Bollywood:shit Masculinity:can only rape in packs because induvidually weak as hell Eco-friendly: Please, don't start with this Respect for life: Ever seen the ganga? Everything's dead there. High IQ: Out of 1.3 BILLION, some of them turn out to be good. TL;DR: Fuck You, pajeet supremacist
Wyatt Wright
Pajeets are disgusting animals. They live like feral dogs. And Chicken Tikka Masala was invented in Scotland.
Pizza was invented in Italy >it’s still American Fuck off
Carter Stewart
What the fuck are you talking about? Tikka masala (as known by the british) was created in Scotland BY AN INDIAN MAN IN AN INDIAN RESTAURANT AS A COPY OF INDIAN CHICKEN MASALA.
Brandon Morris
and superpower by 2020
Tyler Jones
Indiana smell like walking toilettes. Im sitting right next to ohne, proven
Samuel Roberts
>CEOs Do you know why this happened? Anyone whos ever interacted with indians knows they most ignorant and dependent types. They cannot form independent thought or actions. Ask any westerner from tata, ibm, ms, whatnot ... They become ceos because they are guarantee for status quo and that a person who instilled them keeps 100% of being behind the wheel with indian strawman as a ceo on the paper. indians are epitome of npcs
bait that tastes like shitty curry bait that made me waste fifty seconds on those shitty captcha's with the pictures that fade to white to signify "This might be a right pick goy." Fuck you Jow Forums I hate your captcha's. And fuck you harder OP you clearly self aware shit flinging pajeet