Varg says that we are entering a new Ice Age and all the brown eyed subhumans will die of and Southern Europe will be...

Varg says that we are entering a new Ice Age and all the brown eyed subhumans will die of and Southern Europe will be nordic. How does that make you feel southrons?

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Varg is a fucking idiot.

When people warn me of global warming

Makes me feel like Varg is retarded.

I think "I hope it's true and it kills billions "

During the last ice age my ancestors were wandering the steppes with companion dogs and hunted mammoths.
Your ancestors were in the tundras and forests forraging and gathering herbs like little monkeys. You hadn't even developed past homo florensiesis yet.

I think we are going to be just fine.

Varg is a bit of a nutter to be quite honest with you. And his wife all the same.

good point

Nords are pretty cool, but YouTube celebrities are fucking losers

>Varg says
Stopped right there, kys retarded nordcuck