Is it socially acceptable to upload this specific pic as a "cover photo" on my facebook profile?

Is it socially acceptable to upload this specific pic as a "cover photo" on my facebook profile?
I find this pic quite nice but I'm not sure if this may look awkward/cringy

Suggest me what to do, please

Attached: Episode.png (607x445, 299K)

Pretty cringey. Also way too low quality for a FB cover.

Yeah man wtf are you thinking?
Put a cool photo you took as acover photo like mountains or the sea or something. Anything else.

why pretty cringey though?

Is that Kodachi from Ranma 1/2?

Anime isn't a good look unless you've got a specific reason that people might think it's funny or interesting.

This pretty much means nothing.

Personally I know some hardcore normies with this kind of shit on their FB page

It’s not talked about on Jow Forums much but the past few years have seen the rise of the “alt-normie” and even “alt-chad” who openly display interest in weeb shit/weird memes/abstract internet culture while still maintaining a robust social life and commanding respect from their peers

>This was literally on /a/ like a day or two ago
I mean like does anyone you know follow your facebook? Are you a well known weeb or something?

You mean the waporwave rise?

Displaying your power level on Facebook is bottom-tier.
>Personally I know some hardcore normies with this kind of shit on their FB page
They aren’t normies by real world standards, just by your standards. It’s high-level cringe.


Honestly, if you like it and don't care about what their opinions are put it up, if you're self concious dont. I did when I had facebook.

weebs should be putdown or at least chemically castrated

But what's wrong with it? It's retro, quiere different from the modern-day anime stuff we're used to see around

>what’s wrong with it
It’s anime. On Facebook that shit marks your account as cringey. I’m not criticizing you for liking anime, just saying that’s the message you’re delivering by not knowing better and putting anime on your account. Nobody will take you seriously.

You're from South America right?

What? No, I'm Dominican

even more cringe worthy desu. why are latin americans such weebs?

if you do I'll find you
if you're in a circle or bubble that likes anime without being autistic, yes. this kind of shit isn't seen as pathetic as it was before

why do you keep saying it's cringe? I'd get it if it was some of the modern-day moe stuff but this isn't the case imo

no pls don't stalk

I think its fine lol you cant get worse than me sooo your good imo

Attached: received_1056243817880052.jpg (1080x1920, 87K)

Why not upload a pic of yourself la?

Weird choice of picture, the quality is low. If you're young and have friend into anime that can identify it and like it (which i doubt since it looks like an old one), it can be ok but i suggest to find a better one, there is a lot of anime shit more aesthetic than this, even if it's an old anime. But anyway if you're more than 15, it surely is a bad idea.

Im not really attractive persay

Anime and normies don't mix

I don't want normie approval, just hope the pic doesn't look cringy for a general perspective

if you're a guy, no

>Using an anime girl picture on Facebook
Are you such a pussy that you don't want to post your face on Facebook? Fucking ridiculous. Yes, it is cringe as fuck.


the whole point of facebook and social media is to show to the world what you're like and you think is cool.

If you think anime is cool as hell and want everyone in your life to know how much you fucking love anime then you should absolutely stick anime all over your profile. However, yes, 99% of people who see it will cringe. Even most people who like anime will be like "damn dude tone it down".

For a cover photo just go take a picture of a sunset or a lake or something if you want to appear to be semi-normie.

why do you sound so mad?

>Even most people who like anime will be like "damn dude tone it down".
This. I would cringe so fucking hard.

You’re idiotic, chads are not real in any shape or form.