Why do people larp?

I just don't get it. If you do larp yourself, care to explain why? Not being hostile here, just curious.
Oh and I don't mean the kind of larping some guys do for maybe 1 post to try and prove a point, I'm talking about the long-term sort of larping that people really devote themselves to.

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Why do you assume a significant portion of posters here "larp" instead of believing what they wrote? You sound pretty paranoid

It's usually just for shits and giggles. I think I only saw one real larp and even that stopped the moment someone asked a hard-hitting questions.

I myself don't condone it.

>that projection
Read my post again
I guess you're right, was just wondering because recently I've been hit with 3 of them in a row. Might've just been bad luck.

Real life is shit, and people like you ruin the only refuge larpers have.

I see having a victim complex might have something to do with it.

One of these is a larp, one is actually me. Can you guess which?

>20 yo, half a mil (btc), cambridge part 3 next year, impregnated 10 women through sperm donation, vegan

>20 yo, neet who spends all his time shitposting traps and playing vidya, broke and make money through neetbux and drawing futa, virgin

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So larping for you is a way to motivate yourself to get closer to your goals? Or do you just like pretending to be someone else for the heck of it?

what does larp mean?

If you're 1, give me you're discord pls