All you Indophobic basedboys explain pic related.
Explain how we Indians are the highest earning group in America.
Explain how we have the highest IQ in America.
Explain how our guys are CEOs of Google and Microsoft etc.
All you Indophobic basedboys explain pic related.
Explain how we Indians are the highest earning group in America.
Explain how we have the highest IQ in America.
Explain how our guys are CEOs of Google and Microsoft etc.
because you cheat
because you lie
because you get free shit
because you are pawns
fuck you pajeets
you smell like shit
look like shit
are dumb as shit
and you cant fucking do anything that hasnt been done already, you faggots copy paste shit from git hub and fucking google how to for everything...
i hope your entire continent is fucking destroyed and i cant wait till we can kill you all
>Salty as fuck jobless amerimutt
I'd agree with you if we were only talking about the low skilled H1B hires who get employed for their low wages.
But how do you explain Indians making it to CEOs and having the highest number of billion dollar startups? How tf does cheating or lying or "diversity quotas" help us create billion dollar startups?
Because of the billion+ poos, the smartest ones from the Bell curve gtfo India.
So a small part is smart and successful. Almost all poos are unhygienic, shitskinned low iq manlet subhumans.
Most of faggot r white and most of transgender r White and they think they superior white ppl r just faggot
>Salty as fuck jobless amerimutt
hahahaah fuck you currynigger
you are just too stupid to get it you cunt
go eat some more slop food and shit yourself in the bathroom and then dont wash up
then come in and fuck everything up
t. works for hugeh india tech firm as a consultant
What they really want is niggers to fill those high positions but since cant find any and they settle for pooniggers because you look dark enough.
-because for every human on earth theres 100 pajeets mate.
-because IQ doesnt actually mean anything and you're retarded already if you think it does
>implying indian CEOs arent just pawns placed by old jewish cucklords to make you seem worthy of being integrated in western culture to further turn white people into sheep so the circumcision loving child-sacrifing jewish scum can take further control over humanity
>truth spotted
> thread stops
And yet the majority of your people still shit openly in public. India is a seething shithole of human filth. You fucks have jobs here because tech companies want h1b poos that they can pay less than US workers and have less legal rights. Not only that but if a poo is the one hiring, you can bet he will only hire his friends from Mumbai with doctored resumes and degrees. FUCK you curryniggers.
American half-Jew here, I love South Asia and would very much like to marry a desi girl
Explain why you can’t establish even the most basic sanitation schemes in your home country.
Fucking nailed it.
Build India, not America.
Fuck non-whites in white countries.
14 out of a billion? Masterrace and superpower by 2020!
This is true, on my University campus poo colored skins would never wash their hands.
Indian girls can be pretty hot, but I am NOT about to have some poo son
We technically appear on the graph 3 times but we had a falling out.
You're awesome. How are you ever going to be a superpower without Indians? You need an in-gathering of your diaspora in preparation for that great day.
can't spell rape without ape
You guys are niggers
cant spell or read "shitting in the street like an animal" without immediately thinking of India either
Explain why can't you do it in your own country?
Because 50% of H1-B VISAs are given to Indians. It makes perfect sense - Your country is getting the brains sucked out of it by the US. This is why India is a total shithole, because the smart Indian's immediately leave and excel in a country that isn't shit.
I don't know what you're trying to accomplish with this post? Are you trying to get a rise out of us? Trying to feel successful? Good for you that your fellow countrymen are successful in the USA. We are the land of opportunity.
On another note, in grad school there were these 2 HOT Indian chicks. Ended up having a threesome with them. Dirty girls.
I bet they were real dirty user. In more ways than one.
>highest earning group in America.
>highest IQ in America.
>our guys are CEOs of Google and Microsoft etc.
and Jesus fucking Christ you still can't use toilets
so tell us the gdp numbers for your shithole country ran by brown people
Shame that only indians that go overseas that are allowed to are Brahman and not anything else
But I can see that, you don't want the world to know that a percentage of your whole population is able to function properly while the rest defecate on the streets and rivers, kill and rape people and are corrupt to boot.
You only want to show the few good people you have.
Dravidians aren't brahmins, brahmins are still the elites of Indian society
Indians are a MINORITY in America
The best and brightest go the the US and therefore, as there are compartively very few of them, it shoots them up in the ranking, making them look better. If the US imported a few million Biharis and street-shitters your statistics would be more pathetic than India itself.
Your guys are subway franchise owners and thats it. Try taking some of that brainpower and using it to uplift your own country instead of fleeing like rats off a sinking ship.
kek, dasrite poobois
>Posturing this emphatically
हम आगे बढते गये, वह जलते रहे
सदियों का बदला हम लेंगे
और वह कुछ नहीं कर पयेंगे
>All you Indophobic basedboys explain pic related.
Because people who don't come from a shithole and can leave usually don't.
Because they don't live in a fucking shithole.
my experience with indians has been p good if i'm honest
at least they're not crazy inbred muslims like pakistanis
It's not about hate, it's about whites for white countries.
Because you are competing against Americans LOL
>44 of 87 startups were (co-)founded by immigrants
So barely half of high valued startups were partially influenced by an immigrant? The US population is less than 50% white at this point, especially in the major cities where new businesses are basically required to start in due to the lack of availability for technical and marketing resources anywhere else. In case you haven’t figured out where I’m going with this, that statistic isn’t exactly impressive or surprising. Not to mention the idea that something is a “$1 billion or more startup” doesn’t actually say anything of its true value or quality in practical terms. You don’t need me to tell you that there are lots of billion dollar scams and other shit-quality service companies that get pumped out every year.