Guys I’m starting to think Trump isn’t very good at negotiating

Guys I’m starting to think Trump isn’t very good at negotiating.

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You can't negotiate with people who are unwilling to negotiate.

They should understand that some things are more important than "muh loans"

I am a straight white male, my business is not eligible for welfare "loans".
I will give .25 btc to anyone that can show me how this shutdown will ever impact me.

Weird so this guy small business loan from government? aren't you have to ask bank or financial to get loan? not goverment

>I'm starting to believe
>(((The Washington Post)))

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no one cares what (you) think

>Banks stop working
Uh huh, sure , ok.

No he isn't, but niggers and poos regularly get these welfare "loans".

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>shutdown will lead to smaller government and less taxes for you. It's a win win

BTC please.

Absolutely based. Trump is bringing down Capitalism and the banks a day at a time.

>government loans

>Negative impact

Plan ahead? Don’t put all your eggs in a government basket!

>gov shut down
I thought people will be happy TSA isn't around to molest.

No doubt... tsa always steals toothpaste and shampoo

Exceptional business acumen.

Because of this shutdown, small businesses can't take out loans which prompted an article which prompted your bet which lead you to give me 25btc, impacting you.

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Excpet that simply isn't true.
Plus I already established I am not eligible for welfare "loans"
It's like no coiners can't read.


>private banks stop giving loans because the federal government shutdown


He should just go full Sulla and purge the kikes already.

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That’s why business experience isn’t worth that much in politics.

Pelosi gets to say no. She’s not some chump selling a building. She’s speaker of the House.

nah you're retarded. dems have 0 leverage

What's one government service that should stay open? I don't know what is and what isn't, but every day shut down is a day without useless bloat

Then there will be no welfare for her clients.
Actions have consequences, and Trump holds all the cards
Real americans aren't impacted by this fake shutdown

>dems have 0 leverage

Then why hasn’t Trump gotten his funding?

>that picture
What a try hard

Why hasn't Trump been impeached?

It's a partial shut-down. It's already been confirmed, we will still receive our usual tax return and rates haven't changed.

Because he wants to let the democrats prove the system works. He was democratically elected on more or less a single promise. The democrats choosing to tell the will of the people that it has no legitimacy is absolutely a crisis that should empower the president to see that will done.

Because he hasn't broke a law. Not acting PC isn't against the law. Not bending over for the rest of the world isn't against the law. Enforcing laws isn't against the law. The only problem most people have with him is his rhetoric, however that's the best part of him. He doesn't give a fuck what commies have to say.

Only Steve King is looking out for the White goyim. White goy don’t have access to the Hebrew Free Loan Society.

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All politics is the practice of negotiation - reaching a compromise that all parties are mutually satisfied (or dissatisfied) with. Trump has shown an enormous willingness to negotiate on this issue, offering to work towards a compromise on the DACA families, just today releasing plans to offer more stability for H1-B visa holders, and so forth. While Pelosi and the Democrats have absolutely refused to budge an inch on any discussion of border security. They've flat out told Trump and the American public that they oppose any barrier or active enforcement of the border on the argument that they see it as "immoral".

But Trump is ultimately holding most of the cards - as long as he and the majority of Republicans hold their ground the shutdown will continue and nothing that requires any actual negotiation or compromise will get passed by Congress and signed into law.

I thought you get loans from the banks. Not the government.

>I have to borrow from a bank instead of the taxpayer
>I might have to pay back my loan

Woe is me!

I’m starting to think you soulless goons need to be hunted down

>usurers can no longer practice the biblican sin of usury