Afraid of "nothingness" after death

So sometimes I find I'm afraid of the concept of there being nothing after death. I think its the idea of no longer being able to experience.... anything messes with my head. When you die you won't be able to see the was society evoles after your gone, you won't be able to experience the comic books, tv shows, games or whatever fun cool shit comes into the world while your gone.

I know death is inevitable, I know there's nothing I can do, I know it's something thats happened to trillions of living things before me, so why does it freak me out.

It's like, what's even the point in making the most of your life if one day it's just.... all gone. You don't even get to spend and eternity with your memories, you don't even get that.

I pray for reincarnation, not even an afterlife ("heaven" sounds boring desu). I pray I can spend eternity living life after life after life as unlikely as it is that that's actually the case.

I guess what I'm wondering is, how do I stop caring. How does one accept they have these measly 80 years to have as much fun as possible, within our financial limits, in a society that tries as hard as it can to keep you as down as possible fincianlly, while most likely spending a third to half of each week at place you can barely tolerate, making enough money that you can never afford to "live it up" on your weekends or whatever days you have off.

I'm not suicidal, but what even is the point, if at the end of the day life just seem underwhelming to the point i worry about this shit

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A hobby might help. Nothing matters, but overcoming something still feels nice on a personal level. I climb mountains, fuck you life.

You experienced nothing for the billions of years before you were born, and wasn't a problem. Death is only scary until it happens.

That's not a good coping mechanism. We know it's not a problem before and after. Doesn't change the arbitrary fact of life

You can't stop thinking about it, just try to not let it distract you.
There is enough stuff in the world that you could do.

Personally I'm more afraid of waisting my life than life in itself being worthless and meaningless.

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Try enjoy the ride? even if it turns shitty unexpectedly. I think most people go through this thought process, especially at the end of their life cycle.

Can't really do anything about it either, so..

Realize that death is just another chapter in our lives, and whatever it brings is what happens. Don't spend most of your life worrying about it, because you would've wasted time for something that still will happen, regardless of what you do. Rather, enjoy what is in the present and just live

Fuck that is some deep shit

If there's nothing after death then you won't have to care. You'd be free from suffering. No matter what you're going to die, so don't get too worked up

Think about how it felt before you were born.

This helped me deal with my fear of death.

Really? Cause it’s a pretty pleasant thought it you ask me. Nothing but peaceful, uninterrupted rest for all of eternity. No more worries or danger or hierchies. We’re all equal in nothingness.

What makes you anxious about that?

Have you studied thanatology?
It's a study of death and how it affects beings who know they'll die. There are many interesting exercises that actually put you in the dead place.
One, as an example, was to write my own obituary. Time of death, reason of death and so on.

Another tip would be to experience the nothingness... Many ways to do it, some people take ayahuasca for that, some people meditate for that... Some people just enhance their consciousness so much that they lose (for a moment) a sense of 'self' and feel like they died.

My tip to you is to just get a bit closer to this idea... Live your fear in it's fullest while doing so.

There's a guy that says something like "To learn to live you must first learn to die. So you realize that there is no death." That's Eckhart Tolle, written on The Power of Now book. Good read too.

Why? Doesn’t apply to life. I know what death is. I don’t know how we’re suppose to be okay with it.

Well you don't really any choice in the matter. Why waste the limited time you have living to worry about something unavoidable?

Because I want accumulate my experiences and wisdom. I want transcend time and space. I want to live as long as I want to. Not be on borrowed time. How boring and simple life is in its current state.

Because worrying about I has better probability than not for something to change. And if it’s all has to be unavoidable, it doesn’t matter what you spend your time on.

There is a whole game about your question. Try and play it.

>talos principle

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>Nothing but peaceful, uninterrupted rest for all of eternity
Describing it as something that can be experienced.

Even describing death as the absence of experience, is giving it too much credit.
The best way of thinking about it is somewhat related to pic related in Death is everything that the universe is not. The Universe is all there is, and death is non-existent. It doesn't even apply to that which is alive. You are a living part of the Universe, and in a sense, you ARE the Universe. Everything that is, is part of an active, expanding eternity, and death takes no part in what is. Sure, your time is limited, but we can't be entirely sure time itself exists.

For all you know, dying is like falling into a black hole; For any observer witnessing your fall, it lasts for seconds, and then you disappear. For the person falling, however, time is stretched exponentially, and you fall forever in a DMT-flushed hallucination that lasts for centuries until you reach Bodhisattva tier enlightenment, and welcome the abyss.

Death is the absence of your existence, as Epicurus kindly reminded us. You won't experience anything else because you won't exist. Reincarnation will kind of happen and kind of not. It's impossible to not exist, because no man that doesn't exist exists? See my gymnastics? To exist is inevitable.

Why do you want to live? Do you have a need toexperience these things at the expense of a rival or something? Something tells me you're growing out of your hobbies if you're posting this.

I'd rather die

You've been here a long time, haven't you?

I dunno. Why do you ask? Are you trying to be funny?


Part of me hopes reincarnation is real at least in the form of your consciousness being transferred through your matter decaying and changing into something else even if its a plant, and then maybe an animal later on.