What a mess

Poland arrests Huawei worker on allegations of spying for China


Beijing is "deeply concerned" over the arrest of a Chinese citizen in Poland on allegations of espionage, the country’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement obtained by Sputnik.


That's how we fuck up good relations with our new great possible ally that has serious potential to vassalize Russia and secure our independence in the future. In the name of what? In the name of "good relations" with the eternal Mutt who has secret alliance with our archenemy Russia behind our back.

So now we can forget about billions of Chinese investments and we will be ripped off by USrael, Israel and Russia in a gangbang.

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they stole plumbing tech or what

>Nordstream -- bypass Poland
>New Silk Road -- bypass Poland
You should just stop existing. Turn the whole thing into European Wild Life Park.

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>So now we can forget about billions of Chinese investments

Chinese investments come with a surprise

What about US spies and agents who rule this shithole? Will they ever be arrested? Even fucking US embassy decides here about laws that are being created in parliament. Such things are impossible even in Africa

>billions of Chinese investments
We were promised "billions of Chinese investments" and were given a big steaming pile of shit.

>Such things are impossible even in Africa

it's normal for ambassadors to lobby for imperialist trade

I still prefer being a peripheral country than being an imperial one, because the replacement is less likely

Because you are a bitch of the USA, that's why China thinks that investing in you is politically risky. Meanwhile Poland was in fact getting shitloads of investments from China since 2016. In this single 2016 year they invested here more than in last 12 years (almost 2 bln dollar) - shortly after visit of our president to China. Our traitorous government was so afraid of the scale that they began to block new investments from Chinks. Poland was first country in Europe to get official and original Mi Stores. Poland was first country in Europe to get official and original Huawei store-net.

That's how the Chinese perceive our geostrategic significance:


What the fuck can the Chinks want to steal from IP wise us besides Witcher 3 tech

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should I be nervous around my Huawei smartphone?

Stop giving your ass to China and the US Pooland. You did the same with France and the UK and it didn’t work so much.

im posting from a huawei phone

France and UK were fallen "empires" already in previous century - first one was hidden behind Maginot line, so it was clear from the very beginning that it won't attack Germany if Germany attacks us, and the second one had only semi-strong navy, while its land army practically didnt exist, so it was obvious that they are unable to help Poland in military operations. Poland decided to have war with Third Reich because Poland was 3rd military power in continental Europe back then and our deluded generals really believed that we can defeat Third Reich in 1vs1 fight.

>Because you are a bitch of the USA

Attached: poland_offers.jpg (627x646, 126K)

Poland didn't offer anything to degenerate Mutts, only those kikes from PiS who rule this shithole in result of the CIA provocation

>back then and our deluded generals really believed that we can defeat Third Reich in 1vs1 fight.
Nobody really believed that. The French-British alliance worked until Hitler found Soviet Union as its partner. Without the aid of Soviet Union Hitler would not start the war

Shut the fuck up, you dumb fuck. Poland DID offered its land to USA for a base. And PIS is based.

Now Hungary will take all investments that China planned for Poland. That's why Orban loves so much these traitorous kikes from PiS who rule Poland: because we serve as Hungary's ass protector. We lose investments, they take it. We gather anger of the EU on ourselves, so they can do what they want to do without risk of being bullied in the shadow of our conflict with the EU. Nothing better could ever happen to Hungary than this rogue regime

UK had the most powerful Navy on the planet you dumb fucktard, while France was a powerful army.

>Now Hungary will take all investments that China planned for Poland
yes, we won't be a super world power and we won't conquer the world with China, what a shame, you must be this retarded conspiracy guy

You are that fucking Krautnigger cocksucked from Previous thread on Int/?

Attached: German 'mustard' race.jpg (940x916, 116K)

>china wont vassilize you too
this delusion

He is the user who unironically yesterday said that Poland belongs to Germany. Don't pay attention to his ramblings.

Yes, its me. Poland's future is with Germany and China, not with bankrupt and degenerate mutts, zionist kikes and their Russian buddies

kys OP you're either retarded or a chinese plant. Being a great ally to china means being a colony for chinks to dump their shit like they are doing in africa.


No, Poland should ally with Russia and USA. Americans are still largest power on the planet.

>boland suckling amerimutt BBC
This is news?

Chinese "investment" means they buy up your local businesses and replace them with Chinese run company's.

Amerimutts did exactly the same to Poland.

>No, Poland should ally with Russia and USA. Americans are still largest power on the planet.

How do you imagine this? Poland's biggest trade partner is Germany and Germany's biggest trade partner is China. All these countries need each other. Our trade with Germany is 120 bln dollar, with USrael only 10 bln dollar. How do you see situation of Poland if USrael enters full scale trade war with China and Germany? Are you going to eat grass here, you fucking idiot?! Or maybe you will migrate for jobs to Russia, because it is obvious that Russia is so afraid of growth of Chinese power that it will finally turn in direction of USrael, and when it happens, Poland will be first country USrael is going to pay Russia with

Poland should CHANGE its beiigest trade partner to USA which has five times larger economy, and is much more relevant. Chinkniggers are also fucking spies, and need to be eliminated by USA.

>Datująca się na 2011 r. znajomość Piotra D. i Weijinga W. jest kluczem do zrozumienia w jaki sposób Chiny chciały zinfiltrować budowę sieci 5G w Polsce.

>W 2011 r. Robert Zieliński na łamach Dziennika Gazety Prawnej ujawnił informację, że resort spraw wewnętrznych otrzymał od koncernu Huawei sprzęt do wideokonferencji. Miał on być nieodpłatnie testowany w Centrum Projektów Informatycznych MSWiA, które zajmowało się organizacją przetargów na wykonanie najważniejszych w państwie systemów informatycznych. Chińskie „podarki” nie zostały sprawdzone pod kątem bezpieczeństwa, stało się to dopiero po nagłośnieniu sprawy w mediach. Tymczasem już wtedy wiele zachodnich mediów podkreślało, że Huawei może mieć powiązania ze służbami specjalnymi Chin.

>Również w 2011 r. z ABW pożegnał się Piotr D., o zatrzymaniu którego poinformowało dziś ABW. Był wtedy wiceszefem Departamentu ds. Bezpieczeństwa Teleinformatycznego, później zajmował się bezpieczeństwem teleinformatycznym w Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej, Urzędzie Komunikacji Elektronicznej i Orange. Czy obie sprawy są ze sobą związane? Z pewnością łączy je sprawa chińskiego koncernu. Wraz z Piotrem D. zatrzymano bowiem Weijinga W., dyrektora sprzedaży Huawei. Co ciekawe Weijing trafił do Huawei w 2011 r. Przypadek?

>Na uwagę w sprawie doskonale opisanej przez portal TVP Info zasługuje jeszcze jedna rzecz. Niemiecki Deutsche Telekom i Francuski Orange rezygnują bądź ograniczają współpracę Chińskimi usługodawcami lub producentami w swoich rodzimych państwach. Tymczasem w Polsce T-Mobile, którego właścicielem jest Deutsche Telekom zawarły umowy na budowę pilotażowych rozwiązań 5G właśnie przy użyciu sprzętu Huawei. Podobnie Orange, wykorzystuje sprzęt Huawei, swojego partnera biznesowego. W tym kontekście niewykluczone, że datująca się na 2011 r. znajomość Piotra D. i Weijinga W. jest kluczem do zrozumienia w jaki sposób Chiny chciały zinfiltrować budowę sieci 5G w Polsce. Na koniec należy podkreślić, że podobne działania Chińczycy podejmują wobec krajów zachodnich, których służby poskreślają, że Huawei nie powinno uczestniczyć w modernizacji infrastruktury teleinformatycznej.

No, they do not you smelly cebulak.


>Poland should CHANGE its beiigest trade partner to USA

Which will never happen!

LOL i was going to do a litle gig today in huawei main office at domaniewska street, but resigned at the last moment. FUCK FUCK FUCK i missed great opportunity of seeing this live ....

>Beijing is "deeply concerned" over the arrest of a Chinese citizen in Poland
Then now we know he is a spy. They do not give a shit about their people in their own country.

>Poland should CHANGE its beiigest trade partner to USA

Looks like a good start, huh, retard? The only thing USrael needs Poland for is to sell it to Russia afterwards. It doesn't care if you are going to have anything to eat in new reality


Kys warszawiak

It's okay if we pay them cash or trade with them. Chinks have god-tier high speed rail. Africans have no cash so they sell 100-year leases to natural resources for 10 cents on the dollar. Big difference

Chinks are building a 350km high speed rail from Belgrade to Budapest for a mere $1.1B.


We could literally have chinks build 300km/hr high speed rail linking all of Poland for a mere $10B or so. Why the fuck not? It would only cost like 2 billion bottles of Żubrówka wodka

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poland strong

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>No, they do not you smelly cebulak.

HOW NOT? Who bought thousands of Polish companies and turned them into American ones selling American crap on Polish market? Even old refrigerator factory "Polar" in which my daddy worked was bought by Amerimutts and turned into Whirlpool

It will happen, krautniggers are falling.

it does. poland is on german territory. you guys are subhumans, i know since i live in chicago, aka new warsaw.

Polish companies are Polish, you dumb fuck.
Chinks products are fucking garbage you retard.

Chinsectoids are trying to colonize Africa.

>It will happen, krautniggers are falling.


Good I rather see East colnized by China then Israel

Poland will be not even colonized by USA/Israel. It is only to be used as a war theater (in case of lack of agreement with Russia) or as a bargaining chip (in case of agreement with Russia). What jewSA cares about is to have Russia on its side during confrontation with China. It doesn't fucking care if 40 mln of Poles go to gas.

perhaps thats just it, they want to steal the entire game and republish a chinese version.

Chinese's money is dirty money.
Fucking Vietnam wrapped around Chinese's thumb now.


>perhaps thats just it, they want to steal the entire game and republish a chinese version.



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stole the recipe for kurwa sausage

>our archenemy Russia
if you were russia's archenemy they would wipe you off the face of the earth in 5 minutes

>The Chinker

The Russian khazaric parasite doesn't kill its slaves it wants to parasite on.

Why don't they arrest americucks? Since all americucks could possibly be CIA agents trying to undermine their countries.

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Double standards

>spying for China
I am shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you! Well... not that shocked.

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Uber w Polsce uratowany. Ambasador USA zagroziła wstrzymaniem inwestycji USA w Polsce


Mosbacher chce rządzić Polską. Wyciekły kolejne naciski. Tym razem poszło o PKP Energetyka

Znana z ustawiania polskich polityków amerykańska ambasador Georgette Mosbacher nie omieszkała skrytykować rządu Mateusza Morawieckiego za próby odkupienia przez państwo spółki PKP Energetyka.


Shut the fuck up Chinkshit.

so much for gutter oil

Your judeoamerican masters will destroy Poland

Trust me, you don't want Chinese investment. Chinese have no soul, are only loyal to Beijing (because they'll kill them) and seek to subvert key national interests (politics, media, universities) just like ((you know who))

yep, don't speak passwords, personal info, tax information, etc. What they really want is government officials, spooks, business owners, engineers.

Good, they could use it. China is one of the dirtiest places in the world. They should accept 1 million Polish migrants and the extra refuse from Britain so they can have properly functioning plumbing.