Police control

So last night I was on my way to the gym at around 4 a.m. like I always do on the weekends. I had my gym clothes on and my backpack with shoes, towel, water bottle etc. walking casually the same route I always take.

About halfway to the gym, I was encountered by two police officers who held flashlights at me and asked me where I was coming from. I told them I was on my way to the gym. They checked my ID via radio and took a quick peek into my backpack, then let me go. They said they were 'looking for someone', but let me go once they confirmed my identity.

I'm afraid now what could happen to me. Assuming they were looking for a burglar or whatever and I was the only person they saw in the area that night. Could they get a search warrant for my home? Will they take me for a suspect?

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you probably looked like someone stop being such a pussy, if they wanted to take you in as a suspect they would have already

Are you white?

>you probably looked like someone
LOL I don't think so. I have a very unique appearance. But before they approached me, I saw them trying looking into houses' front yards, which is why I guess they were looking for a burglar or something. I'm just afraid they'll register me now as a suspect or whatever.

Middle Eastern, but I could pass as 'dirty white' I guess. Light skin. I live in Europe by the way, if that's what you mean. I imagine if I was black in the US, I wouldn't be alive anymore, kek.

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there is more to police work than you being there. they wouldn't have enough to get a search warrant for your house because you happened to be walking down the street at the same time as someone else, that isn't how probable cause works.


They probably weren't actually looking for someone. That was just an excuse to search you unlawfully.
You shouldn't have consented, stupid sheep

>mid east
Not tryna be racist but uhh yeah profiling. Dw theyre looking for someone

No, you’re fine. They thought some crime was afoot and conducted a terry stop. They checked your ID and released you. You’re fine.

I actually looked this up and they have the right to search me anyway, so what was I supposed to do? Either way, I'm not going to say no when two assholes with guns approach me in the middle of the night on the street.

I think they would have stopped a white person too, but my ethnicity probably led them to search my bag, yeah.

or don't say no because you have nothing to hide maybe? who fucking cares, they don't care about you they just want their fucking criminal. i never understood why some of these retards refuse to consent to shit when they haven't done anything wrong, it just makes everything that much harder for everyone, frustrates police which leads to the bad shit you see on the news and causes them to suspect that you are hiding something.

it's a fucking lose lose situation. just cooperate and everything will be roses 10 seconds after.

It's ok. It's just their job. If you got no crime record behind - it's nothing to fear. It's regular procedure - to check anyone near crime scene. My friend is a cop, he told me, that 30% of burglaries are solved in first 30 minutes, like "Nigga, please, show me papers on this 50" TV "you just bought at 4 a.m."

>don't say no because you have nothing to hide
Sheep motherfucker. If everyone had your mindset, we would live in a transmitter cage and eat liquid food all day.

ah, this argument. you know that this attitude is what ruins the relationship between the public and the police, right?
they are there to keep you safe, retard. i hope you get mugged and stabbed and remember not to call on public servants like the police or paramedics because you aren't a sheep and dying bleeding in the street is preferable to living in a "transmitter cage".

no doubt you have a smart phone or whatever so it is kind of ironic and pathetic that you would trash civil servants who exist to keep you safe.

>this attitude is what ruins the relationship between the public and the police
No, the fact that police have a monopoly on violence, can murder, steal and humiliate at will without consequence is ruining the relationship. The fact that police are psycho low lives too.

>they are there to keep you safe
Yeah? Where were they each time I robbed then? They are there to serve the state you retard. They don't give a fuck about the population as they're merely state-sponsored thugs.

police don't have a monopoly on violence or you wouldn't get robbed. anyway, it is a service that you shouldn't call on if you harbor these views otherwise you are a hypocrite and a weak person.

>police don't have a monopoly on violence or you wouldn't get robbed
You know very well WTF I meant, little goal post moving shit.

>you are a hypocrite and a weak person
That's what you are pal.

i'm sorry if i made you feel bad but you put the goal posts in the wrong place to begin with, all i did was repeat something you said. i think you're an idiot but i've spent hours arguing with people like you on Jow Forums, i'm not going to waste my time on you.

>letting police search your shit

Why would they take you for a suspect after checking ID and let you go?
Some police are assholes, but they tend to harass you in the streets and not your home.

>or don't say no because you have nothing to hide maybe? who fucking cares, they don't care about you they just want their fucking criminal. i never understood why some of these retards refuse to consent to shit when they haven't done anything wrong
Sure man. And hows this, every time you drive 1mph over the speed limited, you will be pulled over, ticketed without hesitation, and fully searched. Got nothing to hide, obey the law, and you have nothing to worry about. Sounds good, right?

Fuckin bootlicker

Like I said, I'm not white, and I'm being approached by 2 state sponsored thugs in the middle of the night, with nobody around. The chick that approached me first had her hand gripping her gun and blinded me with her flashlight, yelling: "WHERE DO YOU COME FROM!?"

I'm not going to argue with two maniacs who could murder me at will without consequence. Yes, they dehumanized and humiliated me, but I'm still alive to post this.

>Why would they take you for a suspect after checking ID and let you go?
That's why I was posting this to Jow Forums. I don't know. I assume they searched the area of a burglary and I was the only person around at that time. If they don't find the burglar, they may come back and search my house for the stolen items or whatever. They can do whatever they want in the end of the day. I'm just a kettle to them.

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People like you are cancer. You're willing to trade away everyone's rights and the rule of law simply to satiate some misguided, antiquated sense of patriotism. If reality has taught us anything in the last 10 years its that even complying with unlawful orders doesn't guarantee your safety. You claim that the police are just trying to uphold the law yet you seem perfectly ambivalent about them violating the law to do so. "Just comply and it will all be over" is an idiot's mentality. People with your shitty ideals are what greases the wheels of totalitarianism. If the police and courts can just decide which laws they want to uphold and which ones they don't then what is the point of police? What is the purpose of training, education and legislation if cops are just allowed to break the law because they're "frustrated". Standing up for your constitutional rights and refusing unlawful orders DOES NOT ruin relationships between public and police. The police using their authority to abuse people and violate rights is what damages that relationship. Maybe you're a spineless shit-head that is willing to trade your rights for the illusion of safety but the rest of us aren't. Police don't get to hold their protection of the public as ransom in exchange for carte blanche to do whatever they want. You need some serious education.

Police 101:
- Say nothing that alludes to anything else than the direct situation you are in.
- Answer shortly and succinctly and to the point
- Cooperate with the police, especially if you have nothing to hide
- Always de-escalate with the police; sometimes they might panic or have their hands on their guns. Simply say " What can I do to make it easier for us to go home and enjoy a nice meal after this?" or something to that effect to convey you are not a threat.
- Always ask clarifications if you have no idea what they want and clearly state you do not understand.
- If they ask you for an extensive search, always opt for K9 or the worst case search.
- Never say anything incriminating.
- By most laws, they must obtain a warrant to obtain anything from you, including DNA. Always request a warrant (they can get one if they have probable cause within 10 mins; if they don't they will walk away).
- Policemen are not your friends.