Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-11-11-23-51(1).png (1078x1259, 160K)

Lol China knows the magic word to get white cucks to roll over and do whatever they want

Is this related to the Huawei chairwoman being detained in Canada?

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a payout to China as an apology.

this, wonder how Justine will respond

Are the Chinese a lost tribe of Israel?

Chinese know all this nonsense was invented by bolshevik jews to shut down opposition and they're wielding it the same way. Time to wake up and recognize every word ending with *ist and *ism is to be ignored because it's just marxist knives and pilpul.
Capture MORE high-level communist party chink spies. Show the chinks whose boss, Canada, we'll let you hold the rake if you wanna use it.


>every word ending with *ist and *ism is to be ignored because it's just marxist
Top kek

based, they should link it to Anglo imperialism and the emotionally painful experience of extraterritoriality that white traders enjoyed in China in the 1800s