When is it okay to hit your daughter?
My daughter is 13 and i caught her trying to steal money from my wallet this morning. I gave her 2 bucks and she spat in my face. What should i do Jow Forums?
My Daughter
Spank her then you retard
> gave her 2 bucks
>tries to take your money, gives it anyway
Proverbs 23:13 Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.
Proverbs 23:14 Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.
Negative reinforcement is bad.
Explain to her why stealing from family is wrong, and ask her why she did it. Communicate with your children.
Spend time with your daughter. Show her you love her. That doesn't mean spoil her. There absolutely is a time to physically discipline your child, but I think that understanding the root causes of why she did what she did, can help you in making sure it doesn't happen again.
smack that bitch. its only child abuse when it leaves bruises or is absolutely brutal. giving her a quick smack is NOT child abuse, its dicipline
You are both jews
Lmao don’t spank your fucking 13 year old daughter. She’s old enough to understand her wrong doing through penance, not fear. You’re only going to traumatize her. Ground her for fucks sake.
You should probably rape her
Don't spank her. Also don't ask Jow Forums for domestic advice.
Kek. She tried stealing his money and got upset after he jewed her down to $2.
Withhold sex for a month.
>hitting your special snowflake princess
the fuck is your amygdala brainlet-tier?
my parents used both methods, negative and positive. my mother used positive reinforcement (rewarding good behavior, explaining in a calm way why things are wrong), and my father used negative reinforcement (yelling, taking shit away, slapping) and I will tell you, from personal expierence, negative reinforcement made me a MUCH better person.
If anything, the fact she hates her obvious kike father is a good thing.
Be smart. Give her up for adoption and have sons. Daughters are worse than useless.
How else do we regulate women?
Get the belt out and then tell her why what she did was immoral and to never do it again
Hey is your daughter white? I'm 18, can I ask for her hand in marriage? I'll promise to make her into a good upstanding girl.
if she is that old then restrict her things. I'm sure if she's shitty enough to steal money from you then you are probably shitty enough to have given her a phone so take that away from her and all electronics in general
You ended up a commie.
You're really not a good person if it ended up with you on Jow Forums, defending child abuse.
Drive her to the nearest nigger ghetto and throw her out of the car, that will learn her
Take all the shit you ever bought her and lock it up. Calmly tell her that her spitting in your face was really wrong, and you do not support people who are that horrible to you. She cannot leave the house until she learns the lesson and can approach you and talk about it. Give her plenty of love, but also be stern that she hurt you. If that doesn't work, take a drive as farvoutninto the woods as you can and tell her to get out of the car.
She will learn really fucking fast how bad she needs you and be yelling for you to stop and pick her up before you've driven 100 meter.
Not make shit up on the internet I should think
you wanna avoid that at all costs
>t. Knows how to make a roastie into a coal burner with daddy issues.
wow what a fucking cuck, no wonder kids are spoiled today
it sounds like you've already failed as a parent.
Password lock her outta the internet and tell her to pay her own phone bills. Pay her for house chores so she gets used to earning money instead of stealing it like a druggy tramp. We've coddled kids way too hard this generation, they expect everything to fall on their lap and then resort to the laziest methods of securing their short-sighted goals. Time they learned to carry their own eight.
Stick around you'll see it again... and again... don't fall for it.
you mindfuck them with psychological operations and kill them with kindness user
Right, better make it spoiled brat with no understanding of consequences of actions. I am pretty sure girls with daddy issues were not spanked ever. inb4: she turns to be masochist and cums on his knee
Anons right though. We haven't smacked the asses of an entire generation, now look where we are.
13 is a bit old for smacking OP. Throw her off a cliff.
Combine both.
Hand slap for theft or grabbing, spanking otherwise.
Then sit and explain what they did was wrong.
>Show her you love her. That doesn't mean spoil her. There absolutely is a time to physically discipline your child, but I think that understanding the root causes of why she did what she did, can help you in making sure it doesn't happen again.
You can do this when they are younger, but at 13 they will just laugh at you.
>child abuse
how is hitting someone one time to make sure they remember a lesson child abuse?
the world is becoming more and more sensitive.
Spank her in front of a hidden camera. Don't make it bare bottom, and tell her what she did wrong and why she is being punished and not to do it again. Sit on a chair and bend her over your knee when you spank her. Treat her like she's a little child again.
Then once you have the video uploaded on a computer, show her the video, and tell her if she ever does this shit again, you're going to email it to all her friends or send it to their social media accounts. She will never touch your wallet again. If she does try, then send it out.
1st offense: take away things precious to her. Internet, cellphone, computer, etc. Explain that next time you're shaving her head and she can go to school looking like a freak.
2nd offense: shave her head. Explain that next time will be worse.
Or she turns to selling her body to pakis for beer and some cash.
rape her
because no other kid tries to steal money. literally every fucking kid tries it atleast once.
> wanting advice from a bunch of sour incel virgins
Withold cummies for one night
maybe, depending how far her school is, make her walk. assuming he doesnt walk already.
You niggers are using the terms wrong.
+ reinforce - introduction of positive stimulus to coax good behavior
- reinforcement - removal of negative stimuli to reward good behavior
+ punishment- adding an unpleasant stimuli to deter bad behavior
- punishment - removing a pleasant stimulus to deter behavior
Spanking is positive punishment.
> t. Psychmajor
make her suck your cock and poast video
whatever. my point still stands.
If she spat on you, meet brutish behavior with brutish behavior and spank her. Of course, use other forms of negative or positive reinforcement besides physical punishment as physical punishment is not necessarily ideal for driving the point home. But at 13, honestly, you'd be lucky if you teach her any lesson by punishing her. She should not be spitting on you at 13.
Then she isn't your problem anymore. Conveniently nigger off and disappear.
A, A, A-user-kun, you don’t happen to like little girlies do you desuka?
>What should i do Jow Forums?
stick her ass in juvie, send her to school with crack in her pocket and call the cops on her, tell the cops you suspect some dirtbag kid in the school
This, don’t listen to memeflag faghots saying otherwise
>"-Honey, stealing is bad you know..."
>"-But are you going to stop me ?"
>"-... no, of course"
>"-Good. Now give that wallet, bitch"
"Alright, get your shoes on, we're going to courthouse, you can ask your new foster parents for money."
Kick her out, done to one of my kids.
Kid is 13 and you are just now asking about discipline tactics? Little late to the parenting party you fucking idiot.
Put her through a fuckin glass shower door, turn the water on and throw a 20$ on her
You’re a fucking commie they fucked up lmao
It's okay to spank your daughters bare ass until she's 16. After that it gets a little weird...
You have to use both. Light spanking well explaining why an action/belief is wrong and immoral. Children are naturally immoral idiots most of which before late teen years haven't fully developed morally or learned how a civilized/polite world works yet. So just saying it won't really work on most children. Unless the kid is brighter then most and gets it its just not gonna cut it.
Hit that little cunt.
Implying you wouldnt get hard if you could spank a 15 year olds nice ass
You could do this with a son as well. Pre-teens think you're uncool, and are going to challenge your power. They don't want to be made to look like an impotent child in front of their friends. If you punish them in this way, they know their friends will make fun of them for it and share the video to other people to laugh at them. It's far worse than spanking a child of that age.
you dun goofed from the start. If you were reasonable with her and had good contact with her, that would never have happened and violence wouldn't be needed.
She's thirteen, not a fucking idiot. She doesn't need a "lesson" on why "stealing is wrong" or why you shouldn't spit on your father, she knows exactly what she was doing. That's a laughable solution fit for children and not teens.
Spit? Wow, good luck.
>thinks punishment is interchangeable with negative reinforcement
You're a retarded charlatan
yeah, that's why I said OP dun goofed. You shape them when they're kids. When they're teenagers it's tenfold harder.
You don't fix a house after it catches fire. You prevent it from catching fire in the first place.
She's 13 and acting like a little bitch - you fucked up 8 years ago. It's too late now. Enjoy the next 5 miserable years, then disown her.
There's no way someone from serbia would ask this or find himself into that situation.
Post feet and/or piss flaps.
you need a family hardship
im sure you cound manufacture something
got any friends that could come ransack your place while nobodys home?
Slap her in the face. Multiple times.
Though at this point you’ve already failed if your daughter is enough of a brat to spit in your face. End yourself cuck
And this is why I advocate for homeschooling (as a teacher myself). Students are becoming more and more toxic. A bad place to gamble your children's futures away.
make her wear a burqa
beat the everloving shit out of her
My 16 year old daughter called me stupid the other morning so I back handed her right in the mouth. She went to school and told the counselor. They ended up telling her she deserved it.
you've already failed. should have homeschooled her.
You need to pound her pussy to assert dominance
She's spitting in your face? She is a lost cause, you may as well just let her run away and become a prostitute now.
as a educator of 18 to 30s yos
i can confirm
You failed her, you fool. The thought of stealing wouldn't even come to my kids minds, and my oldest is 14. I also trust them with my guns and my 14 year old has her own .22 as well. You need to revaluate your life and how you raise your child.
young teen daughters are a fucking nightmare. if shes normal she will be feeling regret and fear over her actions just as much as anyone would be. The trick is to give her an outlet for this and repentance, otherwise she will keep going living in constant fear but with no escape.
>What should i do Jow Forums?
In addition to keeping her from using her phone and EVERY other piece of technology aside from electricity and a lamp in her room? Not a whole lot. Give her a stack of books, and ground her. No tv, internet, cell phones etc for a month. girls are easy to fix. They will sheep in line after a few weeks.
I, too, post things that didn't happen
whoop dat bitch real good nomsayin
I'm assuming you don't live in Commiefornia or some liberal hellhole. They would have contacted the cops or child services real fast.
The fact that your daughter told another "authority" about that is shitty though, given the potential consequences.
fuck her in the ass and mouth
that'll teach her
it's how we do it in Canada
It isn't.
Just raise her right from the start and don't go hitting people to resolve conflicts.
Feet would be awesome
Teach her where money comes from? And the skills to produce income for herself so she doesn't resort to stealing or selling herself
You can just beat her
It's your child, but she is our people. Make the right choice
>no mention of OP being a slav
The bitch is brainwashed by western culture, entitled to money from young age, OP giving her measly 2 coin is the ultimate insult to her female ego, she deserves more, she blames you and your country for being poor, shes the typical woman, nothing you can do
Tag der Harke can't come soon enough
“Jajajaja anonnette remember when your dad caught us sneaking out so he made us take his cummies and then he sent it to everyone?? Boy I’m never sneaking out again that’s for sure”