Is this the silver bullet that will save incels?
Thoughts on Mewing and Tongue Posture?
Other urls found in this thread:
right pic is literally weight loss and biting down hard to flex jaw muscles
Mewing is a social experiment to see how many people are self conscious enough go around with a retarded expression on their face in hopes of having a less retard expression in the future
looks promising desu
Mate you cannot change bone structure, size, shape, and position just by biting down and positioning your tongue in a certain way. Why do people unironically fall for this Mewing meme?
Do you even mew brah !
my results
You are wrong. Your facial structure will change even if you don't maintain tongue posture. In that case, it will change for WORSE. Mewing is the only way to achieve the aryan aesthethics your ancestors gave you.
That lady has a giant pussy.
Wow, this retard can barely speak English and I'm supposed to take advice from him?
Just get it from the horse's mouth, ffs.
Exactly the same.
Turns out you can’t naturally reshape bone. Really surprising.
>Is this the silver bullet that will save incels?
No. They are beyond saving in the west. They can only succeed in a 3rd world sexual market.
I still don't understand how the fuck you're supposed to do it?
The fuck is mewing?
Where's the difference?
cut your damn hair
also a nose job, apparently
Face blindness is a symptom of autism
No nose job. The nasal cartillage has more room to sit on the vomer once maxillary position has been corrected.
Press your tongue against he roof of your mouth with the top teeth touching the bottom teeth and keep it there all day.
What is mewing?
bud ummm ttttttttttsssssssssssssssssssssssssss *canned laughter*
This is the natural resting position of my mouth wtf ? Itns literally nothing, therés no ither way to rest your mouth
As it should be. For many, it isn't. Hence they get malocclusion, sleep apnea, recessed jaws etc.
theres more to getting a woman than a defined jawline you dumb incel
I have ankyloglossia, I can't even do this shit, or even come close to doing anything like it. I wonder how many people are attempting to do this shit not realizing they have ankyloglossia and can't physically do it.
second pic looks like a faggot. Wtf
Why not get your tie cut? It will only continue affecting your posture and health negatively throughout your life.
Lighting has to be the same.
Its legit
kek thought that as well
>Press your tongue against he roof of your mouth with the top teeth touching the bottom teeth and keep it there all day.
So the tip of the front top row of teeth need to be aligned with the bottom front row of teeth?
It's not something I think about and I don't see it effecting me negatively in any way. Having my tongue cut and risking infection seems like overkill.
You're a fucking idiot, there is no way that isn't a nose job. You don't just go form that judeo-slavic beak nose to an aquiline nose like that from mewing
because your face can change a lot.
my face changed a lot since I was 14, when you apply force you can change a lot at that age,later not so much tho
like when you say nigger
just keep the pressure
potentially you dont even have enough space to fit your whole tongue between your teeth
I have always been good looking but my chin is on a slight slant going inwards (but my chin still points. This will make me go from 8 out of 10 to a 10.
No, the bottom and top teeth just need to touch naturally
then what is natural?
I rested it all my life between my teeth , got an open bite,that felt 'natural' to me didnt even think when doing it
So bottom row sits behind the top row?
In the before pic his palate is so vaulted and high that it pushes the nasal cartillage outwards. Allowing the palate to unwind downward until it assumes a flatter shape, will pull the protruding cartillage with it. His original nose is in no way a phenotypic feature, but a common consequence of craniofacial dystrophy.
This is easily some of the dumbest shit I have ever seen on Jow Forums
Prioritize molar contact over incisor contact.
Ever suffer from neck & shoulder tension?
Mewing isn't much different from correcting a posture issue. It's legit
>Be on the cusp of saying nigger all day long
I'm sure this is going to end well for 4chins
Been doing it for a little over a month with good results. Jaw line is definitely stronger
Every day we separate further from God.
I think I am fine, but I'll try to remember that I even have this thing. Maybe I'll get it fixed.
fuck no
i need some kind of reverse-mewing exercise to reduce my massive deformed hapsburg jaw
I'm doing it since 3 months, I can tell I can notice small differences but it might be lower body fat aswell, however proper oral posture is really good for snorring for example which I got rid of at the beggining I had problems nose breathing as my paranasal sinuses were frequently clogged however after a week or so my nose expanded significantly that is the tissue or some shit I've no idea but I can weight run or whatever and keep myself up just by nose breathing, now I nose breath 24/7 and you feel way better, for the bones well I saw faces of people who got their shit kicked by thugs and their faces changed, the force which the tongue applies to the roof of the mouth is like 200 times bigger than is needed to cause a tooth moving so who knows maybe it will work, I'll continue anyway simply because of the breathing as I said and if we're to see results from this mewing this it's certainly measured in years, but Arnold didn't get beefed in a year, keeping proper tongue posture and lifting heavy shit helps aswell get a 250 lbs barbell up with your tongue on the roof of your mouth and feel the pressure yourself, have you noticed that most bodybuilders if not all have killer chad faces? It might be the weights, but it doesn't cost anything to mew, besides it enhances your self control and discipline.
Damn. Ever thought about a career in comedy there chap?
It's the teeth next to the incisors with which you don't scrape your dads dick.
*S T R A Y*
The only thing you will do is getting stingray'd by some AIDS ridden stingray that got raped by chink niggers, down under criminal scum your ancestors begged for the gallows but the bongs send them to that shithole, descendands of thieves robbers and murderers and a few arsonists but those are cool, so there wasn't many for sure.
i'm kind of surprised this is a thing because when i was a kid they gave me pic related to correct my overbite. does nobody do orthodontics anymore?
It's the same jawline in all three pics. The nose job gives the illusion of the jaw coming forward. If you compare his lips & chin to his brow in all three pics they are all in line the same. Also, he is probably clenching his jaw and lost some body fat in the right two pictures (if you compare the skin under the eyes to the first pic its it's sunken due to fat loss)
>australian literacy
Prioritize back teeth over front teeth. Get it?
This will cure the incel, but Jow Forums faggots are to lazy to even do this. Also, fuck jannies. What happened to /sig/ threads? They actually had good advice and motivation.
Orthodontics is largely retarded. I too was given a retractive headwear that pulled my upperjaw backward. Orthodontists just look at teeth and nothing else. If they see a straight teethline, they are satisfied. If the rest of the face has been destroyed in the process of achieving this, it's "just genetics":
this puts my front botton teeth behind my front top teeth, which makes my chin go back and look weak.
I have a crown on back of my front tooth also stopping my moving my bottom front teeth closer.
Do I have to press the tongue with force or just sit it resting in that position?
Also what the fuck is mewing.
No just suction cup glue it, while swallowing there will be force otherwise it's relaxed and teeth together but not clenched, that is basically mewing, which is the same as proper oral posture something normal we all should be doing but half of the population doesn't. Teaches proper swallowing patterns.
What the fuck is this faggy shit?
You boys gotta give your balls a tug, figure it out.
that thing i posted pushed my lower jaw forward. wore it through most of puberty. iirc my orthodontist had it installed because of crowding.
Reminder that """"""""""""""""mewing"""""""""""""" only works if youre still in your early teens
report every mewer as the underage faggots they are
This is how you should keep your teeth, most people with an under or overbite have their molars aligned perfectly so it's only the front teeth that cause problems.
You have overbite. Ultimately your aim is to move your upper jaw up and forward, which will make your mid-face more compact and emphasize the appearance of the chin. You need hard constant force from the tongue in order to achieve this.
I see. That's less intrusive than the procedure I underwent.
Jesus christ, inscisors are the big flat ones right under your nose, the molars are the big flat fuckers in the back, by your ears. Enjoy your sauce and I'm glad the emus won.
It works in all ages. Much like fixing posture is harder when you are older, so is fixing cranial structure. It requires more dedication and more force. The change is slower. Yet change is achievable for all ages.
I have an underbite but it probably makes my chin look better and only causes an issue when it comes to eating celery so fuck it
>nose too narrow to breathe freely entire life
>mouth breather by proxy
>doctors don't give a fuck, says everything is okay
Fucking kill me already
Which picture is supposed to be retarded?
I can believe the science behind it but you need better pics. On the before pics the camera was lower.
Overbite here. Aligning my teeth as in "Healthy" make me look like a fucking chimp. What do?
My left cheek, eye socket and my nose got badly broke, I can’t breath through my left nostril when I lie on my right arm, which since I’m right handed is natural for me. I feel for you. My shit is bad enough, but thank fuck I’m not ugged too. Lost my memory after that. Got batted. I’m so charming I don’t understand why.
I started Mewing a little over a month ago.
I started to chew mastic gum, look it up. Anyway, it really does make the jaw sore, I know it's working out. Going to keep it up!
have you had your wisdom teeth removed? i had horrific sinus problems into my early 20's when i got them taken out. the tops ones were growing up into my sinuses. my voice dropped an octave the day i walked out of the surgeon's office.
>what do
I’m a specialist in jaw realignment. Post a pic and I’ll tell you what to do.
>a no joke playa
>he strays from God
>God straya
All that does is make some muscle under my chin bigger giving me a double chin
looks like this. back teeth align okay.
front bottom is pushed back because of crown in red at front.
theres no way I can push my jaw foreward because of the crown, plus then my back teeth wouldn't align.
if I got rid of my crown and went for an implant maybe, then my bottom jaw could go further foreword.
Just shoot 1g of test enanthate and chew gum
Thanks for the offer but nty.
That might explain the weight lifting thing, maybe it's an increase in testosterone, remember boxers used to chew belts didn't they ? Or some pieces of leather you definately can make minor changes but it takes a long time, however mewing=proper tongue posture nothing magic about it and you should all be doing it.
lel, women don't give a shit about this fuck gay sex faggot nigger cock sucking technique bull fuck lick my balls
hahaaaaaaaaa wtf is next level shitposting omg niggers
>can't breathe through nose when I lay on side
>on top of that top wisdom tooth grew sideways causing pic related
It can always be worse bro
It just got worse
You might be right but i have a nice jaw so i dont really see the need to
Chin is also important apart from jaw if not this happens
Just curious, do you think the negative effects of mouth breathing are a myth too?
I was always a mouth breather too, because I had allergies that kept my nose closed for most of the year, as an adult those allergies have mostly subsided and now I can easily control them with otc allergy meds, so I made a conscious effort to breathe through my nose and now I do it automatically. Just breathe through your nose for a few weeks on purpose and it should fix it.