(1) As used in this section:
(a) “Detachable” means that an ammunition feeding device can be loaded or unloaded while detached from a firearm and readily inserted into a firearm.
(b) “Fixed” means that an ammunition feeding device is contained in or permanently attached to a firearm in such a manner that the device cannot be removed without disassembly of the firearm action.
(c) “Large-capacity magazine” means an ammunition feeding device, whether fixed or detachable, with the capacity to accept more than five rounds of ammunition, but does not include any of the following:
(A) An ammunition feeding device that has been permanently altered so that it is not capable, now or in the future, of holding more than five rounds of ammunition;
(B) A 0.22 caliber tube ammunition feeding device; or
(C) A tubular ammunition feeding device that is contained in a lever-action firearm.
(2) Except as provided in this section, a person may not possess a large-capacity magazine at any time after 180 days after the effective date of this 2019 Act.
(3) Prior to the 180th day following the effective date of this 2019 Act, a person in possession of a large-capacity magazine shall take one of the following actions with respect to each magazine:
(a) Permanently alter the magazine so that it is not capable, now or in the future, of holding more than five rounds of ammunition;
(b) Transfer or sell the magazine to a gun dealer out of state;
(c) Otherwise remove the magazine from the state;
(d) Transfer the magazine to a law enforcement agency; or
(e) Permanently dispose of the magazine.
Oregon gun control. 5 round mag limit. 20 round a month purchase limit
(c) “Large-capacity magazine” means an ammunition feeding device, whether fixed or detachable, with the capacity to accept more than five rounds of ammunition, but does not include any of the following:
(A) An ammunition feeding device that has been permanently altered so that it is not capable, now or in the future, of holding more than five rounds of ammunition;
(B) A 0.22 caliber tube ammunition feeding device; or
(C) A tubular ammunition feeding device that is contained in a lever-action firearm.
We really need to start locking liberals up.
This is unacceptable, background checks for ammo sales with mandatory records!
>"... a state authority is entitled to demand respect and protection only when it meets the interests of a people, or at least does not harm them. There can be no such thing as state authority as an end in itself, for, if there were, every tyranny in this world would be unassailable and sacred. If, by the instrument of governmental power, a nationality is led toward its destruction, then rebellion is not only the right of every member of such a people - it is his duty. "
"In general it should not be forgotten that the highest aim of human existence is not the preservation of a state, let alone a government, but the preservation of the species. And if the species itself is in danger of being oppressed or utterly eliminated, the question of legality is reduced to a subordinate role. Then, even if the methods of the ruling power are alleged to be legal a thousand times over, nonetheless the oppressed people's instinct of self-preservation remains the loftiest justification of their struggle with every weapon. "
You legitimately have no business roaming around free in public.
This will be struck down in the courts so fucking fast.
20 rounds per month? That's not enough for a single session at the range.
This violates the us constitution. Therefore you need not follow it.
>20 rounds a month
Lmfao this country is fucked
I wouldnt be surprises if this passed, you think the constitution means shit? Its not worth the fucking paper its written on if kikes niggers and spics are the ones ruling on this
It will pass, and then be struck down. Do you understand how the process works?
We have a Republican majority on the SCOTUS, with a supermajority on its way any day now.
None of this is even slightly reasonable
Even I can pretty much buy as much as I care to, though I'm sure it's significantly more expensive than in the states. 8mm Mauser is getting up to a couple bucks a shot.
Here we go again. This shits fucking ridiculous.
Of course. Still we need to be way more aggressive in resisting this.
>Inb4 glowniggers
Not suggesting anything illegal, but a yellow vest style chimpout... They can't arrest us all.
Checked I was thinking an open carry rally but Oregon has gay prep
Mption laws that make loaded magazines illegal in many cities so it would be bad to go out with guns and no ammo.
yes, encourage all the tax paying republicans to leave
You ought to find out where the person who wrote this bill lives and then burn it down, in minecraft
Checked, they don't care about tax payers this is a blue state.
There is no way this law will pass because of the tubular magazine section.
Lever action rifles are not sold with magazines fixed to 5 rounds, and putting a plug in to limit the round size wouldn't meet the legal requirements set out by the document.
they must not care about their budgets either, repubs in oregon pay around 70% of the tax revenue
Lever action rifles have a special exception. Of course, none of the law should be accepted, but I havd no idea whether or not it will be.
I'd like to see a source on this.
Guns can't hold more than 5 rounds = nearly all revolvers become instantly illegal
Can't buy more than 20 rounds = can't go to the range to practice
OK, found it myself. You can read the entire thing here:
Highly doubt it will pass because of that 20 round stipulation, this style of limitation does not apply to basically any consumer goods
these are literally our laws without the restricted/non-restricted nonsense
Suppose it depends if a revolver cylinder counts as an "ammunition feeding device". I would argue that it isn't, as really a cylinder is more like a number of pre-loaded chambers without any ammunition feeding device present at all. It's all horseshit obviously, gas the politicians civil war now.
Is Oregon a liberal shithole as I see in the media (Portland)?
Or do the rural majority keep things sane?
These traitors need to be killed.
Puerto Rico limits your ammo purchases to 50 rounds per year, and a range official has to sign that you shot those 50 rounds at a range before you can buy more the next year
I think based on the language I read, revolvers would not be included.
I'm just starting to read this, but you would also only be allowed to buy one gun per month.
Both but the liberal shitholes control the state government.
Well, I just spammed all my reps with emails and calls. I will leave this shithole if they do this, I live in central oregon cattle country and it's like the last uncucked oregon location.
rural is the minority by population, most of oregon's population is in portland and a 20 mile radius outside of the city proper. Once you leave the metro area Oregon is a white man's paradise. As long as I don't have to go Portland I can go months without seeing a nigger. I didn't see a nigger up close until I was nine years old.
republcian majority just refused to hear gun cases.
if you knew anything about the court you would know how fucking gay they are regarding gun cases. Their rulings dont matter if they refuse every gun case.
scalia put the nail in the coffin for gun rights in this country when he said states have the right to regulate.
Portland and Salem are such fuckin dumps
Molalla master race reporting in
Great plan, really. They'll even out the crime rate disparity by arresting white guys for having bought five extra bullets in a month.
Kys cuck.
>they can’t arrest us all
Oh but they most certainly could. Those prisons aren’t going to profit by themselves you know
They can't legislate against guns because the 2nd Amendment so they're just going to legislate against what you can put into them. This will be allowed as long as you fuckers tolerate it.
Time to buy a shitload of guns and ammo then suffer a tragic boating accidents, friend.
perfect equality, communism style
Good thing Idaho is so close, bitch assed nigguhs
Section 6 (1) (c)... Large capacity magazine means an ammunition feeding device, whether fixed or detachable, with the capacity to accept more than 5 rounds of ammunition
So all revolvers would become illegal
Fuck that
if you comply with this you dont deserve your rights.
oh how kind of them to think of the levergat owners.
re: 20 rounds + range
I'm wrong on that. section 7(1)(4) ... this section does not apply to ammunition purchased and used at a target shooting range.
Buy an arsenal and prepare for the racewar. God bless you Mutts
Ranges are cancer, Oregonians shoot in the woods.
Going to buy 1k more rounds today.
Then what's the fucking point in the first place? I can just claim all ammo purchases are for the range
how is knowingly legislating against the bill of rights not treason? this should be a seriously punishable offence.
Does it stipulate a legit range? Does my back yard count as a range if I shoot in it? if you don't already know
My fellow patriots, you have an obligation and duty to murder any law enforcement officer trying to enforce a gun ban and collect your guns. Kill them all.
>20r a month
Lol wat. Will this mean Norway has better gun laws than oregon?
Who's gonna enforce it? Our ZOG?
Page 5 Line 34-37 = a minimum 14 day waiting period between purchase and delivery
Page 8 lines 28-31 = if you sell your gun to an individual, you have to wait at least 14 days before the buyer filing a permit to buy your gun and you giving it to him.
I didn't, thank you user
My main argument is whether or not a revolver cylinder would be classified as an ammunition feeding device at all though. As I said before, a cylinder is essentially a series of rotating chambers which are each pre-loaded with a single shot. I'm not arguing that it isn't all incredibly stupid, but these laws are often just a game of semantics to begin with.
Will never pass. Will not explain why.
The bill lists what is excluded, and in terms of fixed, it only refers to lever action weapons, which I assume would mean (similar to) the old Winchester rifle and not pistols.
1639 passed. This will too.
Fuck, kek is warning us. Buy cheap, stack deep.
fuck antigun cucks
>2/3 of these are unconstitutional not just by the national governments standards but Oregon's as well
Kill them all
Puerto Rico isn't American
The entire west coast needs to sink into the pacific
Just Seattle and Portland though.
Breh, we cant keep amputating. We have to take everything back
Cops will be ambush killed in the streets and their homes and families will be targeted as well.
I won't.
No cop will be tasked with this, it'll be the ATF, and since thats a federal agency, these shitty laws wont be enforced.
LEO base annual salary range for ATF special agents was$33,829(Grade 5, Step 1) to$42,948(Grade 9, Step 1), although the base ATF salary for special agents is dependent upon grade qualifications.
Thank you. How do you know this? Are you state or federal?
I don't understand what I just saw
I googled it
>20 round a month
Going that low is the same as not allowing them to buy any at all.
Stop sawing it and look at it
Thank you
What will they do if everyone is armed? Look at some point you just gotta call their shit. We'll see how OFF and some of the pro gun Facebook groups respond...
Most fun chunk of coat hangar on the market today
1639 was forced to the ballot illegally. I'd bet that if all votes were counted that it didn't pass. Could be the chinese, (((them))), accelerated accelerationism, or a distraction from something.
How's Bend, OR now? Three years back it was still virtually 100% white but hipster, basically smaller Portland but the people in Bend seemed less faggy overall.
Deschutes county went to Trump in 2016 also (that's where Bend is in), but Bend itself went like 60/40 to 70/30 to Clinton depending on the district.
Hopefully it hasn't changed much
Foldy boy.
See here
The left side goes under the takedown pin the right side touched the trigger disconnect and the bump on top gets touched by the bolt carrier as it locks up.
Where the fuck has the Supreme Court been while these states are instituting these clearly unconstitutional gun control measures? There’s always some (((federal judge))) striking down everything Trump does. Why don’t right leaning judges care about any of this?
Thanks m8
That's pretty neat
>thats neat
Stop it.
Doesn't matter. Cops and their families will be targeted if this shit passes
You don't need a right-leaning judge, you need an American judge.
Top kek. Okay, stop glowing soo hard.
Just creates a black market for ammo many reloaders will be making good money libcucks have no fucking idea what they are doing