Dating a trump supporter???

hi everyone!

so i'm a trans woman and i've been chatting to this guy in like a weird alt right powerlifting chatroom, and now he wants to meet up. he's really great in almost every way, but his politics are disgusting and harmful. this bothers me to NO end.

i'm a very political person and with american democracy hanging in the balance as it is right now trump in the white house and congress unwilling to hold him accountable for anything i mean... it's almost unforgivable to be a trump supporter, right? i have a lot of mixed feelings about this.

anyway, imagine you're me. would you date him? he's cute and nice and he really seems to like me for me, which is pretty rare i guess.

Attached: compass6.png (1039x1423, 414K)

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Have you heard of the word subtle?


Hey link me the quiz you took in the o
OP pic

hoping for some real replies here....

Date a Trump supporter? Sure.
This particular one, no.

why not this particular one?

Attached: IMG_4346.jpg (3264x2448, 2.21M)

>but his politics are disgusting and harmful. this bothers me to NO end.
Does he know you're trans?

yes. the entire chatroom does.

Attached: IMG_4345.jpg (3264x2448, 2.18M)

Then go get some.