I'll try to keep it as short as I can. Details can be added per request.
>tell girl that I've been friends with for years that I like her, out of the blue
>there was a foolish naivete behind the confession in the sense that yes, I was hopeful it might win her over, but more than anything I just wanted out of the friendzone cause I can't stand being around her so much without her looking at me like a man, I guess
>she's taken aback, tells me that she respects me for saying that, that it takes balls blah blah
>"sorry user, but to me you're just a friend. you're like my best male friend, like a brother or something"
>tell her something to the effect that I know her better than every other guy out there that's crushing on her (she's a short-stacked, blonde girl that could really have a new boyfriend every other week if she wanted to)
>tell her that I know what she wants, since she always came crying to me every time something went south
>tells me she's too bipolar for me, that she doesn't even know what she wants, she STILL isn't over her abuse ex that made her literally try to kill herself
>I'm always there to pick up her pieces when she shatters because more than lust, I start caring deeply for her
>go out of my way to be there for her, or see her for even the most banal of things
>confessed on a friday, she pretty much tells me that she can't say yes, tell her ok, let's keep some distance
>she's hopeful we can still be friends afterwards, I'm not
>got tipsy on Saturday, she was at a wedding and I told her she's as beautiful
>"user, please don't make this uncomfortable, I think you're just confused"
>starts to go into the "some luck girl out there" platitude, preemptively tell her to stop giving me that bullshit
>told her I know what I want, and that I know it's her, that I know her better than any other fucking man in her life
>i'm hurt that she says she seems me as just "the friend of one of my ex boyfriends" instead of me
Got out of the friendzone, don't want to go back in
Said I wanted to keep it short but I can't. Typical.
>I saw her as "my friend's ex" when I didn't care about her at all
>I know see her as her own person, her connections to people that I know mean very little to me
>blocks me from everything except instagram (dunno if she's blocked my phone, I haven't tried calling or texting her)
>Sunday morning I woke up hungover, knowing that I had kinda fucked up, but it still felt extremely cathartic
>fucked up again by sending her a message on Tuesday, albeit a short one
>just told her that I'm sorry that what I said made her uncomfortable, but that I can't help feel the way I do for her just like she "can't help" but just see me as a friend
>told her I had no desire to keep talking about that shit through text
>she sees my message and doesn't respond
So yeah, I'm still hopeful, I still want something, at least pity sex, to come out of this, but I don't know. I'm not holding my breath. I do know that things won't go back to the way they were before, as I'm not going to be her friend without making it very clear to her that I WILL fuck her the moment she lets her guard down. If she's not comfortable with that then so be it, I've made my peace with it and that's all that matters to me. You guys thinkin' it'll go South? I'm hoping she cracks before I do and tells me she wants to talk face-to-face, because despite fucking up twice by talking after I was the one that told her we should keep some distance, I'm not going to fucking contact her again.
Again, I do genuinely care for this girl and her well-being. I just wasn't down to keep destroying myself by watching her mess around and then coming to me so I could fix her. That's what I want her to understand; she has more friends than me, and many female friends too, so why did I always carry the burden of picking her up? Granted, I let myself be used, I willingly put myself in that position, but she told she knows she abused that.
My sleep cycle is fucked.
my mind is a weird place right now from otc pills.
but, I don't need to be fully awake and sober to tell you.
When a girl says "I see you like a brother"
It means you will never get to have sex with her.
The best thing you can do in this situation is never contact her again.
The worst thing you can do is continue to pursue her. Think of all the pussy you are missing out on chasing some girl who will never like you that way. when there are a bunch of literal prostitutes out there who will fuck you for money.
Or even at least short term females that will have a one night stand with you.
I have made this mistake too many times in the past and really this day and age relationships are not worth it.
The reason I'm "pursuing" her is that not many fucking women talk to me in the first place user. And life is short, I wanna fuck whoever I wanna fuck; if a girl wants to do me, but I don't find her attractive, then I won't do her. I'm a stubborn asshole, so I don't really believe that she "can't help" but see as a brother; she merely chooses to see me that way. She's too fucking hot for me to pass up man; nice feet, great tits, amazing ass, thicc thighs, round hips. She's a fucking breeding machine.
But if I don't get what I want I am ready to bounce. I know we'll talk again in person at least another time. That's what's gonna make it or break it. Still appreciate the input. And by the way, whores are kinda hard to get by in my area of the States.
I dunno about your situation dude.
You might get to fuck her,
Maybe you'll even prove me wrong.
Great if you do.
They may not be super common all over but, if you look long enough you'll find one.
stuff like cuddlecompanions.
Some girls there are low-key whores.
they'll cuddle you first, yeah you gotta pay them,
see if they are chill.
mention money for sex and there you go.
or rent-a-date that shit also has whores and same with strip clubs if you get down with one for long enough. it's out there.
Hey user, I've been in your exact position. Just cut all ties and move on. It'll take maybe 2 weeks to get over her once you stop talking to her. For the love of God don't just hang around her or you'll kill yourself.
I'll give a bit of background on us.
>started talking to her when we were around 16 or 17
>thought of her as a nice girl, not much else
>continue talking to her once in a while from then till now basically
>at the beginning of last year, i helped her move in to a new apartment with a roommate
>roommate was doing some party from her nation, i get invited
>that night she wanted to go see her ex and fuck him, but he got drunk, and blew her off, she gets super pissed and says she's getting wasted
>keeps telling me, "we're gonna watch netflix in my room and drink wine, ok user"
we get to her room, and basically the scene from superbad happens; she's taking off her clothes, boner activates, she throws up and we do nothing
>tell anons here i think she just did it out of spite, many tell me she wants to fuck me
>during the long times we sometimes don't talk, she is always the one that seeks me out
>confess to girl
>know it has little to no chance but just can’t take being in friend zone
>rejects you three or four times in the span of a weekend
>”I’m still hopeful”
You are hopeless dude.
How the shit can you say you “got out of the friendzone” here? Because you ended your friendship on a sour note?
How so? If you give up after a few nos, then that's actually fucking hopeless. It's not like not being with her is going to end me emotionally or something. It'll be more taxing on her.
Yes? What of it? I'm not linked to her anymore. I'm not doing anything I wouldn't want to do anymore. I'm not giving her more of my time if she won't see me as man. So yeah, I got out. What's your fucking point?
She doesn't find you attractive, that's it.
She has made it abundantly clear that she does not see you in a romantic sense, and no amount of you holding out is going to change that.
Take it from somebody who has a longstanding male friend - absolutely nothing you can do will change her feelings. It's impossible to force or encourage the spark you need in order to have a relationship with somebody.
Ideally, you need to cut contact for your own sake. By remaining in contact with her, you're prolonging the heartache by hoping she's going to "crack". If you genuinely value the friendship then you will accept that nothing is going to happen and focus on being there for her as a friend. No more compliments, no favours you wouldn't do for your male friends, no stalking her on social media.
If you're always going to be waiting for the next time to make a move, give a compliment, or for her to be vulnerable enough to consider making a mistake with you, you should end the friendship now. It's predatory and standard "nice guy" behaviour which will be blatantly obvious, and will cause her to actively avoid and dislike you.
I've had that suspicion, but she just won't come out and fucking say it. I wish she fucking would, no need to beat around the bush.
I genuinely did value it, and it seems fucking hypocritical to me that she always relied on me for every fuck up she's had. I'm not a fucking saint or a fucking charity. It's also extremely injudicious of you to claim to know a person so well that "absolutely nothing" will change her mind, when you have only read tidbits about her. Fuck off with your John Green-tier bullshit about "relationship sparks," you benighted idiot. Why is does the moral dilemma fall only on me? It isn't a friendship without two people. I've been a better friend to her than she was to me.
You seem to be under the impression that all I've ever wanted from this girl is sex. You're wrong. I saw her as an extremely attractive friend, but that's as far as it went; I knew there was I line neither of us were not going to cross. But from seeing her down time and again, from her telling me things she doesn't tell anyone else, hell from her telling me she's one of the only people she really trusts and that she doesn't feel comfortable with her friends that she sees and goes out with regularly. It is not illogical, but also extremely fucking stupid for her to say some of the things she has told. Utterly insulting. Really, she thought I felt fucking "confused"? Fucking really, telling that to a fucking 24-year old man? Fuck off.
Her mistakes are hers to make. I know I can provide what she says she needs, but if her mentality is so rigid that she just "can't help" view me as something, then she is undeserving of me. And I know losing me is going to hurt her more than it does me, and I hope the mistake is one she takes to her grave, because I deserve her more than some abusive faggot over twice my age, or than some random fuccboi she met at a party and that the only thing he knows about her is that she's hot.
>If you give up after a few nos, then that's actually fucking hopeless.
The girl made it crystal clear that she isn’t interested. What you’re doing is creepy and pathetic. Any chance you might have had, and I don’t think you had any, is being destroyed by your persistence in the face of this.
There’s a time to plant and a time to harvest. You’re acting like it’s time to harvest. Today is the time to plant anew. Find someone else. You just suffered a crop failure.
>So yeah, I got out.
No you didn’t, you just ended your friendship. Rather, you pushed her to end your friendship. End of the day SHE got out because you wanted something she wasn’t willing to give. You left all the power in her hands, and when you try to get back in her good graces in a week, you’ll still be in the friendzone.
Getting out of the friendzone happens when you turn this sort of situation into a relationship. You don’t have the wherewithal or experience (or attractiveness) to accomplish that.
>I wish she fucking would, no need to beat around the bush.
She doesn't say it because she doesn't want to hurt you. "Friendzone" is keyword for "not attractive enough to date."
You’re an incel dude. It’s kind of funny.
What’s more, OP is probably expecting this will boil down to some concrete failing she perceives in him that’s correctable. Like she doesn’t find him attractive because he’s not fit enough or because he doesn’t make enough money. Or maybe something not really correctable but that he believes should taint his perception of her enough to let him move on, like that he’s not tall enough or that he’s not the right race for her.
Lack of attraction isn’t concrete like that. She flat out doesn’t think of OP in those terms. He might as well want a straight guyfriend to tell him why he doesn’t find him attractive.
She doesn’t see you as a man because you’re not attractive to her.
Do you know how to fucking read, you inbred fucking animal? I contacted her twice, haven't spoken to her since, and don't plan speaking with her again. I'm fairly certain she will reach out to me, but if she doesn't, c'est la vie.
Learn to read. She's still hopeful we can remain friends. The power is in my hands. She's going to contact me again, she always does. And if she doesn't, she lost her best friend. I'm prepared for that, I don't know, or care, really, if she is.
I like that little passive-aggressive insult at the end. Care to read my palm and my horoscope next? I'm an INTP, btw.
Withholding the truth hurts me more.
>I contacted her twice, haven't spoken to her since, and don't plan speaking with her again.
mmhmm, you'll be back. Guys like you always are. It might take you a week or two, but you'll be back. She won't. She doesn't need you. You need her, and have proven it repeatedly.
>I'm an INTP, btw.
Why am I not surprised this utter cuck of an OP believes in this shit?
You are a classic "nice guy".
The way you responded to me, in a pathetic and whiny way is precisely why she does not, and will never, find you attractive.
She's coming to you about her issues because you're allowing yourself to be an emotional tampon. You're doing so with a hope to get closer to her, but she's doing it because she sees you as a...wait for it....friend.
If she had any romantic feelings for you, I absolutely guarantee that she wouldn't speak to you about her other relationships. Nobody wants somebody they have interest in to see them as weak, vulnerable or anything less than perfect, but she clearly doesn't give a shit what you think. Again, because she sees you as a friend.
You told her she was beautiful and it literally made her feel uncomfortable. This shows that she's repulsed by the idea of you having romantic feelings for her. Again, because she sees you as a non-threatening, unattractive friend.
Please listen to me - if a woman has any feelings for a man, she would crawl over hot coals to be with him (as she has probably been doing with these other guys). She isn't telling you to leave her alone as part of some game, she isn't "wrong" about how she feels and this isn't going to change because you continue to hang around her like a bad smell, fulfilling the nice guy role. In fact, you're probably the guy she laughs at whenever she's with a guy she actually wants to fuck.
She has blocked you on all social media, ignored your text and you're still looking for ways to be with her. It's truly creepy and bordering on harassment. Cut your losses and move on. You won't realise how pathetic this is until you're completely out of it.
>Withholding the truth hurts me more.
How has she withheld the truth? She told you she sees you as a friend. There's no more truth than that. You think there's some concrete, particularized reason she isn't into you sexually? There isn't. Any attempt by her to quantify or qualify it beyond that would be a guess.
>She's still hopeful we can remain friends.
Every girl says that because they don't want the friendship dynamic to change if it can be avoided.
In other words, if you can calm the fuck down and come back to her and apologize for being such an entitled prick, she might forgive you for embarrassing her like you did.
God fucking dammit, OP, you are so fucking pathetic it's not even funny.
Mhmm, of course I do sweetie. Especially when the second time that happened I explicitly told her I wouldn't talk about that shit with her through the phone again. Oh, I'm just dying to go see her right now.
Why am I not surprised you are an illiterate faggot that can't pick up on the most pronounced sarcasm that someone can deliver through text?
You are a very mean person, who is crying simply because people are making you aware of how pathetic your situation is.
Are you a vertically challenged man?
Yes, you've got the whole world figured out, you uninteresting cunt. Your grasp on reality and social dynamics are remarkable; please publish something before you die.
>Oh, I'm just dying to go see her right now.
Uh, who said you wanted to get back with her immediately? I said in a few weeks you'll be crawling back. I know your type user.
>Are you a vertically challenged man?
Not OP but that hurt you hussy
>Why am I not surprised you are an illiterate faggot that can't pick up on the most pronounced sarcasm that someone can deliver through text?
I'm sorry, am I illiterate, or did I miss sarcasm? Because if I missed the sarcasm, I clearly was able to read what you typed.
Why am I not surprised that you're one of those guys who fights with everyone giving him advice? You need to go masturbate or something dude, get those frustrations out.
I just cannot understand why this girl doesn't want to fuck you, OP. You must be really unattractive because I'm sure she's bowled over by your incredibly personality.
Sorry lad. He's just behaving like a standard angry short guy. Every "nice guy" I've ever known has been under 5ft9, so that's why I made the connection.
Not all short guys are nice guys though, and I'm sorry if I offended you.
>I still want something, at least pity sex, to come out of this
You're not getting anything, man.
You contacted her a bunch of times after saying you want distance. Fucking pathetic dude, that ruined your play.
>It'll take maybe 2 weeks to get over her once you stop talking to her.
Not always true. My oneitis blocked me for over a year and I never got over her.
I thought by now you'd realize there's more to this than sex, but I guess you can't think or relate to anything without it first being connected to your snatch and your irrelevant and insipid life experiences, can you, you myopic, banal bitch?
There has been little to no advice. Just mindless conjecture about me and her. Nearly everyone here, for instance, thinks that I was in the friendzone day 1 (meaning, that I've liked this girl for years, which is not the fucking case), that I haven't had other relationships, that I'm a virgin, etc etc. You probably think I browse Jow Forums or something. Just to go over it again: These are all very recent developments, I did what I did because I know that just being like that with her would destroy me, so I got out before it got worse. If it doesn't progress from here, then good, I don't care. If it does great, though I'm not very hopeful.
I wish I had both the ignorance and unwarranted confidence to make such passing statements with ease. Ignorance is bliss.
What advice were you expecting?
This girl doesn't find you attractive and doesn't have romantic feelings for you. She has been completely honest with you and ended up having to delete you from her social media because you wouldn't stop being a creepy fucker.
Jow Forums is not full of fucking miracle workers.
Are you short though? You didn't answer that question.
It seems you people think that our conversation consisted of me telling her "you're beautiful," her saying eww and blocking me from several things, or that I incessantly message her everyday or something. Perhaps that was my mistake. That night she was at a wedding with her parents, and we talked for hours through Instagram DMs. She seemed to get offended because I told her her exboyfriend is an old, manipulative abusive piece of shit, and this ticked her off, so she blocked me on IG. But the very next day she followed me on Instagram. I allowed her to, but didn't follow back or say anything to her until this very Tuesday. All I told her was that I wasn't going to talk about that shit with again through the phone. I didn't need a response, and deleted the conversation as soon as she had read the message, which was around the time I got home from the gym and finally had time to myself.
I didn't know that's what qualifies as creepy now. You mouth-breathing faggots.
I'm 6'2"
God you are a loser dude. Seriously. Can you not take a fucking hint?
>tfw 5'8" and have more game than this guy
God you don't know how to fucking construct cohesive, let alone thought-out, argument dude. Can you not fucking explain things?
Again, she's not the only girl I've confessed to, talked to, or whatever. I've had relationships before her.
And I could beat you up. Not only because I'm taller, but because I box everyday.
Why not move on? You're tall and sportive, you would have no problem finding another girl.
Because he has a shit tier personality and he's creepy AF.
The issue isn't that I can't move on. I wanted people that read all that autistic drivel that I typed (keyword being read) to tell me if they've gone through similar stuff, or if I felt validated for feeling the way that I do.
Are you that salty cunt that I called out because she can't process anything without first sticking it up her vagina? You sure do make a great job of making yourself seem like a stupendous, unassuming person. You're not coming off as a fucking stupid hypocrite in the least! Great job, keep it up!
>And I could beat you up. Not only because I'm taller, but because I box everyday.
Oh look, we've got a hothead over here.
I use words to fight my friend. Words are my trade, and I make bank doing it. That's why women love me, and why they hate you.
God gives us all struggles to overcome. I have no idea how you'll overcome yours, but I'm sure it'll be interesting.
I'm sure they do, shorty. I'm sure they do.
I don't have a vagina. I'm just one of the many people in this thread who think you're a cunt. It seems to be a popular response, which should tell you something. Never mind though, it's probably just everybody else being wrong.
>Replies: 50
>Posters: 8
Quality bait too. Pushes a little far sometimes, but keeps it mostly believable
Denial ain't just a river in egypt.
This. OP isn't even being edgy at this point, he's just being stupid.
>confessed to girl
>got rejected
>hurr durr guys I'm out of the friendzone
What a bait-and-switch piece of shit thread.
I know Jow Forums isn't exactly the place where erudites hang out, but the lack of reading comprehension in here is apalling. I feel second-hand shame.
You idiots need to learn how to read, and then some. Even 5th graders wouldn't have so much trouble parsing this, Jesus fucking Christ.
>So yeah, I'm still hopeful
user, you are deluding yourself. As someone who's been in your same mindset (not as intensely as you though), this is not healthy and will lead to nothing but more pain for you.
This is going to go nowhere, and if you don't let yourself realize that now then it's going to grow. It'll grow until you're at the point where you are totally obsessed with her to the point of making her a little worried. But you won't notice that happening, because you're going to feel a crippling, stomach wrenching anxiety whenever she's not responding to you. Which is going to be most of the time, and you'll start making up reasons to contact her and you'll just get more anxiety when she doesn't respond. It's a vicious circle.
It's also creepy, user. Again, she was perfectly clear, and it's time for you to back off. It doesn't matter how much you care about her, it'll still be labeled "unwanted sexual advances". How well is that going to turn out for you?
Has it occurred to you that the more likely explanation is that you're simply wrong about this?
>It's also creepy, user. Again, she was perfectly clear, and it's time for you to back off. It doesn't matter how much you care about her, it'll still be labeled "unwanted sexual advances". How well is that going to turn out for you?
This. Having hope is retarded right here.
Move the fuck on OP. It's really embarrassing at this point.
Why do you word this as if I were incessantly trying to get her attention? I am not messaging her every second of the day, haven't contacted her since Tuesday, and have gone out drinking without wondering what she's doing and with who.
Don't lump me in with your pathetic ass.
No, because nobody in here but me can make an argument even if their fucking life depended on it. There are no reasons for your retarded conlusions; what's at display is full-blown stupidity time and again. So no, you have yet to prove me wrong, you or anybody in this thread. Which was never the point, but since it has come to this I won't let myself be bad-mouthed by such churlish imbeciles.
>Why do you word this as if I were incessantly trying to get her attention?
Because you fucking are dude. You came at her not once, not twice, but three fucking times, and that's just the times you acknowledge.
When I was a retarded teenager and pulled this out-of-the-blue confession shit, at least I had the good sense to understand that no means no.
You ambush this girl at a wedding and keep on with the same garbage, then you start messaging her after she blocks you? What kind of message do you think you're sending?
>churlish imbeciles
woah watch out he busted out the thesaurus guys.
Thank you for proving my point.
Learn how to read. I have not ambushed her once. If this was about how to win her over, you'd know but not once have I fucking asked anyone what to do or how to win her heart or any other faggot bullshit. The first time I messaged her, the night SHE was at the wedding and I was out with friends, I stopped the moment she told me she wouldn't respond anymore. The confession was in person, and the second message I sent her did not warrant a response, nor was I expecting one. Fucking idiot.
Okay, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt for the moment, that you weren’t trying to win her over at all, that your whole idea was something else, that you didn’t want a response when you messaged her, etc.
What you fail to comprehend, as is typical for men your age, is that appearances matter. Your behavior is objectively indistinguishable from someone trying persistently to win some girl over, then to get back in her good graces after failing, since he still “has hope.”
But let’s drop that pretense. You are flat out lying to everyone, including yourself, when you say shit like that. Look at your own wording, for god’s sakes. It’s not that she rejected you, it’s that she couldn’t say yes. It’s not that she doesn’t want you, it’s that you know what she wants and that she doesn’t know what she wants. I can see so much of how you’re thinking just by looking at how you word things.
You got rejected. Embrace it and move on. If you think what you’re doing is moving on, you’re out of your mind. Why did you even make this thread? Why did you say you still had hope? Give me an explanation instead of an insult, this time.
>Be OP
>Be cuck
>Be white knight
>Be narcissist
>Be hot-headed
>Be creep
>Get really angry at people for trying to give you advice
>Meet girl while she's dating a friend
>Girl breaks up with friend
>Shit-talks "friend" because user wants to get with the girl
>Doesn't even like her; user is just allergic to the idea that he should have to be friends with an attractive girl
>When girl says no, user acts the narcissist and says he's better than everyone else
>Says something to the effect that he knows what she wants better than her because he's a narcissistic douchebag
>She again negates
>Next day, user repeats everything even though she tells him not to
>She again negates
>Three days later, he repeats everything even though she blocked him and made it quite clear she doesn't like him
>She again negates
>He continues to have hope and thinks she will suddenly want to fuck (I mean be in a relationship, user is very particular about the terminology you use and will get very angry at people if they dare say he wants to fuck her) him for no apparent reason
>He thinks this is a victory because he's no longer friends with her
>Clearly, user does not like her or enjoy her company; he is glad it he no longer has to be friends with her
>However, user somehow thinks someone will empathize with him or be on his side
Either bait, in which case, good job. This is the best I've seen in a while, or this is real, in which case,
If she stops talking to you normally and notices your whole some bulge then yeah
>Why did you even make this thread?
I want to know if others have gone through this, or if I am justified in feeling/doing what I did.
>Why did you say you still have hope?
Because hope is the last thing to die. Why does she have hope that her abusive ex, which is not my friend (my friend and her were a thing like 10 years back, they were both kids and it lasted like 3 months; I know some of you idiots will need further confirmation, but no, needless to say, he does not care about her at all, and neither does she care about him) will stop cheating on her, putting her down, and expecting her to put her life at his feet? Why is she convinced the love of her life is an old man that prompted her to commit suicide?
Whoo, how insightful and clever of you. Fucking kill yourself.
>I want to know if others have gone through this, or if I am justified in feeling/doing what I did.
Easy enough to answer. Yes I’ve gone through that. This is exactly why everyone is trashing you so fucking hard. We all went through this shit at one or more points in our youth and it’s making us cringe not only to see someone else going through the same, but being obstinate and defensive about it.
No you weren’t justified in acting how you did.
>Meet girl while she's dating a friend
>Girl breaks up with friend
>Shit-talks "friend" because user wants to get with the girl
This is a good observation of what never to do. When you trash a girl’s ex, you are not on the inside track. You’re riding the fence between confidant (which always = friendzoned) and annoyance/enemy (because you’re shitting on someone she cares about, and by extension, the mental processes that made her care about that person).
Whether you’re going for a rebound or an actual relationship, trashing the girl’s exes behind their backs is pure cancer. If the girl actually plays along, too, SHE is pure cancer, and will bad-mouth you behind your back later.
So you're idea of a response is "trashing" somebody that wants guidance? And not only that, you think I should have held my tongue and literally be a cuck by sticking out with her and being her fucking emotional tampon?
You're a fucking idiot and are in no position to give advice, much less judge people, you pathetic, stupid little faggot.
Wow you are an unreasonably angry person. You are LITERALLY seething right now because you KNOW that I'm right. I've struck a nerve in that tiny little brain of yours with my elite truth bombs, and this fact disturbs you greatly. EVERY criticism against you is trashing, apparently. I’m honestly AMAZED that you can even claim with a straight face that you wanted guidance. LOOK at your conduct in this thread. YOU have been the belligerent one no matter who replied to you.
There is not a SINGLE poster in this thread who sees you as credible or worth helping anymore, and you saw to that very quickly.
I look forward to your sad excuse for a reply, which I shall NOT be reading.