Why the fuck does this generation think the world owes them everything? No one wants to work for anything anymore...

Why the fuck does this generation think the world owes them everything? No one wants to work for anything anymore, this is why Communism/Socialism will eventually take over the Western World. It really is a bleak future.

Tweet: twitter.com/aniistoll/status/1083377742337449984?s=21

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$50 a month for some dumb software is retarded, dude

There are so many open source alternatives, I don't get it....

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>> Using GIMP

No thx

Premiere became industry standard after FCPX took out Apple, so companies often want you to use it. Really everyone should just use Davinci Resolve.

if you can't pay for it, crack it yourself, or find it cracked online, you really are too much of a brainlet to deserve it

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>Lives in one of the world's most expensive and economically powerful cities
>Owns an iPhone
>Muh $50 a month

Then don’t pay for it nigger. Is it that hard? Also see . Or use paper/a canvas. No ones forcing these poorfags to use this shit. This is just one example of many of people asking for shit to be lowered/free because everyone’s financially inept

>$50/month isn't affordable for anyone.
>via Twitter for iPhone
Dumb cunt.

We are the Disney Princess generation, for some reason nobody told us that nobody owes us anything. We all want to be Luke Skywalker, just becoming a great Jedi because we decided to. I was fortunate enough to have a father who called this bullshit out, but even I fell for it in my youth. The sad thing to me is that nobody wants to experience the joy of learning and practice, when I realized the pleasure comes from the process as much as the outcome I got a lot happier. Be a better artist and maybe you can afford Photoshop or whatever the fuck she's bitching about, you'll be proud of what you accomplish.

2000+ are pic related when it comes to economics

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>My dad called this out
Based good father poster. Same here. And appearently she’s pic, so she can’t be THAT bad I assume

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I second this. Luckily I have a free CS5 copy through my job.

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"Privilege" I bet she's White. Oh, the female excuse.

See very bottom where she talks about “free software”

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You're retarded. FOSS blows chipmunk.

Go open-source

Its not 1960 anymore boomerfag, we use computors these days

What really makes me upset is that as much as this bubble of an echo chamber has made it seem like the red tide is an unstoppable force, it really isn't. Taking even once step onto a campus of any kind in my red ass state yields the unfortunate realization that most people under 30 not only think like this, but are actively pushing it in any direction they can. The blue wave has started and they've gotten to the kids, so it's really going to do a lot of damage to conservative values from here on out.

I'm still not convinced this whole trump debacle wasn't a clinton plan the whole time to showcase how "stupid" republicans can be to undermine the party for the next 30 or so years. The worst part is that it's working and I'm legitimately angry about it.

Oh so this retard already has it and is just virtue signaling to the nogs of society. I hate Twitter.

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THIS. I really wish the red wave was real too. But I don’t think we’ll ever have another Republican president again. If we do, it’ll be a very long time from now after Trump.

Isn't thr youngest generation far more conservative than millennials?

That’s just what you see online most likely. And even if it were true, most can’t vote yet

Go suck a corporate dick faggot. I bet you buy every new iPhone like anigger or a bitch lol at your """"""""""""""""""life"""""""""""" ahahahaha

Everyone knows you just pirate that shit for your little hobby anyway. The few that become professionals then have their employer pay the big bucks to use the software they’re familiar with.

just download a cracked version. I thought most people already did this? I don't know anyone who actually paid for flash or photoshop since like, 2004.

I want to start working on cars, just by myself in my garage instead of going through a proper channel like tech school. Someone should just give me a full set of wrenches and an engine lift and a garage with a pit and a hundred spare parts for FREE!!!

Bitch is too stupid to realize that means the only entry cost to being able to start building a portfolio and land a job is 50 dollars a month

Appearently 15k people agree and do in fact still pay


And if they don’t, they’re “holding tools hostage”

Sorry you cant get a career making steven universe fanart faggot. Maybe you should go back to crayons and construction paper whats probably in your budget

these people are too dumb or lazy.

$50 per month, or rather, $600 per year is a lot of money to pay out for a license to use a company's software. Sure, you're all right, you don't have to pay it; you can use an alternative, or you can even pirate it, but the sad truth about this isn't just the cost; it's that license holders see this as acceptable behavior. That it's alright to charge individuals $600 per year to access a program.

What will you do when Microsoft starts charging $50 per month to use Windows? When EA start charging $50 per month to play a video game? When other companies start blasting consumers with these same type of anti-consumer practices?

>what will you do
find something else cheaper. I sure as hell won't waste my time bitching about it on twatter. The free market shall provide.

>ITT cuck capitalists
National socialism has always been the answer

>don’t use product because too expensive
>company can’t sell enough at the high price, so they lower it or stop selling
What makes you think you’re entitled to set the price of something that doesn’t belong to you? Either buy it if it’s worth the price to you or don’t if it’s not.

Intellectual property laws are retarded

demoralization shill

Do people really lack the capability to get a VPN and torrent the software they need?

Use GIMP with photoshop-style control plugins

maybe for making your gay ass memes faggot.
you're gonna use gimp or open source crap to build and publish a 300 page catalog? no dummy
adobe is industry standard for many industries, especially printing.

hurry up and die

Just make your own software.

normies don't know how to find torrents or verify checksums.
I really do wonder what it's like to be born a brainlet normie.

You're a simpleton Shaprio/Crowder follower . People are sick of Free Market values taking over society. You can't have ethics and moral in a free market society because it gets in the way of making money. Left wantsocialisms the Right want Nationalism.Economic theory is distorted reality. Supply and demand proved bogus in the last financial crises.

I don't believe I'm entitled to software, but when I pay for a product, I believe I am expected to receive just that--a PRODUCT, not a service. I want to pay for just the product. I have no interest in paying retired Adobe employees' pensions or other stupid on-going shit that has nothing to do with the completed product I expect to own.

Adobe is aiming to take the place of companies' technology development department without ever asking. Normally a business buys software for predictable, one-time cost, and when they upgrade the software, they do it knowing the cost of the upgrade, as a fixed price. This subscription shit is like college tuition. Adobe keeps increasing the price and the users are helpless to negotiate a better deal. It's predatory. Businesses are left with the choices to either pay the new, higher rate or else pay a lot more to retrain their employees on some obscure software that doesn't do as good of a job. Additionally, I think that a lot of users don't need every/any upgrades when they initially get the software. For example, they might get a lot of work done for multiple years on a single version of the software.

Horseshit. I was born in the early 50s, yeah old fuck, and people have been saying this about every single generation since who knows when. Look, there are hard working people and lazy fucks.in every generation of humans. They all say the same things and nothing ever changes. Millenials are not any different from the preceding generations. You got tech? Shit, my generation had TVs in the house and thought they were new and different.
Vanity is all it is. Homo sapheads.

>>via Twitter for iPhone
Twitter is a free service and you can get an iPhone these days for $200.


Dat feel when an artist doesn't consider he needs a proper job while he is doing artist shit

just pirate it lel

Death is the only solution

Industry standard for industry work. Random freeware for "marginalized creators"

Adobe is fucked though.
$600 a year just so they'll shuffle some shit around, remove some shit, put back some shit they removed 2-3 years ago; then bump up the version number +1.
But yeah, these cunts should just pirate it. Subscription software is for BUSINESSES, not start-ups or faggots working for-hire.

just pirate it or use a free version

>Subscription software is for BUSINESSES
Basically this... You ain't paying for software when you sub. You're paying for technical support.

Go complain about this to a mechanic you stupid bitch.

Why would i work for a system that hates me? It's already bleak you're replacing our people with Mexicans. I'm fine with burning it to the ground.

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why the fuck would an individual pay for subscription software? Only a business is supposed to do that, so they have IT support for their entire office. Just fucking pirate it.

Gimp and Inkscape work just fine.

>You're paying SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS A YEAR for technical support YOU MIGHT NOT EVEN NEED
I better get a fucking footrub while they're at it. Really though, they need to offer a lite version or something for a one time payment.

I have been using photoshop since 2005, and I presume I will be using it for the rest of my life. Don't even want to imagine how much I'd have to pay over a lifetime of being subscribed.

Spoken like someone who's never created anything in their life.

how is this useless thot marginalized?

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>the guy who makes 300 page catalogs and can't afford $600/year for professional level software

just use SAI dumb nigger

This attitude of always finding alternatives for the fuck ups of modern crony capitalism needs to end right fucking now

>hurr durr you don't need to eat real food you can get all your protein and nutrients from rice and beans goy
>hurr durr just substitute goy

That's how the market works. If the price is too high you stop buying it. If you're still buying it, the price isn't high enough to be out of your budget.
On that note, why the fuck should I pay $100,000 for a Mercedes? Capitalism really screwed this one up.

You'd be horrified to learn what companies pay for software licenses. Tens of thousands or more per month are not uncommon.


Clearly, anyone producing this type of material can pay for Adobe, so stop whining.

Yes goy, keep letting them push you further and further into the hole, justify it to yourself with the capitalism meme, yes good... good.

I want to make money creating stuff, so give me the stuff you created for free says the idiot un-ironically.

If you want to know horror, look up what bloomberg terminals cost per month.
Literally just stop buying things you think are too expensive.

free shit =/= price gouging and stagnant wages

dumb fuck shitskin

literally only 6 hours of work at minimum wage
If you're not a complete fuck up you should have no problem getting a good return on your investment

Why isn't it possible to live off of minimum wage in this day and age?

Pirate CS6, dumbass. Or grab CCMaker and download the new versions. It's easy if you aren't a dumb nigger

Get gud

>$600 a year is price gouging for professional software
Stop acting like it's a necessity especially when free substitutes exist. I didn't mention it before, but you compared to food earlier. It's fucking photoshop.

It is possible. Move out of the city.

Just pirate it

>Can't tell the difference between (((Socialism))) and Socialism

Protip: (((Capitalism))) is not a long term sustainable model. Capitalism, maybe. (((Capitalism)))? No.

You clearly have no understanding of economics. Free market is the ultimate expression of liberty. Of course there are limitations, but in current times, freedom is very limited and regulation over-burdensome. The last financial crisis was a DIRECT result of government interference in the housing market. You really should do more reading and maybe even try independent thinking. Your mention of ethics and morals if laughable if you fail to call out the failings of socialism.

Why? I spend ~150 a month for cable channels and spend less time watching TV than playing on my computer. If I was into Photoshop this would seem reasonable.

One problem with your theory is the known vulnerability of Adobe software to security breaches that necessitated frequent updates. One could argue that a subscription with reliable and frequent software updates is more effective for a company than buying a product that is good today and obsolete tomorrow....

Boomer idiot. Gen X here. Millennials are a LOT like boomers. Entitled fucks who live large on the backs of others. Your generation is the one that created this mess and here you are making excuses - yeah we are all the same, blah blah blah.

>paying the cable jew to watch jews on tv
Cancel it user

How are programmers supposed to make money? Suck a giant dick, learn how to program your own Photoshop if you don't like it.

Triggered. Seriously, no one is entitled to free stuff. Adobe can and should charge whatever the market will support, particularly if other alternatives do exist. No business exists to be altruistic, otherwise they would not remain in business for long. As for stagnant wages, I fail to see that as Adobe's problem. I simply don't want to pay, so I suffer with GIMP.

Its almost like the more the greedy capitalist jew takes, the more people turn to the communist jew.

It's like none of you read mien kampf. Hitler predicted all of this you retards.

News flash for you, minimum wage was never enough to live on. These are entry level jobs typically filled by the young and moving on. If you are stuck in a minimum wage job, you are doing it wrong.

Valid point here actually. Anyone can write their own software, it only costs time. And they already have a computer if they're posting here.

>stagnant wages
People working for Adobe have amazing wages, retard

You will lose. In this life or the next. Jesus is Lord.

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Adobe’s original process was free in schools and universities and to students so they would become the standard by which everybody learned on and the used. Then businesses or individuals could buy the software, which was expensive, but you didnt need to have each version if the older version still filled your needs, the older version still worked even while after a new vesion came out, similar to Windows previous models. The option of buying the software to own no longer exists, it is a monthly rental, and if you miss any paymentsyou no longer have acess to your files, assets, or work you created. I dont think the software should be free, but it is an expensive model for smaller outlets, especially when it is the industry standard for most creative applications. $50 month is the base price, depending on which applications you use, the monthly rental can get pretty significant. I see lack of viable alternatives as the issue here

Fine if it’s gotta be communism we just demand the money goes to whites

Is this a psyop to trick people into supporting Adobe's jewing by her sense of entitlement?

Personally I would, but my girlfriend likes reality TV and I need something to occupy her while I play on my computer.

>muh industry standard
Why does a freelance furry artist need to abide to industry standards? Industry can pay for Photoshop because $50/month is a joke

Yes, $600 is a lot of money per year for software, sort of.
Abobe Creative Suite has amazing functionality, and was basically an Industrial/Professional level software suite engineered for professional industry.
Before Abobe licensed the software, you had to purchase it, at a cost of several thousands of dollars or more, unless you were a student, at which point you could purchase a slightly neutered version, and pay later for the professional suite if you needed to do professional work.

The advantage to the old system was that you kept the software, but you could only continue using the software on compatible hardware, for older formats and quality levels, since newer formats and upgraded graphics and features weren’t supported.
With the newer licensed system, you get all the current toys, but you have to continue paying, every fucking month.
I believe you’re also required to license the software for a minimum amount of time, which means you can’t just license the software for a month to due the work needed as it comes.

On the other hand, there are a bunch of other affordable software systems that can do all the basic shit Abobe can, and which are fairly cheap now since they can’t compete on function with abobe.

In general though, abode’s decision is par for the course for Industrial service providers, and the cheaper options will likely give you far more bang for the buck that Abobe if they do the nevessary tasks.