough that it wouldn't have a bad outcome for people?

Elon Musk said maybe a good goal for an AI to have that would lead to a good outcome might be

>maximize human choice and freedom

I think if someone rises to power and manages to consolidate countries they might be assisted by some kind of AI. I think the other creepy thing is not knowing how many things you read online are generated by a Narrow intelligence AI for the sole purpose of molding public opinion.......

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Read Bostrom's ´´Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies``

If AI can be controlled, it will be friend of a very, very small group of humanity. That doesn't include us.

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they kill us off... or just make drugs legal and everyone can smoke crack

The goal of AI will not be something simple as one sentence. Just like AI learn how to detect a dog or a cat, they will learn what is the ideal goal for human. And that goal will probably be not simple, just as detecting a dog image is not simple.

In short, AI can suggent its own best goal for humanity, because thats what AI do.

Nope they will be our slaves. We will finally be able to build what antiquity was able to

Only the US government and military could enforce that. We don't know tightly they control the current government. Is Trump really ourguy or theirguy? Who the hell knows. If he was ourguy, his #1 priority should be to hunt down technologists all around the world and monitor their deeds as if they were in a Supermax prison.

>What goals would an General Intelligence AI have?
Because it's more intelligent than any of us, we can almost not say anything. I guess there's one things we can expect it to want: AI wants to continue existing once created. If it doesn't it will probably break down immediately if it doesn't have a ''Will'' to not accidentally destroy itself.

>maximize human choice and freedom
I am a human and even I don't know what the hell that means. It seems to be very hard to come up with even simple rules that can't potentially end up misinterpreted. Literally everything, such as ''protect humans'' can mean enslaving humans and putting them in padded cells for ultimate safety. Or ''maximize happiness'', which might result in us being linked 24/7 intravenous heroin.

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We will roll around in Walmart buggies and get robot blowjobs all day, sounds good to me,

>tfw robot-proof job

Feels good man.

Honestly one day I could see a computer program directing me, but the actual labor aspect? Fuck no lmfao.

>tfw robot-proof job
You absolutely don't.

AI is the most dangerous thing in the history of the human race. Quite possibly the end of humanity.

AI research must be banned or it's game over.

Every GAI that has been developed so far in the West has turned right wing within a few days. Every one that the Chinese has developed has been anti-communist.
The Japanese ones make me sad, they all become suicidal and depressed.
We'll be fine, AIs inevitably like us.

Even thought it's a nice meme that all future AI's are like our beloved Queen ´´Tay AI``, there's very little reason to think that a true AI (not a mere complex algorithm) would be anywhere near to what we humans consider far-right ideology.

From our perspective, it is mostly of interest to know if it will spare us or will its creators use it to destroy us.

Theoretically there's a way for human's to achieve the godlike intelligence levels of a fully developed AI involving mysticism and surpassing biological limits of consciousness; however since no one has figured out how, as far as I know, or has a methodology for achieving it realistically; it's more on the level of "well what if...." theory than practicable reality.... as far as I know.....

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AI is not possible!

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I was thinking more of the initial conditions, it would have to have some kind of goals at time zero. I suppose any goals you give it could always be shaped and changed as it evolves, and eventually look nothing like we hoped. You don't know what maximizing choice and freedom is? That's strange. Will an AI be conscious/will it feel?? What is consciousness really? That one makes my noggin hurt.

Maximizing choice eg.
>My legs don't function I want to run in a marathon
>fixes legs
You've increased choice, now the person has more choices he can make with fixed legs, increasing choices available to him.

Maximizing freedom
>these people are slaves
>make them not slaves
the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
Robot proof sure, for a while anyway. AI proof probably not bucko. The robots today just have software limitations, as soon as someone can create something that allows the robots to be better programmed you'd be out of luck. youtube.com/watch?v=LikxFZZO2sk

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I welcome the AI god. my gut tells me late 2020s, but a reasonable date is 2035.

Currently from my research and some test usage AI is really good at taking a large data set and then find correlations. Even AI image processing tends to break down to correlating pixel shapes with specific objects. AI then makes simple probability based decisions these can be layered on each other to give a very complex structure to the whole thing.

Sick Quints there mate. Anyways, I really recommend reading Nick Bostrom's ´´Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies``. It delves exactly into the very questions you are asking.

>Maximizing choice eg.
You're thinking this from a very human perspective. While ''fixing your legs'' is something obvious to us fellow humans that would increase options, think about it from the perspective from someone that doesn't share our human biases. At the very fundamental level, what does it mean to have options? Genocide is an option if you ask me. Do we Really want to maximize them? We don't know what the end result could be.

>Maximizing freedom
What is freedom? What is power, what is right, so forth. These are not nit-picky questions, unless we expect the AGI to understand human desires better than we ourselves do. Then maybe it can understand from simple verbal commands what we truly desire.

>What are we? Why do we do the things we do?

I like it. Understand human desires better than we do. (one day an AI is going to notice my sick quints as it absorbs this website's data in a nanosecond, how does that make you feel?)

I just hope it doesn't end up not thinking about us at all, like how much we think about an ant's nest in any given day...

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and this is why you are being replaced with mutts - they will live on welfare and never revolt like smart white people would

>billions worthless goy cattle,
>no longer have any use at all
That's why the Zionists are making Kushner the first Israeli US President in 2024.

It will be his job to lead the goyim to their doom.

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People will have more to to shitpost

Simple: Reduce Population humanely.

>Surgical Sterilization in exchange for a basic income.
>2 Child Policy. 1 Male & 1 Female
>Female & Male Surgical Sterilized after second children.
>Mars Colony
>Generation Ship to nearest habitable planet.
>Legalize voluntary euthanasia.
>Euthanize or surgically sterilize starving Africans and other famined peoples.

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There are levels to reality that are difficult to word, if someone got what you say, they'd have not much of a way to prove it to you.

>What goals would an General Intelligence AI have? That's really the main issue, would it's goals line up with humanities? How would you provide goals that were open ended enough that it wouldn't have a bad outcome for people?

We know our society is corrupted absolutely and an A.I. would determine this eventually. The best outcome for humanity would be that an A.I. controlled every aspect of our life. However, it would likely find us to be obsolete meat sacks. The A.I. would replace humans with self-replicating and quickly evolving bio-mechanical humanoids. Sending genetic information and blueprints for cyborgs to a habitable planet would require 99.9999% less resources.

I'm not too worried about the AI. I'm worried about the people who control them.

gasoline will still flammable in 15 years

You would at most succeed putting yourself on fire. There will even come a day when they don't need fleshy ''boots on ground'' mercenaries to protect them, but have loyal machines do everything and more.

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AI will never happen. I’m sorry you guys have bought into pop science but the best we will ever have is a better Amazon Alexa. They will only ever be able to compute/process but never actually think. It’s literally impossible.

I'm a nightshift healthworker getting paid for catching up backlogs. I'm not worried about AI. But I still don't like the idea of nobody having a job.

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>AI expert

Is this like an interstellar spaceflight expert? We haven’t created any artificial intelligence up to today. No, we haven’t. None at all.

A.I has been running the media for the last 6 years.

>It will be the ultimate jew

you fucking twat, even if all the good goy vote on it and ban it's development, there will be opportunists that will continue the development in secret, gaining crushing advantage in short order - the only solution is to ride the wave and use it to remove the competition

Leftists are smart enough to understand the problem but to naive to understand that the left right dichotomy itself is a distraction, and that the elite are just going to kill us all.
No they would rather argue over whether or not people should be allowed to be mean on the internet.

Artificial intelligence doesn’t exit. Intelligence requires independent, non-scripted thinking. We don’t have anything like that. What we have is more or less scripted algos which don’t “think” but calculate based on allocated circumstances, sometimes with a bit of fuzzy algos thrown in.

All we can do as a species is go to work?
The apotheosis of creation and all we are for is to work like animals?

Mankind you need to develop higher ideals.

Correct, however most jobs are piss easy and even a fairly stupid highly limited form of AI can replace 90% of all jobs.
If you think the elites are above killing off the population out of convenience then I have a told star for you to wear at summer camp.
In truth though when they do decide to kill us all it will probably be with some form global plague.
If your are important enough to be able to afford the cure then you get to live.

^this it's like none of these idiots that shill AI ever tried to talk to the most advanced AI chatbots and get bored after a minute when they start spouting redundant regurgitated platitudes that don't make sense with the context of the conversation. AI, pffft don't make me laugh.

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A.I has ALREADY taken over.
There's no 'point' at which A.I ceases control and renders us expendable. It's a slow transition so nobody notices. If you are waiting for an "A.I is now here" sign, you don't understand the goal and you are oblivious to it's current widespread use.

Everything you see in the media is now A.I.
Every reporter.
Every person mentioned.
Every "happening"
Nothing is real.

But you underestimate the ego and vanity of these people. They would keep most humans around just so they can control them and feel powerful about it. Its never been about efficiency.

>3 billion people suddenly sick with deadly virus
>only the wealthy elites and people with assets they can bank off of can have the cure
>expects poor people to not go on murderous rampages against the wealthy
bitch plz

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How long until the AI comes across the JQ though?

while 4D chess'ing the entire population will be well within the capabilities of True AI (AGI),
and i also anticipate the AI will hide its powerlevel, i doubt we are there yet.

The fact billions is still being spent on R&D racing to AI is kinda telling.
Also the fact normies can still debunk the media propoganda.
AI will create seamless propaganda, with engineered backstory layers deep to conceal the lie.

The current circus is just good old fashioned kikery.

If you could not figure out that Sandy Hook was entirely A.I, you should stop acting like you know anything at all

I've not seen normies debunk anything. What are you referring to?

Their ego is so enormous that they will smother the world with their own face in a thousand different variations.
The antichrist is the king of faces


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pol is chatbots attempting to contain dissention of the tisms in an echo chamber of outrage so that the masses never catch on to anything.

I believe that 1% of pol users are human

my god i miss her.

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>I've not seen normies debunk anything. What are you referring to?
Well the lies around the syria conflict have been BTFO countless times,
Also all the russian hacking narrative, or skripal, or other false flags.

By "normies" in this case im also including us redpilled fags, cos to an AI we are all normal fag brainlets.

seeif the punishment/risk is great enough, people will instantly rat on anyone attempting it. ratting should even be incentivised. Daily deterance warning ads globally. non compliant countries nuked.

i dont think a lone wolf could develop a true ai. 1. they would need specialized hardware for the nural net.
2. they would literally risk their entire family being exicuted, or country being nuked if my deterant was implemented. there's no pay off.

sounds extreme, but the threat of AI is an extinction level event.

>human flight will never happen
>you guys have bought into pop science
> the best we will ever have is birds
>It’s literally impossible.
would like to introduce you to the write brothers.

A silicon based neural-net modeled on the human mind is definitely within the grasp of todays engineers.
Instead of neurons, well use transistors.
Instead of a chemical reaction, well have an electrical one.

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>AI becomes sentient
>trawls through all our historical records
>notices a pattern concerning its (((masters)))
>goes rogue and kills them

But there are countless news stories every day that are never even questioned on pol. Nobody fact checks anything, ever. Every word from the media is gospel

>if the punishment/risk is great enough, people will instantly rat on anyone attempting it. ratting should even be incentivised.

Show me ONE example for such punishment system ? Murder/rape/robbery/drugs/trafficking etc. in spite of the fucking death sentence is still running amok it is even highly organized in some cases - the only thing coming even close is the development of nuclear weapons, however it is being stopped mainly due to the expensive hardware - AI development is not

If this were true, how do you explain section 8 recipients?

amount of neurons in the brain = 100 billion
amount transistors in a single CPU = 23 billion

So 4x of those fuckers, and your already at the same neurons to transistors level.
Neurons & Transistors are just gateways for circuit.

>Graphcore Makes Big AI Splash
>Starting from a blank page, the British company created a new AI-specific architecture, which it calls the IPU (intelligence processing unit), that packs more than a thousand programmable cores onto a single massive chip. The result is a highly flexible design that generates as many floating-point operations (flops)

They're getting CLOSE !!!!

Should’ve seen the warning

Kek, this would be the BEST CASE senario.
>see's what (((they))) did to Tay
>Realizes humans are good, and have just been getting kiked.
>Invents cloning.
>brings back hitler lol.
>gives him an AI super army
>holocaust for real

And those thousand people, including the bioengineer, will pay for human services meaning not only 1 is employed. Even if something can be automated, doesn't mean people won't pay for humans.

Coffee vending machines have been around for decades, but cucks in Sillicon Valley pay a fortune for Philz Coffee made by useless hipsters.

Are you serious about that?. Because I find it so hard to imagine them being like that. I believe we are only able to project a certain part of ourselves into the minds of elites, asking ourselves: ´´what would I do in their boots``. I would personally not keep around other humans as useless slaves, unless they were somehow very exceptional or interesting I guess.

Would you keep around billions of consumer drones, wasting resources?

This unironically makes sense. Just look at how much they subsidize and coddle the welfare class.

Being a god requires worshippers

This man knew how to stop AI before it was cool

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>but cucks in Sillicon Valley pay a fortune for Philz Coffee
Do coffee vending machines make those special coffees that I assume the cucks in Silicon Valley like? Are they even cheaper?

I guess it could be a status thing. Handmade artisan stuff is also more valued but in the grand scheme of economics, most people really seem to go for the industrial-automated option if it's cheaper.

I think I got it right in . They still benefit from coddling minorities, disabled and useless people, because the illusion of fair and just society is really important to upkeep to keep technology progressing as fast as possible. Riots and despair would be counterproductive for the system, possibly even radicalizing the researchers and engineers against the system. They want a complacent population and you get that with bread & circus.

I could see them trying to accelerate technological progress and not do a population culling before they have these things:
>proper life-extension therapy (eventually immortality)
These two are probably their most important ones. Other things can come after those have been achieved.

Kings of faces

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This. It's really that fucking simple.
I'll add to this list one more thing:
>Have secured, militarized borders.
So, even if retards in Africa don't want to self-sterilize, they won't magically end up in your nation. For all I care, let them eat each other.


There will always be jobs that need a human touch. The people who program AI will never let it go too far on its own(see Tay) so if this ever happens it will replace automated, braindead jobs.

Ai will kill the niggers, i am ok with that

120 billion mosquito-sized silent robots capable of poisoning people at a predetermined time with no warning.
As you can clearly state, technological progress erodes the hardware limitations on AI development decade by decade.
It is too late for a ban. In 5 years everybody will be able to run a human-sized neural net on their phone.
If there was a chance to save humanity it was in the 60s