What’s Jow Forums 's view about this lad
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What’s Jow Forums 's view about this lad
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>expecting Jow Forums to have views on anything
whatever it is I don't agree
>expecting Jow Forums to have positive views on mussies
Ironically dindu nuffin. He just wants his country to be strong and doesn't trust anyone else is capable of doing it. Sure the methods aren't favorable to some but in the end as before Turkey is dying. He just has the stronger tape to keep the pieces together.
Mark my words he dies or steps down Turkey will split up.
Cocky roach who the Jews tried to Arab spring
i hope he becomes the leader of Europe
fights the kikes and the CIA, who both want him dead
fights ISIS and the kurds who are both supported by the kikes and the CIA
nationalist and stuck it to everybody while everybody is trying to finish him off
the only person with a clean conscious on the whole Kashogghi situation
refused to meet (((Bolton))) because he knows that fucking kike will try to kike him out
But who will get the other parts then ?
He's barely keeping hold on his own country and you want him to expand. You know that's actually how coups happen. Some high profile turks go abroad e.g US or Germany, they get fed propaganda and hired by the CIA.
Immigration into other countries has been both Turkey's strong point because it expands their influence and weak point because when it's outside their country foreign intelligence can convert people to their cause and make them think they know what's better for their country.
On the surface it looks like everything's quiet but internal power play is murder.
It will probably become the Republic of Kurdistan.
Erdogan sounds like a name for a pokemon.