China thread
China thread
Are they even human?
What's their problem?
WTF, they have Chinese in Portagul?
The only one in my family that is a decent driver is my westernized brother who can't read Chinese.
Reading Chinese requires a great deal of memorization, of a bunch of little pictures. They did a study around ten twenty years back where looking at a picture with a tiger in it, the westerners goes straight to the tiger while the Chinese scans the entire picture.
Now imagine someone driving scanning the entire road from top to bottom instead of what jumps out at them.
I think it's more to do with them being literal subhumans.
If not being human is an impediment to driving, how come I don't hear about Jews being bad drivers?
Do you hear about Jews being good drivers?
You people are so afraid of China that you have to post the same webm all the time pathetic.
What the shit happened here
What's going on here?
ching chong ding dong sucky sucky ding dong pee pee 2 dolla
Sure. I just think their survival instinct got really degraded thanks to all the defeat and humiliation they had to suffer. They opted to bow their heads and pretend there is no danger, so much that it became an almost automatic reaction. My guess is that they also have a hard time in risk estimation, or estimation in general, hence their incompetence in all fields comes to display. Another notorious thing about them is shameless lying to save face and appear as someone high in social and professional spheres. They don't study hard and take piano courses out of passion. The sole motivator for eveything they do is the image of a successful all around man and a family.
I think a tanker truck went off the road top left and started leaking flammables, which continued to flow down the ditch to the right.
Looks like some dumb chong drove right into the spill.
*top right
hahaha, based the hero we need.
Some guy went to open his door but then he realise oh shit too late I'm gonna get burnt alive then closed door. Guy in white car.
Wow that was a Japanese superhero!!
Go Hammer Ninja go!!
What disease she got?
made in china at it's finest
i can't tell if that is a chink police or just a madlad
>Beijing is "very concerned" by the reports of arrest in Poland on suspicion of espionage of an employee of the Chinese communications company Huawei, Chinese Weijing W. - Reuters news agency on Friday.
I am against it cause it could of killed him but I like the result cause he got taught the only way he knows how a way in which goes against his basic pleasures and it didn't kill him, still would of been better if the guy just beat him up.
holy shit dude, the guy in the white shirt on the bike who starts to pedal furiously to outrun the truck only to get taken out by the lightpole crashing on top of him.
How is this possible
I've been told that they can't help the others during an accident, otherwise they would have to pay their medical fees, so they just pass by them and pretend nothing is happening
the IRA is at it again
No jets of blood?
Was he actually beheaded or was that just the helmet and gear?
anglo-saxons take note, this how you deal with anti-social fuckwits in lublic instead of turning around and pretending nothing is happening.
Yea pretty funny I am sorta ashamed I laughed.
gas the chinks rice war meow
ok then subhuman
gas tanker leaking on road and a moron driving his car on to the gas and his hot exhaust pipe ignites the gas. It looks like he intentionally drove over to the gas
Does anyone have the clip with that one with all kinds of mental disabilities,hanged on some sort of torture bed?
all of them
checked for octo dubz
You combine all the Power Rangers' "Zords" and you get a Megazord.
whats up with this?
>fucking lightpole crushing the poor bastard like the hammer of God
>what ever if left is burned shortly there after
Oh,wow,thank you
Poor doggo
A really badly advanced case of mucormycosis, I think.
That shit is scary as fuck.
Are there any U*gh*rs on Jow Forums?
That's an interesting theory, but what about the nips then? They read the same shit but aren't quite chink tier drivers.
Have you seen them try to drive a tank?
hiragana is much more simple than chinese characters, heck, the korean characters are more simple than the chinese ones too.
Japs seem to have a focus on experimentation and creation vs memorization and perfection when it comes to children's education too.
Well said.
dogs are more human than chinks
Holy shit this is amazing, they are sub animals, they need to be exterminated
what a chad
What breed is that?
Just a street mutt or something identifiable?
>Being defeated by a northern style monk
Chinese nigger here checking in
yo that china man is way too close to that steering wheel