Brown women want our dicks and badly lads

Brown women want our dicks and badly lads

What do we say?

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No because racemixing is degenerate

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Holy shit that bitch was desperate

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Taste the caramel, burn in hell

Bleach them

>Demand for White superior Chad men go up 100%

Do you really want your kids to look like dirty Mexicans? Fucking gross.

Fry the rice, pay the price

"Hees golden hair... hees hwhYTE skeen... Ay coould NEHVER let him out ahf mai saight."

Eat the taco, get stabbed by a whacko

They can enjoy of any cock in the garden but may not have the cum of the knowledge of good and evil

what the fuck
She should have went on a bender


Without being extreme, black women know white men will provide better and produce smarter babies who are more likely to care for them later in life.


shes not guilty of anything, dude had no soul anyway

She looks like she's Pnoy. Islanders are usually either really chill or aggro as fuck, but the more batshit crazy ones can flip the switch between the two on some BPD shit. Tread carefully, if you do at all. Personally, not advised.

thanks for the lack of links, you retarded nigger.
she was found guilty of second degree murder.

literally no one here will read that article

speak for yourself, you illiterate nigger.

Handover our dongers and create the white-brown hyper race.

10/10 would purchase

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>tfw nobody will ever love you enough to stab you

Carrot top lmao

They were protecting their fragile white egos, not white women

He looks like one of those ginger mestizos, nothing of value was lost.

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Not extreme at all, its quite factual.

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you know I’m right

i read part of it

he lucky he didnt get stabbed BEFORE they even met

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yeah, i know all too well.

what did he mean by this?

Based and redpilled

>Cu-chi stabs Carrot-Top

I never liked his comedy anyway

He means you're retarded and enjoy sucking cocks for free.

Holy kek I forgot about that movie.


Only mentally ill brown/asian women go for snowniggers like in the case above.

No traditional asian or brown women would even touch a white degenerate.


You boil the rice you pay the price?

She couldn’t take being GINGERED

>dating brown women, ever

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