Sweet Jesus

She's really dead, isn't she? I don't think I've ever seen this board get raided so hard.

Attached: Capture1.png (2354x1133, 1.73M)


Imagine how many captchas he has to fill out

Attached: 1544380909533.png (501x367, 316K)

That or the rogue jannie is having fun with his discord fags again.

There is a group. The threads are being created to fast for it to be one person.

You mean how many captchas the pajeets he's paying have to fill out?

It could easily be one on several proxies

Just remember, no amount of shilling can stop the wall.

Attached: 1545417318641.jpg (1212x1128, 183K)

She's not dead I don't think, but she's probably about to step down soon.
This is going to be the biggest shitshow of Trump's presidency. Let's enjoy it while it lasts. We have another victory incoming